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ANTARES and KM3NeT John Carr Centre de Physique de Particules de Marseille IN2P3 / MICINN meeting Madrid, 12 Jan 2009.

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Presentation on theme: "ANTARES and KM3NeT John Carr Centre de Physique de Particules de Marseille IN2P3 / MICINN meeting Madrid, 12 Jan 2009."— Presentation transcript:

1 ANTARES and KM3NeT John Carr Centre de Physique de Particules de Marseille IN2P3 / MICINN meeting Madrid, 12 Jan 2009

2 ANTARES Collaboration CPPM, Marseille CPPM, Marseille APC Paris APC Paris Univ. de H.-A., Mulhouse Univ. de H.-A., Mulhouse DSM/IRFU/CEA, Saclay IFREMER, Toulon/Brest IFREMER, Toulon/Brest C.O.M. Marseille C.O.M. Marseille LAM, Marseille LAM, Marseille GeoAzur Villefranche GeoAzur Villefranche University/INFN of Bari University/INFN of Bari University/INFN of Bologna University/INFN of Bologna University/INFN of Catania University/INFN of Catania LNS – Catania LNS – Catania University/INFN of Pisa University/INFN of Pisa University/INFN of Rome University/INFN of Rome University/INFN of Genova University/INFN of Genova IFIC, Valencia IFIC, Valencia UPV, Valencia UPV, Valencia NIKHEF, Amsterdam NIKHEF, Amsterdam KVI Groningen KVI Groningen NIOZ Texel NIOZ Texel ITEP, Moscow ITEP, Moscow University of Erlangen University of Erlangen ISS, Bucharest ISS, Bucharest Spokesman Paschal Coyle, Marseille Deputy Spokesman Juanjo Hernandez, Valencia Technical Coordinator Marco Circella, Bari 8% 47% 11% 9% 22% 1% 2%

3 Current Operating Neutrino Telescopes ANTARES: Mediterranean Sea BAIKAL: Siberia AMANDA/ICECUBE: South Pole

4 Motivation for Astronomy Search for cosmic-ray accelerators Active galactic nuclei Supernova remnants Gamma-ray bursts Microquasars Unknown objects Search for Exotic Particles Dark Matter : WIMPs/Neutralinos Magnetic Monopoles Nuclearites Unknown imagined particles Particle Physics Neutrino Oscillations High Energy Cross-sections Tests of Lorentz Invariance

5 Sky Coverage of Neutrino Telescopes Indicative sky coverage assuming 100% efficiency in downward hemisphere Mediterranean SeaSouth Pole Galactic Centre seen by northern hemisphere neutrino telescope

6 12 lines 25 storeys / line 3 PMTs / storey 900 PMTs ~70 m 100 m 350 m Link cable Junction Box cable to shore Anchor/line socket 2500m depth ANTARES Detector Calibration systems: Acoustic positioning Optical beacons storey

7 ANTARES Infrastructure Toulon La Seyne Submarine cable (45km) Site 20 km from nearest land Shore Station IFREMER Toulon Centre FOSELEV Marine Shipyard

8 Detector on seabed Junction Box Line bases Line storeys L11 L9 L10 L12 L8 L6 L4 L2 L3 L5 L1 IL07 seismometer 100 m N Junction box Submarine cable to shore L7

9 Data Taking 1 line 2 lines 5 lines 10 lines 12 lines

10 Time Calibration Optical fibres Laser On shore laser system In sea LED beacon system LED beacon RMS 0.74ns RMS 0.60ns

11 Position alignment r = (a z - b ln[1-cz] ) v 2 Z(m) r(m) Example for Sea current v= 25 cm/s r max = 22m Measure every 1 min: Distance line bases to 5 storeys/line and also storey headings and tilts

12 Line position measurements

13 Data zenith angle distribution Data Atmospheric Neutrino Monte Carlo Atmospheric Muon Monte Carlo June 2007 – Dec 2007 5 lines 140 active days 168 neutrinos 224 neutrinos Dec 2007 – May 2008 10 lines 109 active days

14 Sky map of neutrino events (June 2007 – Dec 200, 5 lines,140 active days)

15 Search for events in 3° cone around 25 sources No significant excess !

16 Flux limits on point source search Limit on flux with E  2 spectrum

17 KM3NeT Combined Mediterranean Neutrino Telescope project ANTARESNEMO NESTOR

18 Undersea Observatory Neutrino Telescope Seismology Biology Oceanography

19 Conclusion ANTARES completely operational - demonstrates the feasibility of undersea neutrino telescope France-Spain co-operations important - IFIC-CPPM optical beacon calibration systems - UPV-CPPM acoustic positioning - IFIC-APC Point Sources ANTARES biggest detector in northern hemisphere - already best results for point sources KM3NeT - next generation neutrino telescope in Mediterranean Sea - expect significant funding decisions in 2009

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