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TECHNICAL REGULATIONS and STANDARDS in the CUSTOMS UNION and the COMMON ECONOMIC SPACE Antonina G. Leskova Deputy Director of Belarusian State Institute for Standardization and Certification Republic of Belarus UNECE MARS Group 12-14 September 2012
Member-states of the Euro-Asian Economic Community Republic of Belarus Russian Federation Republic of Kazakhstan Kyrgyz Republic Republic of Tajikistan Member-states of the Customs Union The higher level of integration It foresees common customs territory Freedom of movement of GOODS Four economic freedoms PERSONS SERVICES CAPITAL PARTICIPATION of the REPUBLIC of BELARUS in the REGIONAL FORMATIONS 2
PRINCIPLES of FORMATION of the COMMON ECONOMIC SPACE National treatment Common principles of regulation Supranational regulation Establishment of supranational body FREE MOVEMENT of PRODUCTS Harmonization Nondiscrimination Minimization of permissible procedures with increasing responsibility Equivalency Common technical regulations Common intergovernmental standards Common system of conformity assessment (attestation) Recognition of the national accreditation bodies Ensuring uniformity of measurements Common principles and measures of responsibility Common supervision measures Integrated information system of foreign and mutual trade Mutual recognition 3
EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION (EEC) Supranational governing body – a common standing regulatory body Provision of conditions for functioning and development of the Customs Union and Common Economic Space Preparation of proposals for the future development of integration Cessionary of the Customs Union Commission Main task Treaty on Eurasian Economic Commission of 18.11.2011 Customs and tariff and non-tariff regulation Customs administration Technical regulation Sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary measures Intake and distribution of import duties Establishment of trade regimes in respect of third countries … Scopes of activity of Commission Council of the Commission makes decisions by consensus Board of the Commission makes decisions and recommendations by consensus or by the qualified majority with two thirds of voices Departments Advisory committees 4 Supreme Eurasian Economic Council level of Heads of States or level of Heads of Government Supreme Eurasian Economic Council level of Heads of States or level of Heads of Government
FUNCTIONS and POWERS of the EEC COUNCIL Approval of the Uniform List of Products to which mandatory requirements are applied Approval of the plan (program) of the technical regulations development Approval of the order of development of technical regulations Adoption and repeal of the technical regulations Approval of the lists of standards for the purpose of evaluation (attestation) of conformity with the requirements of technical regulations Approval of the graphic representation of the single mark of the products circulation in the market of the Customs Union common regulation of integration processes in CU and CES overall management of the CES activities In the field of technical regulation 5 EURASIAN ECONOMIC COMMISSION (EEC)
Toys, Perfumes and cosmetics, Packages Specific requirements Essential requirements are implemented through the standards Essential requirements are implemented through the standards COMMON TECHNICAL REGULATIONS Safety requirements in the European Union New Approach Directives Old Approach Directives Specific requirements Technical regulations of the Customs Union Safety requirements in the Customs Union Both essential and specific requirements Technical regulations of the Customs Union Essential requirements are implemented through the standards Essential requirements are implemented through the standards Technical regulations of the Customs Union Problems at conformity ensuring at conformity assessment (attestation) Certification (acc. to Scheme 9с) Registration Declaration 6
Directive 88/378/ЕЕС Directive 2009/48/ЕС Common sanitary requirements different Safety requirements, different from Directives 88/378/ЕЕС and 2009/48/ЕС Safety requirements of technical regulation are harmonized with: Particular hygienic safety requirements for toys: sensory characteristics physical factors sanitary and chemical characteristics toxicological and hygienic indicators microbiological indicators 7 TECHNICAL REGULATION of the CUSTOMS UNION «ON SAFETY OF TOYS»
UNIFORM LIST of PRODUCTS for which mandatory requirements within the Customs Union are established Products or processes connected with products requirements, representing the most danger for life and health of people, environment, property, economic safety of the Customs Union member-states 61 items of technical regulation low-voltage equipment lifts machinery and equipment building products toys personal protective equipment medical devices devices operating on gaseous fuel equipment operating under excessive pressure motor-roads furniture products synthetic detergents alcoholic products grain coil and its products farm machinery foodstuffs chemical products perfumes and cosmetics Approved by Decision No. 526 of the Customs Union Commission of January 28, 2011 As for the products not involved into the Uniform List of Products establishment of mandatory requirements in the National Legislation is not allowed 8
