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Fair Housing, Other Laws and Your CDBG Application Steed Robinson & Glenn Misner  December 4, 2014.

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Presentation on theme: "Fair Housing, Other Laws and Your CDBG Application Steed Robinson & Glenn Misner  December 4, 2014."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fair Housing, Other Laws and Your CDBG Application Steed Robinson & Glenn Misner  December 4, 2014

2 What laws should I cover?  Major laws or regulations that impact your proposed project  Examples  Conflict of Interest  Uniform Act (Acquisition-Relocation)/Section 104(d)  NEPA, Floodplain and Wetland Protection  Historic Preservation (106 Process, Programmatic Agreement)  Davis-Bacon/Labor Standards

3 What laws should I cover? (cont.)  Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH)  Section 3  Limited English Proficiency (LEP), if applicable  Section 504

4 What should I say?  Tell us, on DCA-5, a little about the law and how it applies to your project  Let us know you understand the law  Let us know what steps you are/will be taking to address the law

5 How much should I say?  Two to three sentences up to a paragraph for each applicable law/regulation  Be succinct and complete

6 Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing (AFFH)  Tell us what it means  Demonstrate understanding of Fair Housing Laws  Tell us what Actions are planned  Posters/Public Hearing Agenda (standard)  Other planned Actions

7 Section 3  Tell us what it means  Providing Notice to Section 3 residents and businesses when hiring or contracting opportunities arise  Applies to procurement of professional services (as well as construction contracts)  We will check sole source requests  Follow policy and solicitation package

8 Limited English Proficiency (LEP), if applicable  Tell us what it means  18 Georgia counties meet the DOJ threshold of 5% of population who speak a language at home other than English as their primary language and speak English “not well” or “not at all” (Spanish).

9 Limited English Proficiency (LEP), if applicable

10  Tell us what actions will be taken  Use DCA’s public hearing notices and publish in Spanish  Other actions

11 Section 504  Tell us what it means  Prohibits discrimination based on disability in any program or activity receiving federal financial assistance  Tell us what actions are planned  Use DCA’s meeting checklist for public hearings

12 In Summary – Equal Access and Outreach  Race  Color  National origin  Religion  Gender  Familial Status  Disability Status  Age  Any other protected categories of persons

13 Contacts Steed Robinson, Office of Community Development Director Phone: (404) 679-3168 E-Mail: Glenn Misner, Office of Field Services Director Phone: 404-679-3138 E-Mail:

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