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Improving Academics through Language Acquisition Presented by: Elizabeth Suman.

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1 Improving Academics through Language Acquisition Presented by: Elizabeth Suman


3 Definition “The validation and affirmation of the home culture and home language for the purposes of building and bridging the student to success in the culture of academia and mainstream society. Simply put, CLR is going to where the students are culturally and linguistically for the aim of bringing them where they need to be academically. Metaphorically, CLR is the opposite of the sink and swim approach to teaching and learning.” Sharrocky Hollie PhD

4 Components You can define it Something that you are not that you do You are not confused about your identity You know who you are serving or not serving You don’t celebrate Black History Month Practice every day in every way


6 How many of these acronyms can you identify? ELL LEP FLEP ESOL ESL TESOL LAB-R L1 L2 HLQ BICS CALP SIOP LEAP SIFE NYSESLAT



9 Types of programs RCSD has for LEP/ELL students Free Standing ESOL : This is the type of program we have at School #41 Bilingual: Spanish/English LEAP (Learning through English Academic Program) : It’s a self- contained class for LEP/ELLs who are newcomers.

10 What does Free Standing ESOL at School #41 Look Like? Can be push-in or pull-out: I do pull-out only Students are grouped together by grade level and language ability which is determined by the NYSESLAT score The NYSESLAT is given every May and includes 4 parts: Speaking, Listening, Reading and Writing. It is also given by grade level: K-1, 2- 4, 5-6, 7-8, and 9-12. NYSESLAT scores are either Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced or Proficient(When a student reaches proficient, they exit the program)

11 Free Standing ESOL at School #41 Cont. According to the NYS regulations for ESOL found in CR Part 154, beginning and intermediate students should receive 70 minutes of ESOL a day and advance students should receive 35 minutes a day. Currently all of my students are receiving 35 minutes of ESOL a day due to my being stretched so thin between three schools. ESOL focuses on building all four language skills: reading, writing, listening and speaking Lessons are alligned with what their classroom teachers are teaching ELL/LEP students also receive test accommodations which include: separate location, extended time, and listening passage read three times.


13 Language Development Basics BICS (Basic Interpersonal Communicative Skills) 1- 2 yrs. to develop CALP (Cognitive Academic Language Proficiency) 5-7 yrs. to develop


15 Stages of Language Acquisition StageCharacteristicsApproximate Time Frame Teacher Prompts PreproductionThe student: Has minimal comprehension Does not verbalize Nods “Yes” and “No” Draws and points 0-6 Months Show me... Circle the... Where is...? Who has...? Early Production The student: Has limited comprehension Produces one- or two-word responses Participates using key words and familiar phrases Uses present-tense verbs 6 Months- 1 year Yes/no questions Either/or questions One- or two-word answers Lists Labels Speech Emergence The student : Has good comprehension Can produce simple sentences Makes grammar and pronunciation errors Frequently misunderstands jokes 1-3 years Why...? How...? Explain... Phrase or short- sentence answers Intermediate Fluency The student : Has excellent comprehension Makes few grammatical errors 3-5 years What would happen if...? Why do you think...? Advanced Fluency The student has a near-native level of speech. 5-7 years Decide if... Retell...


17 Activity Can you read the story The Traveler? This is how students with lack of CALP see the reading tasks we give them. What can we do to make something like more meaningful? One way to do it is through the SIOP model.

18 SIOP (Sheltered Instruction Observation Protocol) Lesson Preparation Building Background Comprehensible Input Strategies Interaction Practice/Application Lesson Delivery Review/Assessment

19 Lesson Preparation Content Objective Language Objective Content concepts appropriate Supplementary Materials Adaptation of content to all levels Meaningful Activities

20 Building Background Concepts explicitly linked to students’ background experiences Links explicitly made between past learning and new concepts Key vocabulary

21 Comprehensible Input Speech appropriate for students’ proficiency level Clear explanations A variety of techniques used to make content concepts clear

22 Strategies Ample opportunities provided for students to use learning strategies Scaffolding Techniques A variety of tasks that promote higher order thinking skills

23 Interaction Frequent opportunities for interaction and discussion Grouping configurations Sufficient wait time for student responses Ample opportunities for students to clarify concepts in L1

24 Practice/Application Hands-on materials and/or manipulatives Apply content and language knowledge Activities integrate all language skills (reading, writing, listening and speaking)

25 Lesson Delivery Content Objectives clearly supported Language Objectives clearly supported Students engaged approximately 90%-100% of the time Appropriate Pacing

26 Review/Assessment Review of key vocabulary Review of key content concepts Regular feedback Assessment of student comprehension and learning


28 Some Examples Talk: When it is and is not appropriate to talk in a classroom Personal Space Clothes Materials Male and Female roles Asking questions Entering and Leaving the classroom Classroom movement (group work, amount of movement) Pace, time Different teachers with different expectations

29 Code Switching We speak differently in different situations We need to validate the way our students speak in addition to teaching them standard English Many children don’t know that there is any other way to speak Through literature and the use of role play we can both validate our students’ home language and teach standard English Different registers of language can also be explored in writing

30 Final Thought “Equality means getting what you need, not the same thing”

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