COMMON TECHNICAL REGULATIONS Uniform list of products for which mandatory requirements within the Customs Union are established products or processes connected with products requirements, representing the most danger Schedule of development of the priority technical regulations of the Customs Union Beyond the schedule 61 items of technical regulation 47 TR CU16 TR CU Accepted by the EEC Council Are of direct effect within the common customs territory of the Customs Union CUSTOMS UNION 9
31 TR CUs were adopted. They will be put in force from: On safety of pyrotechnical devices 01.06.2012 On safety of personal protective equipment 01.07.2012 On safety of toys On safety of products intended for children and adolescents On safety of perfume and cosmetics On safety of light industry products On safety of packages 31.12.2012 On requirements to automobile and aviation gasoline, diesel and marine fuel, jet fuel and heating oil 15.02.2012 2012 – 8 TR Ammended by Decision No. 35 of the EEC Council of June 15, 2012 DEVELOPMENT of TECHNICAL REGULATIONS of the CUSTOMS UNION 10
On safety of machines and equipment On safety of devices operating on gaseous fuel On safety of equipment for work in explosive environments On safety of low-voltage equipment Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means On safety of lifts 01.07.2013 On safety of foodstuffs Food products in terms of its marking Requirements for the safety of food additives, flavorings and technological aids On safety of certain types of specialized food products, including foods for dietary treatment and dietary preventive nutrition Technical regulation for juice products of fruit and vegetables Technical regulation on oil and fat products On safety of grain 15.02.2013 31 TR CUs were adopted. They will be put in force from: 2013 – 13 TR DEVELOPMENT of TECHNICAL REGULATIONS of the CUSTOMS UNION 11
31 TR CUs were adopted. They will be put in force from: 02.08.2014 On safety of railway rolling stock On safety of high-speed railway transport On safety of railway transport infrastructure 01.02.2014 On safety of small crafts 01.07.2014 On safety of explosives and products based on them On safety of furniture 2014 – 7 TR DEVELOPMENT of TECHNICAL REGULATIONS of the CUSTOMS UNION 01.03.2014 On requirements for lubricants, oils and special fluids 12
DEVELOPMENT of TECHNICAL REGULATIONS of the CUSTOMS UNION 31 TR CUs were adopted. They will be put in force from: 01.01.2015 On safety of wheeled vehicles 15.02.2015 On safety of agricultural and forestry tractors and their trailers Safety of motor roads 2015 – 3 TR 13
Technical regulations containing essential requirements Technical regulations containing essential requirements Standards for requirements Standards for test methods Procedures of measurements IMPLEMENTATION of TECHNICAL REGULATIONS of the CUSTOMS UNION Choice of the manufacturer Proof of product compliance with technical regulation requirements (including risk analysis) Application of standards Technical requirements containing specific requirements Standards for test methods Procedures of measurements to comply with the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union as a result of use on voluntary basis for implementation and enforcement of the requirements of the technical regulation of the Customs Union and carrying out of assessment (attestation) of conformity of products In the transition period (before adoption of GOST) the national (governmental) standards (GOST R, STB, ST RK) of the Custom Union member-states may be used Application of intergovernmental GOST standards uniform for all member-states of the Customs Union 14
IMPLEMENTATION of the TECHNICAL REGULATIONS of the CUSTOMS UNION Technical regulation RequirementsTest methods TotalGOSTGOST RSTB ST RK other documents, incl. procedures of measurement s TotalGOST GOST RОСТ STB ST RK other documents, incl. procedures of measurements On safety of pyrotechnical devices 2- 2 -2- 2 - 11-11- Оn safety of personal protective equipment 17985 94 -292167 125 - 572215882611 On safety of toys 153 12 - 14814 120 363743 On safety of products intended for children and adolescents 9257 32 3 27688 42 146 239-3111- On safety of perfumes and cosmetics 374 33 -4518 23 4 141361193 On safety of light industry products 200167 33 - 24990 66 93 920444166 On safety of packages 12987 42 -12987 37 5 2571033-4 On safety of low voltage equipment 403188 215 -395171 224 - 102113-105119- On safety of machines and equipment 748429 319 -706409 297 - 173146-174123- On safety of food products 345186 159 - 687355 201 131 9168-16536- Examples 16
ANALYSIS of the NEED of STANDARDS DEVELOPMENT Development of the new standards (not included into the List of Standards) Conversion of the national standards into GOST (on basis of the new editions) TR CU «On safety of machines and equipment» Revision of GOST with regard to alterations to the European standards Development of GOST on basis of the new editions of the International and European standards Development of the new standards (not included into the List of Standards) Conversion of the national standards into GOST (on basis of the new editions) TR CU «Electromagnetic compatibility of technical means» TR CU «On safety of low voltage equipment» Development of the new standards (not included into the List of Standards) Conversion of the national standards into GOST (on basis of the new editions) 114 416 33 48 103 276 96 34 17
