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Acquiring and Integrating Knowledge “Shaping for History” Demonstrate and create opportunities for students to practice using the important variations.

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Presentation on theme: "Acquiring and Integrating Knowledge “Shaping for History” Demonstrate and create opportunities for students to practice using the important variations."— Presentation transcript:

1 Acquiring and Integrating Knowledge “Shaping for History” Demonstrate and create opportunities for students to practice using the important variations of the skill or process.

2 Overview Subject Area – History Curriculum – Industrial Revolution Unit LMP- 10 x LEP’s DoL 2 – Acquiring & Integrating Knowledge – Procedural Knowledge – ‘Shaping’ Pedagogy based on “Constructivist” learning theory.


4 Use chronological sequencing to demonstrate the relationship between events and developments in different periods and places (ACHHS164) Evaluate the reliability and usefulness of primary and secondary sources (ACHHS171) Process and synthesise information from a range of sources for use as evidence in an historical argument. (ACHHS170)


6 What resources to I have? – Australian History Teachers Association – Set text ‘Pearson 9’ – Learners have access to technology (IPAD’s, computers) – Library – Scootle – TES Australia




10 10 LEP’s – LEP’s 1-3 (Industrial Revolution Introduction – Create timelines) – LEP’s 4-6 (Develop evidence examination skills using ADAMANT) – LEP’s 7-10 (Essay Planning and Essay Writing)

11 LEP’s 1-3 Create Timelines Learners may draw a timeline with written events and dates Learners may illustrate events with dates Learners may use technology or apps to construct


13 LEP’s 4-6 Research skills Author (Who? Where they lived) Date (When? Context?) Audience (Who was it for?) Message (What? How to respond) Agenda (Reason? Point of view?) Nature (What form? Eg. Diary) Techniques (How? Eg Language Imagery)

14 *Procedural knowledge can be developed through analysing a range of texts, images, media, writings.

15 Example of work

16 ReferenceNotesQuotes Pearson 9People migrated to cities for work. “The Industrial Revolution created a need for labour-to tend machines in factories, work in coal mines and build transport infrastructure.” Graphic Organisers

17 Apps

18 Early Childhood/Primary example OLDNEW Graphic Organisers

19 LEP’s 7-10 Create focus questions and write short answers using topic sentence Construct Essay Plan Write Introductions & Conclusions Create Topic sentences

20 Shaping Procedural Knowledge for History Step 1 – Demonstrate how to use research techniques to construct timelines of an era. Step 2 – Create opportunities to use research techniques to make sense of evidence. Step 3 – Practice research skills using higher order thinking to create questions, and construct essays. SCAFFLDSSCAFFLDS

21 Reference List O’Donnell, A. (2012). Educational Psychology. Queensland: John Wiley & Sons. Marzano, R. J. & Pickering, D. (1997). Dimensions of Learning Teacher's Manual. Victoria: Hawke Brownlow Education.

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