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Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Technology Integration Experiments (TIE) Status Briefing at CoAX Meeting April 2002 Toulouse, France Ranjeev Mittu US Naval.

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Presentation on theme: "Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Technology Integration Experiments (TIE) Status Briefing at CoAX Meeting April 2002 Toulouse, France Ranjeev Mittu US Naval."— Presentation transcript:

1 Naval Research Laboratory (NRL) Technology Integration Experiments (TIE) Status Briefing at CoAX Meeting April 2002 Toulouse, France Ranjeev Mittu US Naval Research Laboratory 4555 Overlook Avenue, SW Washington, DC 20375-5320 (202) 404-8716

2 Agenda NRL Contribution NRL TIE Collaboration Overview –NRL with UMD/ARL (in lieu of NRL with QinetiQ – rationale to be discussed) –NRL with GITI –NRL with LM-ATL –NRL with BBN –NRL with UMD Progress to Date Summary Coalition Specific Relevance

3 Agenda

4 NRL Contribution XIS map view with Tracks XIS map view + tracks, terrain elevations and ocean bottom data Near Binni  NRL is developing an agent-grid interface to a C2 system.  Agent development using Java Agent DEvelopment (JADE) environment.  The C2 system is the eXtensible Information System (XIS)  Similar in capabilities to US Global Command and Control System.  GCCS Segment

5 NRL Contribution, cont’d Implementation of a simulated TDBM server, from which tracks will be pulled from the Grid for display in XIS. –TDBM is the GCCS Track Database Manager –It’s a relational database of track data used by GCCS. Using the Java Expert System Shell (JESS), rules can be developed that describe what can/cannot be registered with the grid from the TDBM server. –Impact for coalition operations In addition to showcasing grid interface to XIS and TDBM server, NRL will develop a 3D viewing tool. –Once a desired region of interest is specified in the XIS viewer, a representation of that area will also be shown via a 3D viewing tool –This 3D representation will also include the associated platforms/entities contained in that region including ocean bottom data. –This 3D windows may be shared with the coalition through a grid serviceUI.

6 NRL Contribution, cont’d Demo machine will be projected onto screen. TDBM ServerXIS & 3D display tool Display ASW tracks & own sensor locations NRL Demo machine CoABS Agent Grid

7 Agenda

8 NRL and QinetiQ: NRL to develop an agent interface between the XIS system and CoAX data via the CoABS Grid. XIS is an alternate viewer with capabilities similar to the US Navy Global Command and Control System Maritime (GCCS-M). Work together in order to relate Navy information in XIS to Situation Viewers provided elsewhere in the coalition/JTFC and possibly the JFAC domains. NRL and GITI: NRL would develop the XIS interface (to the Grid) and present it on the GITI screen. GITI to assist NRL in getting an XIS client grid enabled. NRL with LM: NRL C2 system receives UMD ASW predictions via LM. LM creates the connection using I2AT and the Grid. NRL with BBN, UMD: Link to information feeds from coalition source. NRL TIE collaboration overview

9 NRL with ARL/UMD? Agadez submarines are seen heading towards land targets, and possibly causing evacuations to be needed on land. This is the rationale for change in TIE –NRL (JFMCC) with ARL/UMD (JFLCC) in lieu of NRL with AFRL/QinetiQ (JFACC). –JFLCC may be interested in aspects of maritime picture, but not all the details. May only need to know when certain events have occurred, especially as they pertain to him. Monitoring agents that understand the state of the maritime scenario, and alerting agents that provide alerts to JFLCC. –Example: Alert Land Asset L if the probability that an Agadez submarine can reach L within within T units of Time is greater than some threshold. Later can decide how JFMCC relates to JFACC, and develop appropriate alerts.

