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ESL Program Area Updates

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1 ESL Program Area Updates
Linda Long Pennsylvania Department of Education Division of Curriculum February 6, 2014

2 Mission for the Education of ELLs
Provide for the maintenance and support of a thorough and efficient system of education which includes the provision of quality, culturally responsive, and equitable educational programs for English language learners and assurance of their appropriate participation in all aspects of the educational system. Ensure that its programs will address the needs and rights of English language learners in all its initiatives throughout the entire process of planning and implementation.

3 Vision for the Education of ELLs
Promotes the recognition of English language learners and their parents as cultural and linguistic assets to the Commonwealth’s global initiatives. Is committed to using its Standards Aligned System to ensure that English language learners receive core curriculum instruction and achieve high levels of academic success.

4 Contents ESL Program Requirements LEP Data
Annual Assessment of English Proficiency Reporting Requirements Program Evaluation LEP Data PIMS March 7 ELL- ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection LEP Data Collection ESL Professional Development ACCESS for ELLs Assessment New for Resources for LEAs Title III & Accountability PDE Monitoring of Title III Subgrantees USDOE’s Monitoring of PDE’s Implementation of Title III Part A Technical Assistance

5 Basic Education Circular
The purpose of this circular is to provide local education agencies (LEAs) with the requirements and interpretations of the legal mandates governing the education of students with Limited English Proficiency (LEP), also known as English Language Learners (ELLs). The information included will be useful in designing, staffing, and evaluating effective programs for ELLs. To access the BEC on the PDE website, click on the link: _codes/7501/educating_students_with_limited_english_profic iency_(lep)_and_english_language_learners_(ell)/507356

6 ESL Program Requirements

7 Annual Assessment of ELLs
The annual state ELP assessment of ELLs is required by federal law. 20 U.S.C. §§ 6311(b)(7), 6826(b)(3)(C),(d)(2) The State ELP assessment must be administered annually to measure progress and/or attainment of the student’s English language proficiency for each language domain, i.e., reading, writing, speaking and listening.

8 Reporting Requirements
LEAs are required to complete the Pennsylvania Information Management System (PIMS) and the Limited English Proficient (LEP SYTEM) annually. PIMS and the LEP SYSTEM provide data and information on student numbers, teachers, 22 Pa. Code §4.26, and Title III . PIMS March 7 ELL-ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection March 7-14, 2014 LEP System Data Collection March 3-31, 2014

9 Program Evaluation Each LEA must periodically evaluate its language instructional program to ensure all components are aligned and working effectively to facilitate the acquisition of the English language and academic achievement defined by the PA academic standards. Data reported to LEAs from state level assessments of ELP and academic achievement (ACCESS for ELLs® and PSSA) must be used in program review and improvement.

10 Opportunities for ELLs and their Educators
Re-envision the education of ELLs Re-define language acquisition and proficiency to include academic literacy Re-examine your program Re-align curriculum, instruction, and assessments Resources: Effective ESL Programs: Meeting the Challenges and Embracing the Opportunities (August 21, 2013 webinar) Recording and power point available on the ESL Portal at the link below: ESL Tool Kit ( then ESL Toolkit) Program Development, then Board Approved ESL Policy Data Systems, then Program Evauation

11 eMetric Data Interaction Tool
Includes ACCESS for ELLs data E-metric is a dynamic online data tool that houses assessment results and LEA/student data for the WIDA Consortium’s English language proficiency assessment, ACCESS for ELLs. Please note: This tool is accessible only through a secure website ( and users are reminded of the confidentiality of the system. Permission to access this data tool comes through the superintendent or program administrator. Superintendents/program administrators may contact for user ID and password information.

