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Five-Senses Poetry Erin Harkness & Abbey Williams 4300—A Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2009 Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "Five-Senses Poetry Erin Harkness & Abbey Williams 4300—A Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2009 Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 Five-Senses Poetry Erin Harkness & Abbey Williams 4300—A Dr. Tonja Root Fall 2009 Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

2 Erin Harkness- Prewriting ELA5W1. The student produces writing that establishes an appropriate organizational structure, sets a context and engages the reader, maintains a coherent focus throughout, and signals a satisfying closure. The student … Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

3 Erin Harkness-Prewriting Continued A. selects a focus, an organizational structure and a point of view based on purpose, genre expectations, audience, length, and format requirements. Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

4 Prewriting PLO Students will use their five senses to complete a graphic organizer about five-senses poetry. Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

5 Form and Stage of Writing Form: Five-Senses Poetry ◦ Express five senses using poetry ◦ Sight, smell, touch, hear, & taste Stage: Prewriting Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

6 Graphic Organizer Objects in a bag: ◦ What does it feel like? ◦ What does it smell like? ◦ What does it sound like? ◦ What does it taste like? ◦ What does it look like? Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

7 Graphic Organizer Reference Using Your Senses Graphic Organizer. (2007). Retrieved October 24, 2009, from ReadWriteThink: http://www.readwritethink.or g/lesson_images/lesson1104/ Using%20your%20senses.pdf Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

8 Published Five-Senses Poetry Published piece Wonderful World, by Eva Grant I can see Trees in grass, The sun and sky; Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

9 Published Five-Senses Poetry Continued I can taste Chocolate ice cream Apple pie; I can hear Music, laughter, Words you said; Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

10 Published Five-Senses Poetry Continued I can smell Perfume, flowers, Baking bread; I can touch Silk and velvet, A baby’s skin; Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

11 Published Five-Senses Poetry Continued What a wonderful World I’m in! Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

12 Reference for Published Five- Senses Poetry Grant, E. (n.d.). My Five Senses. Retrieved October 24, 2009, from Tooter4Kids: classroom/5_senses_poetry.h tm Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

13 Abbey Williams-Drafting ELA5W4 The student consistently uses a writing process to develop, revise, and evaluate writing. The student… ◦ A. Plans and drafts independently and resourcefully. Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

14 Drafting ELA5W2 The student demonstrates competence in a variety of genres. ◦ D. Includes sensory details and concrete language to develop plot and character. Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

15 Drafting PLO A. Students will plan a draft of a five senses poem. B. Students will write a poem using sensory details. Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

16 Form and Stage of Writing Form: Five-Senses Poetry ◦ Express five senses using poetry ◦ Sight, smell, touch, hear, & taste Stage: Drafting ◦ 2 nd Stage Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

17 Published Five-Senses Poem The Five-Senses The smell of a vanilla cupcakes sprinkled with jimmies, Is soft and sweet like the sound of a singing humming bird On a small apple tree. Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

18 Published Five-Senses Poem Cont… The taste of warm apple pie warms you all the way to your toes Like taking a warm bath in the middle of a snow storm. Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

19 Published Five-Senses Poem Cont… The sight of a new born baby sleeping on his mother, Is like having all happiness and gratefulness by your side. Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

20 Published Five-Senses Poem Cont… The sound of the ocean waves crashing upon the shore, Is as breathtaking as watching the sun set on a sandy island. Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

21 Published Five-Senses Poem Cont… The feeling of the sun washed, pink Bermuda sand running through your toes As you walk down the beach is like taking the sun down and giving it a great big hug. Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

22 Five-Senses Reference Ocean, M. (1993). The Five Senses. Retrieved October 24, 2009, from Poem hunter: poem/the-five-senses/ Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

23 Practice Activity Small groups Graphic organizer Use 5 senses to describe one of the objects from the bag Write a poem within groups Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

24 Assessment Personal five-senses poem Abbey Williams and Erin Harkness, ECED 4300 A, Fall 2009

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