10 NRL with GITI GITI playing the role of coalition JFMC HQ. NRL to GITI –Information provided via the US HQ domain for display in Coalition JFMC HQ view. Provide 3D display of Ocean bottom data for a region of interest and the maritime entities in that region for the Binni scenario. –This 3D display may be shared with GITI via ServiceUI. –May also share XIS window with GITI via serviceUI. –Currently assuming GITI and NRL each have their own separate viewers (but both represent the Coalition JFMC HQ), and NRL will share views with GITI via grid serviceUI (as outlined above)

11 NRL with LM-ATL LM-ATL to NRL –NRL XIS system receives UMD ASW predictions with LM-ATL. –LM creates the connection using I2AT and the Grid. Details TBD.

12 NRL with BBN BBN will play the role of a new country joining the coalition (Arabello). In the scenario, Arabello volunteers its ASW capability to deter expected submarine attacks. BBN to NRL –ASW contact reports from BBN indicating state of Agadez submarines for display on NRL XIS system + own sensor locations. –Important ASW contact report attributes include Track ID, Classification (certsub, probsub, possub, etc), Position, bearing, range, course/speed direction, time (Z), classification (nationality), elliptical error information (semimajor axis, semiminor axis, orientation). Elliptical error information will not be specified in the report, but will be calculated based on the type of “own” sensors, etc. This is to be formatted as DAML and sent to UMD and NRL. BBN to also provide DAML parser to UMD and NRL

13 NRL with UMD BBN provides UMD with locations on Agadez submarines, and UMD predicts locations at some point in time. NRL to UMD –NRL to provide ocean depth data so that UMD can take this into consideration within their prediction agents. Particularly important as Agadez submarines may present danger to land assets (entering littoral zone). UMD to NRL –NRL will accept these predictions, and display them appropriately in XIS & 3D viewing tool. US Submarine moving in Red Sea, but this information is available only to UMD in their prediction and in the XIS system.

14 Agenda

15 Progress to Date Administrative –NRL/UMD meeting at UMD to discuss integration plans 27 th February. –NRL/LM-ATL meeting on 18 th February during EMAA training class. –NRL/GITI initial integration meeting 21 st March during CoABS grid training. –Many teleconferences. –NRL has provided BBN an unclassified ASW contact report, which will be formatted as a DAML message and registered the grid. –NRL has provided ocean bottom data for the Binni region to UMD for use by their prediction agents. Development (No formal software integration with TIE participants has started – all internal software will contain stubs as placeholders to facilitate rapid integration with TIE collaborators) –NRL has obtained 2 XIS development licenses and is in the process of setting up a simulated TDBM server, and agents that can pull ASW track data from the grid (stub for BBN). –Currently working on development of 3D viewer, to be called from XIS GUI. The serviceUI capabilities of the grid will be tested internally using the 3D viewer prior to integration with GITI. –Stub for UMD prediction agents.

16 Agenda

17 TDBM ServerXIS & 3D display tool CoABS Agent Grid (connections via LM-ATL’s I 2 AT – US HQ) ASW Track data via sensor reports from BBN (DAML message format)+ own sensor Positions to NRL. Display ASW tracks & own sensor locations Predictions from UMD GITI 3D display and XIS view to GITI via ServiceUI Alerts for JFLCC (later JFACC?) Summary Ocean Bottom Data to UMD 1 3 2 4 4 BBN/UMD/NRL/GITI communicate via I-X P 2 ? NRL Demo machine BBN (Arabello) ARL/UMD Coalition JFLCC HQ Coalition JFMCC HQArabello HQ 1 ASW Track data via sensor reports from BBN (DAML message format) to UMD.

18 Agenda

19 Coalition Specific Relevance Release of information to various coalition participants depends on many factors such as classification, need- to-know, etc. –NRL is trying to leverage work under previous Darpa sponsored program titled “Flexible Coalition Policies for Secure Information Sharing” Also compares risk versus benefit of sharing information. –These policies will be encoded using the Java Expert System Shell (JESS), interacting with the grid through JADE (JessAgent). –The concept will be demonstrated within CoAX by specification of policies and rules (JESS) for JFMC to provide (through US HQ) the location of the US submarine to some (UMD) and not others. JESS may also be used to define what alerts should be sent.

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