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Published byPhebe James Modified over 9 years ago
Essex Partnership Board Project Progress Update June 2014 1
Key Milestones Strengthening Communities Progress Report – June 2014 2 Highlights: Project scope and success measures agreed for both Youth Volunteering & Time/Care Banking by the SC Sponsor Group. Joint Business case developed for these 2 workstreams. VCS Task and Finish group met for the final time on 2 nd June to agree roles and responsibilities for securing public sector sign up & adoption of the Framework. Essex Compact Forum AGM agreed proposals to amend the membership and ToR for the Compact Steering Group. They will lead on securing sign up and adoption of the VCS Framework amongst public sector partners A new programme structure has been proposed for discussion and approval. This will provide joined up management & reporting of Who Will Care & SC activities to EPB New Project Lead now appointed – Helen Lax Next key activities Finalising and approval of Time/Care banking & Youth Volunteering FBC Checkpoint review for Community Builders Development of ECC strategy response to VCS Framework. Approach to public sector partners to secure sign up to and adoption of the VCS Framework & Essex Compact SC Sponsor Group to approve ToR to reflect programme structure changes Key Challenges Funding - Funding gap of £178k exists for roll out of Time/Care banking. Work is being done to identify potential ECC funding options ahead of the BC going through the governance route in June. Bid also submitted to DCLG to bridge the funding gap. Benefits/Outcomes – The process of robustly evaluating the benefits and outcomes of community focussed work was discussed in depth at the April SC Sponsor Group. Helen Lax has taken on the lead role in co-ordinating evaluation across our ongoing community focussed initiatives. Ben Brook is also leading on developing evaluation frameworks for the individual projects. Ownership of VCS Framework Approach required to ensure action plans will be developed by partner organisations has been agreed through the task/finish group; It is expected that this piece of work will be taken on by the revised Essex Compact Steering Group. Stakeholder Engagement – Impacted by the lack of resources over the last few months. However, a shared approach to stakeholder comms along with other initiatives such as ‘Who will care?’ is being embedded. A stakeholder/comms lead (Clare Atkinson) for the Public Service Reform Unit is due to start at ECC on 2 nd June. VCS Task/Finish group final meeting June July August VCS Framework to EPB for approval YV & TB/CB FBC to EPB YV & TB/CB FBC to CMB Community Builders checkpoint review VCS Framework to CCB VCS Framework to PLT VCS Framework to SCB for approval Key Facts (in £’000 & until 2019/20): Estimated costs: £365 (14/15) Approved Funding: £180 (14/15) Estimated Gross Benefits: £TBC Est. Gross Cashable Benefits:£TBC
Key Milestones (include achieved milestones over last 2 months & next 2 months) Domestic Abuse Progress Report – June 2014 3 Highlights: The Basildon and Braintree pilot has supported 504 domestic abuse victims by the 29 th of May 2014 The JDATT Manager, Lesley Forbes-Lange started work on 8 th April 2014 North Essex Partnership Mental Health trust is engaged in a month long information sharing pilot with the JDATT Commitments totalling £931,000 have been secured to resource the Domestic Abuse programme in FY2014/15 An information sharing agreement for JDATT has been approved and signed off by partners Next key activities Complete training of the additional 6 IDVA’s recruited to support high risk victims of domestic abuse across the county Complete the tender specification for the IDVA Support Services contract Work with health partners to identify locations for case finding pilots Key Challenges: Stakeholders – Engagement with health partners is on-going. Three CCG’s, Castle Point & Rochford, Basildon & Brentwood and Southend are contributing £30k each towards recruiting additional IDVA’s to support high risk DA victims across the county, Outcomes/Benefits – Clarity on JDATT outcomes and benefits expected by partners and other Domestic Abuse proposals is required. We will work with partners to develop appropriate indicators. Communications – The project does not currently have a joined up communications plan across partners to ensure stakeholders are aware of planned changes. We are working with partners to develop a communications plan. MayJunJul Apr JDATT expansion Aug Approach for schools prog. agreed DA Strategy Board meeting Recruitment of IDVA’s completed Acc. & Support pathways mapped Housing ISA draft complete Basildon & Braintree pilot ends DA programme for schools agreed
