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Remember Lot’s Wife Genesis 19:12-26. Introduction Story of Lot and his family Cities doomed due to sin (Jude 7) Told to flee the city (Genesis 19:17)

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Presentation on theme: "Remember Lot’s Wife Genesis 19:12-26. Introduction Story of Lot and his family Cities doomed due to sin (Jude 7) Told to flee the city (Genesis 19:17)"— Presentation transcript:

1 Remember Lot’s Wife Genesis 19:12-26

2 Introduction Story of Lot and his family Cities doomed due to sin (Jude 7) Told to flee the city (Genesis 19:17)

3 Introduction She came close to being saved Looked back (Genesis 19:26) Many lessons to learn (Luke 9:62)

4 Married To A Righteous Man Lot wasn’t perfect Mistake in moving to Sodom? Not liked in Sodom (Genesis 19:9) Righteous man (2 Peter 2:4-8)

5 Married To A Righteous Man Example can only help so much Power of an example (1 Corinthians 15:33) Couldn’t let go Seek to be righteous (Romans 3:23-26)

6 Warned of The Danger Warned Lot and his family Clear (Genesis 19:17) She understood the warning

7 Warned of The Danger We have been warned Jesus (Matthew 7:21-23; 25:46) Paul (2 Thessalonians 1:6-9) Some tremble (Acts 24:25) Must save ourselves (Acts 2:40)

8 Made An Effort To be Saved Came close to being saved Heart still in Sodom Convinced but not converted

9 Made An Effort To be Saved Strive to go to heaven Many will seek to enter (Luke 13:24) Can’t neglect it (Hebrews 2:1-3) Can’t rest (Hebrews 3:7-4:1) Fled for refuge (Hebrews 6:18, 19)

10 Perished Due To One Sin Sin is often minimized Given nice sounding labels

11 Euphemisms Adultery-love affair Fornication- living together, sexual chemistry Profanity- adult language Homosexuality- alternate lifestyle Abortion- woman’s right to choose

12 Euphemisms Pornography- adult entertainment Drinking- being sociable Lying- disinformation, being economical with the truth Pedophilia- intergenerational intimacy

13 Perished Due To One Sin Sin is often minimized Given nice sounding labels Even categorized by Christians Sins of weakness not as bad?

14 Perished Due To One Sin Sinned after leaving the city Probably better than other citizens Her faith weakened “Increase our faith” (Matthew 9:27-29) Do you have to be begged to do what is right? (Hebrews 10:39)

15 Conclusion She looked back We must not repeat her mistake

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