PARALLEL WORK FOR DEVELOPMENT of INTERGOVERNMENTAL STANDARDS Application of the national (governmental) standards during the transition period before development of actual intergovernmental standards Development of the new intergovernmental standards on the base of the European ones Conversion of the national (governmental) standards into the intergovernmental ones GOST Not included into the Lists of Standards under TR It will allow in full to to ensure the compliance with the requirements of TR CU and implement conformity assessment (attestation) Included into the Lists of standards under TR In the first place Preparation of the draft Programs (Plans) for development (amending, revision) of intergovernmental standards for TR CU 18
Development and implementation of the target programs for development of intergovernmental standards for the products for which technical regulations of the Customs Union are prepared Draft Program (Plan) of standardization for the purpose of technical regulation of the Customs Union Inclusion of the standards into the Program of works for intergovernmental standardization of EASC Development of intergovernmental standards, used for the purpose of assessment (attestation) of conformity to the technical regulation of the Customs Union mainly in the framework of the intergovernmental technical committees for standardization (МТK) of EASC DEVELOPMENT of INTERGOVERNMENTAL STANDARDS for the TECHNICAL REGULATIONS of the CUSTOMS UNION 250 МТК 19
Preferable acceptance of the intergovernmental standards - GOST Primary acceptance of the identical standards instead of modified ones Development of standards exceptionally on the base of the last versions of the International and regional standards Coordination of standards development between RF, RB and RK Elimination of duplication of the themes between RF, RB and RK Elimination of acceptance of the national alterations in GOST NATIONAL PLANS of STANDARDIZATION RINCIPLES of FORMATION 20
PRINCIPLES Openness and publicity of the processes of development Acceptance on the base of consensus Availability of standards, information of an order of their development, acceptance (approval) and publishing Application of the International and regional standards as the basis Inadmissibility of acceptance (approval) of the standards which contradict to the technical regulations COMMITMENT of the PARTIES To put in force on the national level in the obligatory order in each Customs Union member-state in the unified due time To cancel all the national (governmental) standards which contradict to intergovernmental standards To notify of the beginning of the development of the national (governmental) standards and to stop their development by making the decision of the development of the intergovernmental standards for this standardization object Provision on the rules for carrying out works for standardization in the Customs Union CEN/CENELEC Guide 12:2008 The concept of Affiliation with CEN and CENELEC DEVELOPMENT of the PRINCIPLES of STANDARDIZATION for the CUSTOMS UNION 21 Draft
Alteration in the Provisions on the order of forming the lists of international and regional (intergovernmental) standards and in case of their absence – of national (governmental) standards, that ensure compliance with the requirements of the Customs Union technical regulation and necessary to perform conformity assessment (attestation) Approved by the Decision No. 57 of the EEC Board of May 31, 2012 Change of the level of approval of the Lists of Standards – by EEC Board Operational efficiency of alterations Change of the form of the Lists of Standards Establishment of priority of the harmonized standards With the latest versions of the International and regional standards Establishment of the transition period If an intergovernmental standard is absent – only one national standard For a transition period before development of an intergovernmental standard 22
Simultaneous application of the developed intergovernmental standards and standards for this object of standardization, included earlier into the Lists of Standards Items of a technical regulation Designation of a standard Date of the beginning of application Designation of the replace- able standard Date of the end of application of the replaceable standard Article 4, point 7 GOST 335-2012 from 01.01.2013 GOST 335-99 before 31.12.2014 Change of the form of the lists of standards Making an opportunity to the manufacturer for systematic transition to the new requirements By analogy with the EU TRANSITION PERIOD for APPLICATION of the INTERGOVERNMENTAL STANDARDS 23