12 ACCESS for ELLs Growth Charts
Measuring growth helps you see how far students have come compared to where they started. Planning opportunities for language learning and utilizing strengths in one domain to support other domains. Helps look at trends or patterns to make improvements Resources: Focus on Growth (attached) WIDA Percentile Growth Charts (attached) #scores Annual subscription available for ACCESS for ELLs Growth Reports to show district- and school-level growth trends. Your students’ English language proficiency (ELP) growth over two years is compared to the growth of students WIDA-wide. Contact Metritech at (WIDA Support)

13 LEP Data Collection

14 Data Related to LEP Students
Accurate data is essential for federal reporting, accountability and data analysis purposes LEAs are responsible to report accurate data to PIMS and LEP System LEAs’ signature on Accuracy Certification Statement (ACS) attests that the data contained in PIMS or LEP System is true and accurate

15 2013-2014 Required LEP Data Collections
Detailed calendar can be accessed on the PDE Website in Programs >> Programs O-R >> PIMS - Pennsylvania Information Management System. at: Data Collected Window Templates Required Purpose Impact Student Data October District Snapshot School Enrollment Programs Fact Student Student Snapshot Collects data on LEP students in programs designed for LEP students. This data is used for federal reporting purposes. Title III LEP & Immigrant Children & Youth funding determined by this report PreCode November Program Fact Provides student precode labels for the ACCESS for ELLs, Alternate ACCESS for ELLs, PSSA and Keystone test booklets. Labels for WIDA ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs assessments are generated from this collection. ACCESS for ELLs Reporting Collection March 7-14, 2014 District Fact Collects data on LEP and Title III LEP students who are administered the ACCESS for ELLs English Language Proficiency Assessment during the ACCESS for ELLs test window. This snapshot is used for federal reporting purposes and for accountability purposes. Collects counts of Title III nonpublic students served. This data is used to determine Title III allocations. ACCESS Test Files are matched to reported LEP students. Test booklets that do not match demographic data in PIMS are invalidated for federal reporting and accountability purposes. Data MUST be accurate. Failure to report a count of nonpublic students served may negatively impact Title III funding. LEP System March 3-31, 2014 NA Application is online and accessed through the PDE Portal. Collects data on LEP students in programs designed for LEP students. This data is used for federal reporting purposes and program compliance monitoring. Based on compliance reviews, PDE provides technical assistance to LEAs. ELL End of Year Count June Collects data on LEP, ICY, and Title III students who were enrolled in a school at any time during the school year. This snapshot is used for federal reporting purposes. Reported to Congress. Impacts federal decisions concerning policy and funding for LEP and Immigrant students.

16 PIMS ELL-ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection
NEW: see Testing Schedule and Special Instructions for PA Guidance for reporting students who withdraw during the testing window Guidance for reporting students who transfer during the testing window Guidance for reporting students who newly enroll during the testing window New Program Codes

17 LEP System Data Collection
NEW: Transfer of data elements to PIMS (qualitative) Deleted from LEP Moved to PIMS Nonpublic student counts October 1 Enrollment Snapshot (district fact template) Type of Bilingual/ESL Instruction (core) November Precode Upload (programs fact) Language of Bilingual Instruction (core) Chapter 4.26 ELL End of Year (district fact) Type of Bilingual/ESL Instruction (Supplemental Title III) Language of Bilingual Instruction (Supplemental Title III) Budget for Core ESL Program Assessments for Entry, Ongoing, Exit Current and Estimated teacher Counts

18 LEP System Data Collection
NEW: Remaining data elements in LEP (narrative) LEP System Supervisor screen Title III activities conducted screen Program questions screen Evaluation questions screen

19 Professional Development

20 2013-2014 ESL Professional Development Plan
LEP Data—by PDE staff and WIDA PD Specialists Title III—by ESL TA Facilitators and PDE staff Improvement Planning—by ESL TA Facilitators, PDE staff, WIDA PD Specialists Assessment—by PDE staff and WIDA PD Specialists Instructional Practice —by PDE staff, ESL TA Facilitators, and WIDA PD Specialists Event descriptions and registration are available at

