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Published byJayson Dorsey Modified over 10 years ago
Anti-Submarine Warfare Community Of Interest (ASW COI)
Presented by Colleen Cannon (PEO IWS5SE) to the DoD COI Forum 16 October 2007
OUTLINE Overview of ASW COI Organizational Structure ASW Data Strategy
Relationship to DoD and Coalition COIs Areas of Interest in FY08 ASW Data Strategy Why, Who, What, Where (data environment) ASW Command and Control (C2) Pilot Implementation Focus Areas Alignment Through Mediation Future Data Management Working Group Efforts Next Steps Broad “To Do” List Questions?
Overview of ASW COI Organizational Structure
ASW COI Flag Oversight ASW CFB Chair-Lead NMAWC Advisory (Requirements) ASW Executive Steering Group (ESG) IWS5 Chair ASW Systems Engineering Team (ASSET) IWS5SE Chair System of Systems (SoS) Engineering ASW Community of Interest established ASW Systems Engineering Team (ASSET) established under ASW ESG ASW Data Management Working Group Identifying players Lead for ASW Data Strategy activities Implement DoD and Navy policies Make data visible, accessible and understandable Bring architecture and data strategy into alignment ASW OA Pilot & Software Governance DMWG Data Sharing Demos ASW Mission Capability Architectures (MCA) ASW SoS Level Risk Management PSDB C2 Data Fusion LCS SoS pilot
Overview of ASW COI Relationship to DoD and Coalition COIs
Joint Command and Control (JC2 CPM) Consolidated Net-Centric Data Environment (CNDE) Infrastructure DoD Universal Core & NCES Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) COI (AIS) Meteorology Oceanography (METOC) COI Anti-Submarine Warfare COI Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) COI (JC3IEDM) Coalition Mine Warfare COI Alignment required with related COIs and Enterprise Services
Overview of ASW COI Areas of Interest in FY08
Navy Enterprise Architecture and Data Strategy Open Architecture – Data Strategy – Enterprise Architecture – Service Oriented Architecture Metrics System of Systems Engineering Mission Capability Architecture Data Strategy Risk Management Open Architecture Common Data Vocabulary and Pilot Demonstration Working Groups Command and Control Sensors Sensor Performance Prediction Implementation Driven Software Reuse Software Governance LCS ASW Pilot CEP DNS Follow-On
Why Develop An ASW Data Strategy?
Because it is DoD and Navy policy… DoD Memo Net-Centric Data Strategy, 9 May 2003 DoDD Data Sharing in a Net-Centric Department of Defense, 2 Dec 2004 Navy Enterprise Architecture and Data Strategy Policy, 6 Apr 2007 Because it is at the heart of ASW interoperability… Need it to effectively share data among network users Net-centric systems require precise, and known data formats and vocabularies to accurately evaluate and manipulate information without human intervention We have numerous ASW systems that can’t share similar data Because we have the opportunity… . . . to define and implement it as the design of choice in new developments . . . to simplify integration as we bring on new sensors Making ASW data visible, accessible, understandable and trusted, managed by ASW COI
Who Will Develop The ASW Data Strategy?
The ASW Data Management Working Group (DMWG) has been established under ASSET to do this Consistent with DoD terminology and intent Initial meeting held July – second meeting held 23 August Over 30 participants from inside and outside the ASW community (POC list is 70+) Core ASW PEOs & Labs, NMAWC, CFT, USW-DSS, usw-xml WG, ONI, Industry Identified related COIs and stakeholders Mine Warfare, METOC and Maritime Domain Awareness (MDA) COIs, Consolidated Navy Data Enterprise (CNDE), NETWARCOM, Joint C2 Capability Portfolio Manager, Multilateral Interoperability Programme (MIP) Pilot demonstration groups established for Command and Control, Sensors and Sensor Performance Prediction Way Ahead plan developed for each group Pilot demonstration efforts proposed by each group Next meeting BAE Systems 80 M St.