TASKS of the INTERGOVERNMENTAL STANDARDIZATION Improvement of planning of standards development at CIS level taking into account the Customs Union Priority development of intergovernmental standards for implementation of technical regulations of the Customs Union Increasing the level of harmonization with the international and European requirements Reducing time of development of intergovernmental standards Carrying out of inventory and assessment of the fund of the standards with the purpose of its updating Formation of the fund of departmental documents (procedures of measurements) for the purposes of fulfilment of the technical regulations of the Customs Union Intensification of activity of МТК and national ТC Participation of industry in the national, intergovernmental and international standardization Change of approaches to financing of standardization works 24
PARTICIPATION in the INTERNATIONAL and REGIONAL ORGANIZATIONS for STANDARDIZATION Full member International Organization for Standardization International Electrotechnical Commission European Committee for Standardization European Committee for Electrotechnical Standardization Affiliated member 63 СEN/ТС 13 СLC/ТС 58 ISO/ТС 11 IEC/ТС 106 ISO/ТС/SС 17 IEC/ТС/SС 3 CEN/СLC/ТС 25 Republic of Belarus
Republic of Belarus − an affiliated member of CEN and CENELEC since 01.01.2010 Participation in work of technical committees as an observer More than 60 СEN/ТC (of 299) 13 СENELEC/ТC (of 65) СLC/TC 20 Electric cables CLC/TC 44X Safety of machinery: electrotechnical aspects CLC/TC 61 Safety of household and similar electrical appliances CLC/TC 62 Electrical equipment in medical practice CLC/TC 210 Electromagnetic Compatibility (EMC) CEN/СLC/JWG 1 Energy audits CEN/SS C01 Food products CEN/SS F05 Measuring instruments CEN/TС 44 Commercial refrigerated cabinets, catering refrigerating appliances and industrial refrigeration CEN/TС 52 Safety of toys CEN/TС 67 Ceramic tiles CEN/TС 392 Cosmetics … Formation of the fund of the European standards СEN СENELEC Fund of CEN standards 2008–2011 4258 texts Fund of СENELEC standards 2007–2011 7470 texts CEN/CENELEC Guide 10: Guide for distribution and sales of CEN/CENELEC publications CEN/CENELEC Guide 12: The concept of Affiliation with CEN and CENELEC 26
of a manufacturer of a person authorized by a manufacturer of an importer CLEAR DIFFERENTIATION of RESPONSIBILITY Responsibility and the degree of legal protection of a consumer against damage shall be EQUAL for all the states DRAFT Agreement on harmonization of legislations of the Customs Union member-states with regard to establishment of responsibility for violation of the requirements of the Customs Union legislation in the field of technical regulation, sanitary, veterinary and phytosanitary measures ESTABLISHMENT of the COMMON PRINCIPLES of RESPONSIBILITY 27 for the safety of the products produced for market circulation RESPONSIBILITY
Equal rights and obligations Common principles and rules of inspection (supervision) An agreement on the principles and rules of the state inspection (supervision) Definition of independent national authorities responsible for the state inspection (supervision) Forming of common principles and rules of state inspection (supervision) Interaction and efficient information exchange Common requirements to the system of market supervision and inspection of products placed in the market as well as the requirements to organization of carrying out market supervision Unified system for assessment of the degree of risk within technical regulation for planning of state inspection (supervision) and definition of the priority directions of the state inspection (supervision) within the Customs Union Regulation (EC) No 765/2008 It is necessary to develop DEVELOPMENT of the NORMATIVE LEGAL BASE of CES 28
Results of the governmental inspection (supervision) Measures adopted for elimination of violations Facts of violation of the requirements of the technical regulations of the Customs Union Evidence of harm and damage to life and health CREATION of the COMMON INFORMATION SYSTEM in the FIELD of INSPECTION (SUPERVISION) European systems for exchange of information about dangerous products Medicinal products Foods and feeds Nonfoods System for exchange of information on dangerous products of the Customs Union 29
ESTABLISHMENT of INFORMATION SYSTEM in TECHNICAL REGULATION within INTEGRATED INFORMATION SYSTEM of FOREIGN AND MUTUAL TRADE (IISFMТ) Technical regulations Standardization State inspection (supervision) Data on dangerous products Accreditation Conformity assessment (attestation) Uniformity of measurements IISFMТ Information is allocated on the different sites of different authorities, in different software environments Technical regulation 30 Statistics subsystem Customs inspection
Customs Union legislation in the field of technical regulation IRS “Technical Regulation in the CU and CES International legal documents in the field of technical regulation Technical regulations of the Customs Union Uniform list of products, subject to mandatory conformity assessment Standards under the technical regulations of the Customs Union and the Uniform list of products Terminological dictionary Comments, interpretations and recommendations Uniform register of the accredited laboratories and certification bodies Technical regulation news Information units of the system : INFORMATION SUPPORT Information retrieval system “Standart 3.5 CU” 31
BELARUSIAN STATE INSTITUTE FOR STANDARDIZATION AND CERTIFICATION Thank you for your attention ! 3 Melezh str., Minsk 220113 Republic of Belarus tel. (017) 262 05 52 tel./fax (017) 262 15 20 e-mail: 35
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