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Bilingual Directors’ Meeting March 19, 2015. We value your feedback! Please complete top section before the meeting & the bottom section at the end of.

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Presentation on theme: "Bilingual Directors’ Meeting March 19, 2015. We value your feedback! Please complete top section before the meeting & the bottom section at the end of."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bilingual Directors’ Meeting March 19, 2015

2 We value your feedback! Please complete top section before the meeting & the bottom section at the end of the meeting.

3 Introduction:  At your table groups, share a take-away from the CABE Conference. You can share your Spring Break Plans!  Whole Group: Introduce yourself. Name and district & must share out take-aways!


5 Student Shadowing:  “A veteran teacher turned coach shadows 2 students for 2 days” Grant Wiggins’ Blog Post  Over 3 million hits (Jan. 2015)  Follow-up over ½ million hits  Offered sample protocol for shadowing  Inspired one of your colleagues to shadow ELs

6 Student Shadowing Put in Action Linda Guerrero And Sonja Gagnon

7 Title III Update

8 Title III Funds  2014-15 Title III, Part A per pupil amounts:  Title III LEP - $93.28  Title III Immigrant - $93.11  LEP & Immigrant grant allocations will be finalized on March 31, 2015

9 2015-16 Application  Applications for LEP & Immigrant funding for 2015- 16 are due June 30, 2015.  LEAs must have an updated LEA plan (Goal 2) that includes an annual budget plan in accordance with Title III Section 3116 to receive Title Funding (LEP & Immigrant).


11 EL Resources from BCN



14 English Learner Programs

15 Spanish Learner’s Diagnostic Reading Assessments Jorge Cuevas Antillón San Diego County Office of Ed Bilingual Director’s Meeting March 19, 2015

16 Who: Spanish Learners Spanish Learners are students who: ❏ are learning academic content in Spanish, AND ❏ need language arts intervention to reach grade-level literacy Includes native-speakers & new (second language) learners of Spanish literacy.

17 Why: Rationale Chapter 9, CA language arts framework: "Diagnostic assessment is the means by which to identify the precise source(s) of the students difficulty so that an appropriate intervention can be planned.” How do your schools diagnose students who need foundational literacy skills in Spanish, English or other languages?

18 How: Dual Language Resources Assessments available in both Spanish and English Purposeful bias: contrastive analysis Range: Comprehension Fluency / High Frequency Words Phonics Phonemic Awareness Concepts of Print

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21 Where: Spanish Content Classes Pilot test in classrooms where students are struggling to read in Spanish Imperial and San Diego county districts Potential partnership with California Reading and Literature Project Please contact Jorge Cuevas Antillón if interested: 858.571.7249 office

22 When: Timeline Spring 2015: recruitment of sites Summer 2015: voluntary meeting (perhaps via webconference) Fall 2015: pilot testing and datacollection (with professional development) Winter 2015: final revision and widespread release Spring 2016:intervention development


24 Announcements & Meeting Impact/Feedback

25 Wrap Up: Please complete bottom section & turn in on your way out! Thank you!

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