Reducing Reoffending Progress Report – June 2014 4 Key Challenges: Benefits - The benefits profiled in the current business case are based on the MOJ model (i.e. 1% reduction in reoffending year on year) and currently it isn’t clear which activities will drive this reduction of re-offenders Stakeholders – There is good engagement from partners including mental health, however, greater CCG representation on the RR board and Joint Commissioning group will be welcome and add value. Direction / Solution Design / Visibility – The current changes proposed to Criminal Justice system through Transforming Rehabilitation represent a significant change to the criminal justice landscape. This reinforces the need to have representation from all key partners on the RR board to develop a clear plan to support these changes and to deliver the benefits/outcomes agreed in the final business case. This will also improve the visibility of the planned changes and initiatives. Highlights: Essex CRC has appointed two staff to lead on the Reducing Reoffending project going forward The Reducing Reoffending Joint Commissioning task group has looked at its first area for commissioning ‘smarter’ and is proposing partners consider the whole commissioning and delivery of services for Drugs & Alcohol, Mental Health and Learning Disability 6 case supporters from the peer mentoring programme have been appointed and are now working for Essex CRC Essex CRC are in the process of recruiting a further FTE post to the Essex JDATT Next key activities Convene EOAF workshop to look at innovative ways to address rent deposits for offender cohort and to link drug and alcohol providers and tenancy support with accommodation providers. Discuss and agree the future of this project and the best approach to manage the activities driving forward reducing re-offending – linked to issue related benefits Joint Commissioning group to develop commissioning plans for FY14/15 Take forward the Integrated Delivery of services to offenders and their families with partners in Southend, Essex and Thurrock with an emphasis on Early Help Conduct and independent review of IOM in Essex to assist in achieving increased engagement from partners Key Milestones AprAug Offender Housing Needs assessment completed Agree Joint Commissioning arrangements Jun Jul Offender Voice report completed Police & Probation Joint Working agreement IOM performance framework completed and presented to RR board Partnership Commissioning roadmap completed May
Key Milestones (next quarter) Housing and Public Sector Land Progress Report – June 2014 5 Highlights: Project Board have agreed mandate and terms of reference Sites identified for feasibility study in Epping Forest, Rochford, Tendring Project team fully resourced Next key activities: Continue to develop activity on priority sites Confirm if Maldon wish to have a locality review Finalise value model Start work to develop OBC Key issues and actions from healthcheck: Priority alignment: draft document confirming how the project aligns with partners to be agreed Lessons learnt: EELGA being approached to carry out lessons learned from other local authorities undertaking similar activity Benefits, Corporate Architecture and Solution Design are all dealt with as part of the OBC process(OBC scheduled for approval in Oct 2014) June Feasibility study (1) finished in Epping Forest High level design of model JulyAugust Sites 2-4 identified Sites 2-4 feasibility study complete Next phase plan for sites 1-4
Skills for Growth Progress Report – June 2014 6 Key Milestones (include achieved milestones over last 2 months & next 2 months) Highlights: The ESB now has members for the Creative Sector, through Andrea Stark from High House Production Park and for Health through Dr Sunil Gupta from the NHS. The employer board members have established their Sector Action Groups, convening wider groups of employers to identify skills solutions and work with the provider base to address. Initial findings will be reported back to the next ESB meeting on the 25 th June ESB has identified 2 projects it would like to take forward through the Skills Investment Fund and the proposals for these are now being finalised. One providing training grants to employers who are struggling to recruit due to skills shortages, the project advantages the employment of young people. The second is the expansion of the Industry in Education programme, which bring schools and employers together for projects and mentoring in order to encourage more young people to take up STEM based subjects Based on the European Investment Plan, an Essex ESF stakeholder group has convened with representation from the 3 rd sector, districts & boroughs, providers and employers to develop programmes to go forward for ESF. This will feed through to the ESB. LEP meeting with the Skills Funding Agency on 9 th June to understand/start the process for skill capital funding for 2014/15 Next key activities: Submit proposal for the Skills Investment Fund for Member decision Closure and lessons learned report for project Key Challenges: Taking our proposals forward through the SE LEP successfully. Much is still unknown about the process and timelines for how and when delivery will commence. Keeping partners on board and engaged during this period of transition to working across and through the LEP; including, ensuring the Employment and Skills Board’s appropriate position within the LEP decision making structure so it can advise the LEP on these issues. Key Facts (in £’000 & until 2019/20): Estimated costs: £1,147 Approved Funding: £1,147.5 Estimated Gross Benefits: £TBC Est. Gross Cash-able Benefits:£TBC Apr May Jun Portal live testing July Portal live * ESF – European Social Fund (proposals for deployment of funds over next funding round presented to government) SIF – Skills Investment Fund CIAG – Careers Information Advice and Guidance Evidence base refresh
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