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Mark Kleinman Assistant Director Economic and Business Policy Unit Greater London Authority GLA'S EMPLOYER- LED APPRENTICESHIPS CREATION PROGRAMME.

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Presentation on theme: "Mark Kleinman Assistant Director Economic and Business Policy Unit Greater London Authority GLA'S EMPLOYER- LED APPRENTICESHIPS CREATION PROGRAMME."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mark Kleinman Assistant Director Economic and Business Policy Unit Greater London Authority GLA'S EMPLOYER- LED APPRENTICESHIPS CREATION PROGRAMME

2 AGENDA 12.15 Welcome and Introduction 12.25 London’s Apprenticeship Campaign 12.35 Employer-led Apprenticeship Programme Statement of Requirements 12.50 Q&A 13.15 Lunch & Networking

3 London is the powerhouse of the UK Economy Highly skilled labour force Specialisation in the service sector LONDON’S ECONOMIC STRENGTHS


5 Apprenticeship Campaign Growth Deal European Structural Investment Fund Devolution THE YEAR AHEAD


7 KEY LEP PROGRAMMES £678m European Funds £55m FE Capital £65m also provisionally agreed 16/17 £70m NHB with London boroughs £1500 to £3000 AGE Grant £5m digital skills £1.2m to mental health Pilot £10m ESA Work Programme Leavers Pilot Single and Integrated Apprenticeship offer for London

8 Kevin Hoctor Principle Policy Officer Economic and Business Policy Unit Greater London Authority LONDON’S APPRENTICESHIP CAMPAIGN

9 Pre-2010, London apprenticeship starts <21,000 (& much lower) and less than rest of the country. Key “non traditional” sectors e.g finance & business services) with few apprentices and their large firms (1,000+ employees) no apprentices. Mayor identified need to drive up employer demand via business engagement and set target of 100,000+ new apprenticeship starts 2010-2012. ORIGINS OF THE CAMPAIGN

10 NAS & GLA led a campaign to drive up apprenticeship numbers in London. Targeted Mayoral letter campaign with large employers (1,000+ employees), followed by meetings, and guidance through the process. Key message - apprenticeships could generate real business benefits (productivity, retention, loyalty etc.) BIG BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT

11 Over 100,000 Apprenticeships created by 2012 and then Mayor’s 250,000 Manifesto target set.

12 ADDITIONAL ACTIVITY Extensive marketing, events, promotion, press, advertising and work with partners. 1000 apprenticeships across GLA Group/supply chain. 30% London apprentices travel concession. Support NAW, apprenticeship awards, Skills London. Pilot of doubling national SME AGE grant incentive for part of 2013 (£1.5k-3k).

13 Annual starts decline (following national trend)? Numbers in London double pre-2010 levels. 2012 ONWARDS

14 STRATEGY GOING FORWARD Increased focus on SMEs, including: SME focused ‘University of Work’ marketing campaign. Doubling of the AGE grant for SMEs to £3,000 in 2015. Employer Led Apprenticeship Creation Programme.

15 Focus on Higher Apprenticeships (LEP seeking allocation for 2,500 Higher Apprenticeships 14/15 & 15/16) Apprenticeship Information Ambassadors Network – information sessions in schools to promote apprenticeships to young people. Careers Service – Working with Prospects to ensure this meets London’s needs. 2014-20 European Funds – Extending the careers offer for young people, pre- apprenticeship support, work experience, basic skills training. STRATEGY GOING FORWARD

16 James Spacey Senior Policy Officer Economic and Business Policy Unit Greater London Authority ELACP STATEMENT OF REQUIREMENTS

17 ‘GLA is seeking employers or sector bodies to propose solutions to engage employers to create new apprenticeship opportunities within their existing network of employers and or supply chains’ EMPLOYER-LED APPRENTICESHIPS CREATION PROGRAMME

18 FUNDING OPPORTUNITY Total funding available: £1.8m, potentially increased to £2.8m subject to LEP approval. The GLA is seeking to award multiple grants up to a maximum of £400,000 per applicant. Delivery Period: March 2015 – May 2016.

19 Proposals should set out the approach for engaging businesses of varying size and sector. Proposals should include an explanation of how applicants will use existing resources to promote new opportunities BUSINESS ENGAGEMENT

20 Delivery Models should detail the process that will be put in place in order to identify an approved apprenticeship training provider(s). Delivery Models should outline the approach to engaging with key referral agencies to identify and to recruit prospective apprenticeship candidates. PARTNERSHIP APPROACH

21 Proposals should detail the intended approach for; 1) Identifying and providing support to suitable prospective apprentices. 2) The approach for identifying and signposting unsuitable apprentice candidates to alternative progression routes. 3) The intended post interview support for unsuccessful applicants. APPRENTICESHIP CANDIDATE SUPPORT

22 PAYMENT MODEL Payment by results. Advance of 10% available. Advance reclaimable against the achievement of Business Engaged and Apprentice Candidate Support Outputs Match Funding

23 OUTPUTS AND OUTCOMES OutputsLimit Number of Businesses engaged and provided with an Organisational Needs Analysis A maximum of 20% of the project cost Number of individuals provided with ‘Apprenticeships Candidate Support’ (either through one-to-one support and/ or support provided through attendance at workshops) A maximum of 20% of the project cost OutcomesLimit Apprenticeship StartsA maximum of 30% of the project cost Apprenticeships SustainedA maximum of 30% of the project cost

24 OUTCOMES VS BUDGET Total BudgetOutcome Volumes £1.8m 3600 Apprentice Starts / Sustained for 13 weeks £2.8m 5600 Apprentice Starts / Sustained for 13 weeks

25 One stage procurement process. The Application Form is divided into sections; –Section A – Due Diligence –Section B – Scored Questions Applicants will be able to submit questions for clarification to the GLA until 18 December 2014. All submitted questions and the GLA responses will be published on the GLA website for the benefit of all applicants APPLICATION PROCESS

26 Full application includes; –Application form –Outputs and Outcomes Funding Calculator –Risk Assessment Template –Delivery Milestone Template –Due Diligence information Deadline is 12:00 Monday 12 th January 2015. APPLICATION PROCESS

27 MilestoneDate Launch of programme ‘Statement of Requirements’ and application process 24-Nov-14 Market warming / networking opportunity 28-Nov-14 Deadline for final clarification questions18-Dec-14 Deadline for applications12-Jan-15 Scoring /Clarification interviews (If required)12 - 30 January 2015 Notification of application outcomew/c 2 February 2015 Grant Awardw/c 16 February 2015 Delivery startw/c 2 March 2015 Delivery finish31-May-16 PROCUREMENT TIMETABLE

28 The URL for the ELACP funding opportunity webpage is: business/apprenticeships/elacp-funding-opportunity Slides from today’s presentation, Summary of the Q&A available on GLA will be on the GLA website The email address to use if you have questions during the application process is WEBLINK AND NEXT STEPS


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