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A Practical & Pragmatic Look at Making Cloud Successful in Developing World Nairobi, Kenya, 28 September 2011 5/17/2015 TRA proprietary Info Technology.

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Presentation on theme: "A Practical & Pragmatic Look at Making Cloud Successful in Developing World Nairobi, Kenya, 28 September 2011 5/17/2015 TRA proprietary Info Technology."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Practical & Pragmatic Look at Making Cloud Successful in Developing World Nairobi, Kenya, 28 September 2011 5/17/2015 TRA proprietary Info Technology Investments Risks and Threats Socio-economic Benefits Infrastructure Governance

2 2 TRA proprietary / TRA – IYH – Cloud Computing 5/17/2015 Cloud Computing Wheels of Development with Perfect Governance Info Technology Investments Risks and Threats Socio-economic Benefits Infrastructure Perfect Governance Infrastructure

3 3 The Cloud vs. Traditional IT Systems 5/17/2015 TRA proprietary Ref: Firas Sleiman – Mousanada - 3rd Cloud computing summit - May 2011

4 4 TRA proprietary / TRA – IYH – Cloud Computing 5/17/2015 Cloud Computing Wheels of Development Socio-Economic Benefits Investments Risks and Threats Socio-economic Benefits Infrastructure Governance Infrastructure Training acceleration using cloud Focus on e-Education’s benefits Promote economic growth by involving SMEs Efficient tool to achieve MDGs (Remote health, microfinance, reduce poverty, etc.) Economic growth and social benefits, job creation and increase in GDP Freedom of speech and expression Info Technology

5 5 TRA proprietary / TRA – IYH – Cloud Computing 5/17/2015 Cloud Computing Wheels of Developments Information Technology Infrastructure Info Technology Investments Risks and Threats Socio-economic Benefits Infrastructure Governance Infrastructure Centralized processing power Scalability Security Available for Fixed & Mobile Applications Limited data center infrastructure Content and customizations Pay for usage

6 6 TRA proprietary / TRA – IYH – Cloud Computing 5/17/2015 Cloud Computing Wheels of Development Telecom Infrastructure Info Technology Risks and Threats Socio-economic Benefits Infrastructure Governance Investments Broadband connectivity (and interconnectivity) within and between African countries High penetration of Mobile Broadband – Cheap terminals are key Infrastructure reliability and security Mobility facilitates adoption within and between African countries Cooperation is required

7 7 TRA proprietary / TRA – IYH – Cloud Computing 5/17/2015 Cloud Computing Wheels of Development African Telecom Infrastructure Info Technology Risks and Threats Socio-economic Benefits Infrastructure Governance Landing of several broadband submarine fiber-optic cables Investments

8 8 Several Undersea Cables Traverse the African Continent 5/17/2015 TRA proprietary

9 9 TRA proprietary / TRA – IYH – Cloud Computing 5/17/2015 Cloud Computing Wheels of Development Investments Investments Risks and Threats Socio-economic Benefits Infrastructure Governance Local investors African investors International investors Cloud models secures a quick ROI Investment environment (laws, lower taxes, ease of doing business) Investment needed for fixed BB Info Technology

10 5/17/2015 Cloud Computing Wheels of Development Inevitable Risks and Threats Info Technology Risks and Threats Infrastructure Governance Investments Socio-economic Benefits

11 5/17/2015 Cloud Computing Wheels of Development Governance Readiness for Risks and Threats Risks and Threats Info Technology Infrastructure Governance Investments Socio-economic Benefits

12 5/17/2015 Cloud Computing Wheels of Development Major Risks and Threats Risks and Threats Data location and control? Privacy and confidentiality Data security and integrity IPR and copyright protection Oppression and repression Info Technology Infrastructure Governance Investments Socio-economic Benefits

13 13 Example of Mobile Cloud Computing 5/17/2015 TRA proprietary Apple's iCloud will include cloud-based contacts, calendar and e-mail, allowing users to access their inboxes, events and contacts across a range of devices. Through iCloud, this data will always be up-to-date and in sync Ref:

14 5/17/2015 Cloud Computing Wheels of Development Heavy handed Governance with Risks and Threats Risks and Threats Heavy handed Slowing down economic growth due to: Threats to establishment of new businesses Threats to investments Threats to cooperation Potential oppression and repression Governance

15 5/17/2015 Cloud Computing Wheels of Development Normal Governance with Risks and Threats Info Technology Risks and Threats Infrastructure “Do no harm”, close to “hands off”? Self-regulation or government enforced standards? Framework for legal protection + monitoring without government intervention Cooperation between industry, consumers and government on policy Business environment (laws, acts, lowering taxes, etc.) Encouraging competition Which law enforcement rules apply? Encourage Small to Medium Businesses Look for Safe and Secure Cloud/Communication Governance

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