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World Class Learners White Settlement ISD Two-Way Immersion Dual Language Program for English and Spanish.

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Presentation on theme: "World Class Learners White Settlement ISD Two-Way Immersion Dual Language Program for English and Spanish."— Presentation transcript:

1 World Class Learners White Settlement ISD Two-Way Immersion Dual Language Program for English and Spanish

2 Dual Language in White Settlement Liberty Elementary Est. 2003 North Elementary Est. 2005 West Elementary Est. 2008 Tannahill Intermediate Est. 2008 BMS AP Spanish 2010 We have almost 600 ELLs in WSISD, close to 10% of the total student population

3 Our Students in Two-Way Required for: English Language Learners Enrichment for: Spanish Heritage English Speakers –community members & employees’ children Waiting list process



6 Research-based Approach to Dual Language Wayne P. Thomas and Virginia P. Collier David and Yvonne Freeman Jim Cummins Stephen Krashen Nancy Cloud, Fred Genesee, Else Hamayan Dr. Leo Gomez and Dr. Richard Gomez

7 Top 10 Research Findings 1. The ages from 4-12 are “prime time” for foreign language learning because a child’s psychological readiness, oral flexibility, and natural curiosity is at its peak. 2. After age 10 or 11, the social attitudes of young people are less open to change. 3. Introducing young children to a second language builds up and preserves the brain’s neural pathways and increases learning potential for a lifetime.

8 Research Findings (continued) Students in a dual language setting compared with a traditional setting: 4. Achieve as well or better in language arts and other subjects. 5. Achieve greater overall proficiency in pronunciation and language skills in the second languages. 6. Generally achieve higher scores in reading.

9 Students in Dual Language (Research continued) 7. Are shown to be more creative thinkers. 8. Have better developed verbal skills. 9. Learn to value other languages and cultures. ** 10. Receive strong cognitive and academic development in first language which supports development in second language. ** This is the key!!

10 Alpha Group 3 rd Grade TAKS 2007 Spanish Speakers(14) 100% passing in reading and math 42% commended in reading (1 perfect score) 14% commended in math English Speakers(12) 100% passing in reading and math 50% commended in reading (4 perfect scores) 50% commended in math

11 Alpha Group 4 th Grade TAKS Spanish (14) 100% met standard READING, 9/14 (64%) commended 100% met standard MATH, 4/14 (29%) commended 100% met standard WRITING, 2/14 (14%) commended English (12) 100 % met standard READING 5/12 (42%) commended 83% (10/12) met standard MATH 4/12 (33%) commended 100% met standard WRITING 5/12 (42%) commended

12 2009 Results 5 th Reading – 100% LEP Spanish Speakers passed test in English with 27% commended performance. 3 rd Reading @ Liberty and North – 100% passing in English and Spanish

13 STAAR Reading (2013)

14 STAAR Math (2013)

15 K English Speakers

16 K Spanish Speakers

17 1 st Grade English Speakers

18 1 st Grade Spanish Speakers

19 2 nd Grade English and Spanish Speakers

20 3 rd /4 th Grade English and Spanish Speakers – every other week

21 Tannahill 5 th and 6 th grade Schedule for 5th/6 th grade: *English Language Arts (every other week) *Spanish Language Arts (every other week) *Math, Science, and Social Studies in English (every day)

22 How do teachers help students understand in the second language? Bilingual Pairs Cooperative groups Emphasis on vocabulary Concept refinement in L1 and L2

23 How do teachers help students understand in the second language? * Hands-on, concrete examples * Pictures and drama * Songs and poems, repetition * Language and Learning Centers

24 Implementation Success 50/50 Model, building foundation in native language Staff Development and follow-up evaluation on implementation Administrative Support Parent Involvement

25 Team Teaching Dual Language Vertical Team strand Grade Level- team within a team District Vertical alignment team

26 Instructional Support

27 Celebrate Hispanic-American Heritage !!

28 Opportunities for Teachers - TABE

29 2013-14

30 Dual Language Program Model Overview Developing WSISD program model Target goals for this year Increase Spanish proficiency for English Speakers Continue academic success Incorporate district reading and writing initiatives

31 Dual Language Classroom – labeling

32 Classrooms Organized by Content Area - Math

33 Classrooms Organized by Content Area - Reading

34 Classrooms Organized by Content Area - Writing

35 Dual Language classroom – bilingual pairs

36 Bilingual Pairs

37 Procedures and expectations

38 Books in both languages/leveled libraries/ content-based literature

39 Classroom Library Books in English and Spanish – labeled by genre

40 Dual Language Classroom Teaching vocabulary – using visuals, concrete objects, videos, drama Students need various repeated exposure and interaction with vocabulary words before they become internalized – listening, speaking, reading, writing, activate the 5 senses to the extent possible!

41 Dual Language Classroom Vocabulary posted with pictures

42 Dual Language Classroom Daily oral language development – conversational phrases in the second language

43 dual Language Classroom Music and movement

44 DL Classroom – Learning Centers 3rd 2 nd

45 Literacy Centers Chart

46 Poetry Station

47 Flashlight Fun!

48 2 nd grade writing

49 Literacy Centers Procedures for working in stations

50 PK Learning centers

51 Dual Language Classroom Student work examples and student work displayed

52 Dual Language – word walls Language and Content Interactive

53 Word Wall 4 th grade word wall and student made alphabet using science and social studies vocabulary

54 Assessments TELPAS K-12 STAAR 3-12 (Spanish 3-5 and STAAR-L) TPRI/TEJAS LEE (K-2 nd) DRA/EDL (K-3rd/4 th ) Spanish Language for English speakers K-4 th Spanish Placement test – 6 th

55 Dual Language – planning and teaching based on results

56 Dual Language classroom Conceptual Refinement – re- teaching in Math

57 Other Topics of Discussion Grades Homework Communication with parents Team meetings and planning District Initiatives

58 Finding a balance… How do you challenge native speakers while keeping the language level manageable for second language learners??

59 Finding a balance… What role does oral language play in literacy development? When should second language literacy be formally taught? How and what do students transfer?

60 Total Response Signals – Formative Assessments Written Response Ready Response Making Choices Ranking

61 Dual Language Classroom Make learning engaging and fun!!

62 Dual Language 2013-14 Go forth and empower your students!! See you in the classroom!

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