21 Data Collection Webinars
Target Audience: PIMS Administrators, PIMS Coordinators, District Test Facilitators Collection Date Topic Enrollment September 17, 18, 24, October 3 PIMS Enrollment Snapshot Training Precode November 4, 5 PIMS PSSA/ACCESS for ELLs Precode Training ACCESS February 19, 25 PIMS ACCESS for ELLs Snapshot Training LEP February 27 LEP System Data Collection Training End of Year June 10, 18 ESL End of Year Snapshot Training

22 Title III Webinar Series
Target Audience: Title III subgrantees and consortia The following recorded webinars and powerpoints are available on the ESL Portal at : Title III Application and Approved Activities Title III Requirements for Translation/Interpretation, Equitable Services for Nonpublic Students, Supplement v. Supplant Title III Requirements for Effective Applications, Use of Immigrant Children and Youth Funds, and Parental Engagement Title III Monitoring & Compliance Review Date Time Topic May 8, 2014 10 am-12 pm 1:30-3:30 pm Effective Instruction for Students with Limited or Interrupted Formal Education September 25, 2013 eMetric Data Interaction Tool for ACCESS for ELLs Basic User September 24 January 21 Advanced User November 19 March 25 3-4pm TransACT: An overview of the Online Tool for Compliance and Parent Notification

23 ACCESS for ELLs Assessment

24 2013-2014 Testing Schedule Task Start Date End Date
LEA Test Administrator Training Window -- 01/26/14 LEAs Order Test Materials 11/11/13 12/13/13 PIMS Precode Data Collection period for ACCESS for ELLs® 11/14/13 11/28/13 LEAs Receive Test Materials 01/13/14 Test Window 01/27/14 03/07/14 Order Additional Materials Deadline 02/21/14 PIMS ACCESS for ELLS Data Collection Snapshot Date PIMS ACCESS for ELLs Data Collection Period 03/14/14 LEAs Ship Completed Materials to MetriTech MetriTech Data Validation website open for corrections 04/22/14 04/25/14 PIMS ACCESS for ELLs Correction Window PIMS ACCESS for ELLs data corrections (only for LEAs notified by PDE) 05/12/14 05/15/14 Reports Shipped to District* Week of 06/09/14* *Subject to change depending on timeliness of materials returned to Metritech and accuracy of demographic data in PIMS & Metritech.

25 NEW for 2014: Test Administrator Certification Requirements
All test administrators must certify or recertify on the group module, which addresses the significant changes to the administration and delivery of the listening component. Training requirements for 2014 test administration must be completed between October 7, 2013 and January 26,

26 NEW for 2014: Alternate ACCESS for ELLs
Alternate ACCESS for ELLs will be operational in PA for administration during the 2014 ACCESS for ELLs Testing Window (January 27—March 7, 2013) Alternate ACCESS is designed for ELL students who are significantly cognitively impaired Professional development webinar took place November 7, Recording and materials posted in ESL Toolkit under the Assessment tab, Summative Assessment: Penn*Link was released January 2, 2014 Alternate Access needs to have a test administrator that works well with and knows the student-

27 Support for LEAs LEAs Professional Development
Administering ACCESS for ELLs Kindergarten Administering ACCESS for ELLs Grades 1-12 Administering Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Test Ordering, Administrative, and Security Procedures Documents 2014 Administration of ACCESS for ELLs and Alternate ACCESS for ELLs 2014 ACCESS for ELLs Test Ordering Pennsylvania Criteria to Determine Participation in the Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Alternate ACCESS for ELLs Test Administrator Eligibility Requirements Available on the ESL Portal ( within the ESL Toolkit, under the Assessment tab, in Summative Assessments.

