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Greater Lincolnshire LEP EU Structural and Investment Fund Strategy – 2014 - 2020 November 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "Greater Lincolnshire LEP EU Structural and Investment Fund Strategy – 2014 - 2020 November 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 Greater Lincolnshire LEP EU Structural and Investment Fund Strategy – 2014 - 2020 November 2013

2 Purpose To update the Heritage Sector on the EU SIF Proposals for 2014 - 2020, and how best to prepare organisations, so they can interact with the process To update the Heritage Sector on what is happening at present

3 What is the LEP? The Greater Lincolnshire Local Enterprise Partnership (LEP) works with Government to improve the economic climate across Lincolnshire, North Lincolnshire and North East Lincolnshire. One of the first LEPs to be established in the UK, it is a partnership between the private and public sector - led by the private sector. Its aim is to improve infrastructure and the conditions for doing business. The organisation works across a diverse range of industries, from ports, logistics and farming to tourism and engineering.

4 EU Structural & Investment Funds The GLLEP has a confirmed allocation of £123 million, with high annual spend profiles, over the 6 year programme Hiding the wiring – identifying what projects/programmes of activity meet EU specifications Delivery of outputs and VFM vs what is right for our local area – importance of relationship with Managing Agents SIF to identify sources of match funding - summarise local sources of public, private, other government programmes Average grant intervention rate likely to be 60%

5 What do we know so far? Strategic Economic Plan (SEP) submitted at the end of March 2014 - A draft was submitted on 19 th December 2013. The final version of the EU SIF strategy submitted to government at the end of January 2014. These two documents form the backcloth to the government's growth deal with the LEP – and therefore access to EU, single local growth fund, and other monies

6 What do we need to concentrate on? Making sure that there are sufficient hooks in the strategies, to enable projects to come ahead at a later date. This requires a balance between strategic development, and project understanding In order for delivery to be successful, a strong relationship between the LEP and its various partners is essential. Strong relationships will lead to richer strategies, which reflect priorities, and smooth the transition from strategy to delivery

7 What needs to be thought about? Identifying how the Heritage Sector can work with emerging projects ideas Summarise how these fit with LEP and other local plans Ensuring that there is a clear communication route between the LEP, with the Heritage Sector and partners, on this issue

8 Key Points to Observe Need to understand that SEP and EU funding is to support jobs and growth, particularly around sectors Tourism projects, (and subsequently heritage projects), are not necessarily favoured by the EU In addition to any geographical element, there will be a strong sectoral and thematic focus, which the LEP will be keen to prioritise

9 Timeline – from this point EU Funding – still waiting upon feedback from government However it is looking unlikely that any tendered activity will start before January 2015, at the earliest

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