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Teaching LEP Students Sarah Brackenhoff November 11, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Teaching LEP Students Sarah Brackenhoff November 11, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Teaching LEP Students Sarah Brackenhoff November 11, 2014

2 Objectives  Today, you will be able to understand what a LEP student looks like, signs to watch for in the classroom, and learn techniques to better teach them.

3 Terms:  LEP – L imited E nglish P roficiency  ESL – E nglish as a S econd L anguage  TESOL – T eaching E nglish to S peakers of O ther L anguages (Teaching)

4 Characteristics of LEP Students

5 AGE (Sulzberger)

6 Enrollment (Sulzberger)

7 PLACES (Sulzberger)

8 Example  Maria:  Is a 2 nd grader in your classroom  Was born in the USA  Parents came from Costa Rica and only speak Spanish in the home  Can speak English with classmates, but struggles in school Would She qualify as an LEP student?

9 What to Watch for in the Classroom

10 SILENT TIME (Sulzberger)

11 TRANSLATION “es mas guapa” “is more prettier” (Sulzberger)

12 What normally happens when a younger LEP student is introduced into the classroom?

13 What is the difference between conversational and academic language?

14 Things to Consider

15 > 12 (Teaching)

16 Teaching LEP Students in a Normal Classroom


18 Different Ways of Teaching

19 VISUAL AIDS HANDS ON (Short, Teaching)

20 Other Ways to Help  Verbally state objectives  Model correct English  Outline lecture  Give extra time  Create routines  Have bilingual dictionary  Write legibly (Short, Teaching)

21 What is the most efficient way for a teacher to explain information to all students?

22 What are some specific ways for LEP students?

23 Example  You are informed you are adding a student, Diana, to your classroom who is from Congo and does not speak much English

24 Activity   Question :  How could we as teachers use this information to help educate ourselves and our classrooms? (Nwosu)

25 References Nwosu, C., Batalova, J., & Auclair, G. (2014, April 28). Frequently Requested Statistics on Immigrants and Immigration in the United States. Retrieved October 14, 2014. Short, D. (1991). Integrating Language and Content Instruction: Strategies and Techniques. Retrieved October 3, 2014. Teaching Limited English Proficiency Students. (2005, March 1). Retrieved September 15, 2014. Sulzberger, L. A. (2013, June). W&M School of Education - Accessing the English Language: Limited English Proficient Students and Learning Disabilities. Retrieved September 23, 2014.

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