28 ACCESS 2.0 2013-14 Field Test March 1-June 30, 2014
Administer 1 domain (reading) 2 hour administration per grade cluster Selected LEAs identified by CAL and WIDA to participate have been contacted Additional LEAs may volunteer to participate in the field test Training webinars: December February 2014 Contact Paula White at ACCESS 2.0 Field Test webpage: Fully Operational

29 PSSA & Keystone Exams Link to accommodations guidelines, power points, updates, calculator policies, calendar: PSSA Assessments munity/state_assessment_system/20965/pennsylv ania_system_of_school_assessment_(pssa)/ Keystone Exams munity/state_assessment_system/20965/keystone _exams/

30 Title III & Accountability

31 Accountability Based on AMAO Status Reports and AMAO Status Reports 5 subgrantees in 2 year AMAO IP AMAO Improvement Plan Development: Notification of the Requirement to develop and implement an AMAO Improvement Plan based on preliminary AMAO Status Reports—January 2013 Professional development—March 2013 Submission of AMAO Improvement Plan—May 2013 Submission of Assurance Statement--June 2013 Release of AMAO Status Reports—July 2013 Implementation of plans & continued technical assistance Attend Data Retreat—April 2013 or March 2014 Complete Progress Check—February 2014 Ongoing implementation & evaluation—August 2014

32 (ESEA Flexibility Frequently Asked Questions Addendum, March 5, 2013)
Accountability ESEA Flexibility Waiver targets In a State that received a waiver of the requirement to make AYP determinations, an LEA is still held accountable for AMAO 3. However, that accountability is now based on whether the subgroup of English Learners met its AMOs for reading/language arts and mathematics, the 95% participation rate requirement, and, if the LEA includes one or more high schools, the State’s graduation rate goal or annual target. (ESEA Flexibility Frequently Asked Questions Addendum, March 5, 2013) AMAO 1 and 2 N count is 11 (decreased from 40) AMAO 3 Indicators: Participation (95% for ELL subgroup) 4 year graduation rate cohort (85% or 10 % improvement) Percentage advanced/proficient of aggregate reading/Keystone literature for ELL subgroup (will include flep monitors 1 and 2, if their inclusion raises score) Percentage advanced/proficient of aggregate math/Algebra 1 for ELL subgroup (will include flep monitors 1 and 2, if their inclusion raises score) Targets: percent advanced/proficient in mathematics: 29.3% percent advanced/proficient in reading: 16.8% AMAO Status Reports pending

33 Title III Monitoring by Division of Federal Programs
February—May 2014 Focus on Consortia (Intermediate Units)

34 Title III Monitoring USDOE will monitor PDE’s oversight of Title III Part A Scheduled for week of September 22-26, 2014. 2-3 subgrantees/consortia will be monitored by USDOE as part of this process. For subgrantees/consortia it will involve: On site visit Submission of documentation 1 month prior to visit Selected LEAs will be notified and planning conference calls with PDE will be scheduled

35 Technical Assistance

36 ESL Technical Assistance Protocol
Level #1: ESL Toolkit Level #2: IU ESL Contact Level #3: ESL Technical Assistance Coordinator Level #4: PDE

37 ESL Toolkit dynamic, user-friendly, readily available, centralized, online repository of information and resources regarding mandated supports and programming for English language learners legal references model documents and forms recommended strategies and tools PDE guidance and communications timetables and contact information links to additional resources Accessible on the ESL Portal at DID you know…. Resources for 2014 administration of ACCESS for ELLs (Assessment tab, then Summative Assessments) Resources for LEP System, PIMS Collections, Program Evaluation (Data Systems and Program Evaluation)

38 ESL Technical Assistance Coordinator
After October 1, 2013 the provision of technical assistance with primary focus on priority schools and those Local Educational Agencies (LEAs) in Title III AMAO Improvement working with PDE staff to develop and implement ESL training opportunities and supportive resource materials support PDE staff by providing technical assistance, conducting site visits, coordinating professional development opportunities, gathering information and producing ESL tools and resources to assist in the provision of instruction to English Language Learners (ELLs).

39 PDE Staff Division of Curriculum Division of Federal Programs
Linda Long | State Title III Director ESL/Bilingual Education Advisor Tami Shaffer l Education Administration Associate Division of Federal Programs Jesse Fry | Regional Coordinator

40 NEW for Bilingual/ESL Program models are reported in PIMS in the programs fact template. Program codes are listed and described in PIMS Manual volume 2 appendix F. Collaboration between ESL Program Coordinators and PIMS Coordinators is essential.

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