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Marine Provinces.

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Presentation on theme: "Marine Provinces."— Presentation transcript:

1 Marine Provinces

2 Shelf – slope – rise Abyssal plain Mid-ocean ridges Deep sea trenches
Submarine canyons Abyssal plain Seamounts and guyots Mid-ocean ridges Fracture zones, transform faults Hydrothermal vents Deep sea trenches

3 Shelf, slope, rise

4 Note variable width of shelf and location of submarine canyons

5 Getting sediment down to the continental rise

6 Submarine cable Breaks in canyon

7 Sediment pouring down canyon

8 Found on abyssal plains

9 Location of mid-ocean ridges
Note fracture zones and transform faults

10 Formation of hydrothermal vents

11 Black smoker


13 Tube worms at smoker

14 Ridges, transform faults, fracture zones
Transform faults offset ridge segments Fracture zones are extensions of transform faults Draw relationships and relative motions

15 Black lines = center of ridges
Offsets = transform faults Long red lines = fracture zones

16 Location of trenches

17 Continental – oceanic convergent plate boundary
Many volcanoes parallel trenches Ring of Fire around Pacific

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