Data Management Working Group What we are doing to realize the ASW Data Strategy
C2 Other ASW Interfaces Exposure Sensors
Enterprise Data Management
Data Strategy Consolidated Net-Centric Data Environment (CNDE) Enterprise Data Management Universal Core Related Elements Associated Logistics Legal Sensors Business Medical Imagery Weather USW MDA Universal Core - New data models can be extended from the core model with minimal effort and impact Data models are dynamic…they can be added and removed as needed Domain data model are “decoupled components” and do not impact each other Communities retain control of their own data and it’s access We plan to utilize existing data model efforts, like JC3IEDM/C2IEDM, but extend them to provide for the needs of distributed interoperable track management solutions. These models do not currently support all the needed elements for doing track management between systems. They support passing info only message about dots on a map, there are additional attributes required for supporting the vision of tactical to strategic track management. These elements will be added, documented, and then fed back to the MIP for formal inclusion in future MIP releases. The Three Plus One Strategy involves the ability for the United States to maintain major theatre combat operations in One Theatre (i.e. Korean Peninsula, Arabian Gulf) while still being able to simultaneously sustain three other small scale contingencies or stability operations. Examples: Global War on Terror Non-Combat Operations/Stability Ops (I.e. Tsunami Relief, Hurricane Katrina) Low intensity conflicts (I.e. Panama/Grenada) Nation building (Afghanistan) UN Peacekeeping Operations Data Sets must be beyond “Cursor On Target” functionality. The Core Elements will include the set of attributes with agreed upon semantics in support of track management. E.g., OATM + Classification, Release-ability, etc Associated Data Elements will include specific attributes defined and managed by a subgroup to accommodate track management in a COI (For example, acoustic data elements) and available for COI capability processing, e.g. ELINT correlation Related Data Elements provide cross-domain augmentation data. One use could be fusing EO imagery
ASW COI C2 Pilot Implementation (Proposed)
ASW COI Proposed C2 Pilot – Focus Areas Related Universal Core Common Core Implementations (JTM Based) Data Requirements Based On USW DSS Use Cases ASW COI Extensions (JTM and JC3 Based) SOA Implementation Security/Registration/Discovery Data Archive/Replication/Synchronization Associated USW Universal Core Elements Elements Goal: Define, implement and test Universal/Common Core and ASW COI Increment; Mediate effort with USW DSS Program of Record
C2 Pilot -Alignment Through Mediation
Mission Plan Data Mission Execution Metrics Where We Are Composite Subsurface Track Security Registration / Discovery CANES Universal Core , Orchestration NODES Common Core , ASW COI USW DSS Capabilities Data Mediation External USW DSS NODES USW DSS Common Tactical Picture Q 89 Based OTH - G Mission Plan (OP Areas, WSM, Ovly, etc.) Sensor Systems Mission Execution Metrics Composite Subsurface Track GIS Features and Overlay Surface Radar METOC Local AIS Link - 11 National Sensors ( JMIE / ELINT / SIGINT # 1 )
C2 Pilot - Alignment Through Mediation
Where We Are Going Local AIS National Sensors ( JMIE / ELINT / SIGINT # 1 ) Surface Radar ASW COI Link - 11 Replication/Synchronization METOC Security Registration / Discovery CANES NODES Universal Core Orchestration , Common Core , ASW COI Q89 Sensor Mission Plan Mission Execution Metrics Composite Subsurface Track USW DSS GIS Features and Overlay Capabilities Data Mediation DSS NODES USW DSS Data Workspace Capability Collaboration Q 89 Based GIS Features Sensor Systems Mission Plans Mission Execution
Data Management Working Group Next Steps
Establish common ASW vocabulary and data format, using Mission Capability Architecture to analyze and develop the data and metadata models ASW C2 Reconcile existing ASW C2 data formats Repeat process with other C2 communities ASW Sensors Identify sonobuoy data producers, users, formats and associated metadata Reconcile format differences ASW Sensor Performance Prediction (SPP) Re-establish the Platform Sensor Database (PSDB) Now that we've got the right people together in the DMWG we formed a process to get ASW data into common terms and format. The way ahead for the C2 group is to take the C2 data formats that already exist in the ASW community and merge them, reconciling any differences that are found. They are starting this process with the C2 schemas for USW-DSS and the Tactical Assessment Markup Language. From there they will repeat the merging process with other existing C2 formats used by Joint and Coalition forces as well as other DoD C4I COIs. The task of establishing common terms and format for all ASW sensor data becomes quite large due to the variety of different types of sensors used to conduct ASW operations. The sensor group has decided to break up the task by focusing first on creating a common format for sonobuoy data. They will identify the terms and format used by each current producer and consumer of sonobuoy data and merge them, similar to the C2 group. From there the group will extend their format to include all acoustic sensors, and then non-acoustic and environmental sensors as well. The SPP group wants to first re-establish the platform sensor database. This requires updating the values in the database in its current format as a near term fix, which would be followed by an overall improvement to the format of the database. After updating the PSDB the group would then look into establishing a common exchange mechanism for transmitting the database between systems.
Data Management Working Group Broad “To Do” List
Align with the Joint C2 Capability Portfolio Management process – JFCOM Identify requirements for new data capabilities Execute pilots for Sensor Data, Sensor Performance Prediction, and C2 Participate in the DoD COI Forum Best Practices and Lessons Learned from other COIs
Questions? Colleen Cannon IWS-5SE 202-781-4462
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