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Bibbulmun Track Survey 2003 A Survey Method for Long Tracks By Annie Keating.

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Presentation on theme: "Bibbulmun Track Survey 2003 A Survey Method for Long Tracks By Annie Keating."— Presentation transcript:

1 Bibbulmun Track Survey 2003 A Survey Method for Long Tracks By Annie Keating

2 Bibbulmun Track Research Project Funding support for this research was provided by the Trails Grants Program administered by the Department of Sport & Recreation and supported by Lotterywest

3 Introduction The Bibbulmun Track briefly Survey method Summary of results Implications for management

4 965km length 48 campsites 9 towns 148 maintenance sections 8 maps 2 guide books Foundation with: –300 volunteers –2000 members

5 Survey Methodology Overall objective Aim of research project Specific objectives Research strategy

6 Overall objective To provide the Bibbulmun Track management, maintenance and marketing teams with the information required to assist strategic planning for the Track and to ensure its long term sustainability.

7 Research aims To develop a methodology by which usage of the Bibbulmun Track and other long distance walking tracks could be reliably estimated. Determine usage levels Profile track users Estimate economic benefits generated by track

8 Research objectives Estimate total number of track visits during a 12 month period (measured in “user days”) Level of awareness in community of Bibbulmun Track Frequency of usage of the tack Intention to use the Track Barriers / catalysts to use of the Track Economic impact of the Track on local communities

9 Survey strategy Walker survey Community survey Economic impact study

10 Walker Survey Methodology Step 1: Break down track into sections Step 2: Select survey (sampling) sites Step 3: Develop questionnaire and observation record Step 4: Schedule survey sessions Step 5: Collect and analyse data

11 Walker Survey Methodology – Step 1 Break the track down into sections with similar characteristics – Classify each section according to the following identified classifications:

12 Track classifications and their characteristics Primary tourist sites (T-sites) Where Track passes through major tourist attractions Secondary high use sites (H-sites) Popular Track access points with anecdotal high visitation rates Through townships / population centres (P-sites) High, local, recreation usage Long distance or remote sections (D-sites) Usually requires overnight walk to access

13 Walker Survey Methodology – Step 2 Select typical sections in each class for observation Sections chosen are evenly distributed along whole length of Track –5 tourist section sites –4 high use section sites –4 town / population centre section sites –3 long distance section sites

14 Walker Survey Methodology – Step 2 15 survey sites, distributed across the whole length of the Bibbulmun Track were chosen. They included Albany Windfarm, Treetop Walk, Gloucester Tree, (T sites), 4 towns (P sites), 3 sites more than 1 day’s walk from vehicle access and 4 popular day walk and access sites.

15 Walker Survey Methodology – Step 3 Develop questionnaire and observation record. –Volume tracking form – to record group size and composition, time, direction. –Questionnaire form – kept as short and simple as possible –double-sided A4 sheet.

16 Walker Survey Methodology Step 4 Session schedule – Conducted over 6 month period (Apr – Oct 2003) One observation session per week scheduled Each ‘time slot’ surveyed up to three times over 6 months Weekly usage = (Saturday users)+(Sunday users)+[5x(weekday users)]

17 Walker Survey Methodology Step 5 – Data collection –Volunteers assigned dates, times and locations according to session schedule –Intercept and user volume surveys conducted over 6 months by volunteers –198 observation sessions conducted between April & October 2003 –295 interviews completed on Track supplemented by 58 from Foundation members –Pedestrian counter data collected and used to calibrate observational data

18 Community Phone Survey 300 people surveyed in metro area 100 surveyed from South West Awareness of Track measured Estimate number of people who have ever used Track Phone survey not used to estimate annual usage figures

19 Economic Impact Study Aimed to provide indicative data only Two sources of data were; –Walker survey question about estimated spending on walk –Survey questionnaire posted to businesses along Track Questionnaires completed by 44 businesses – small number provides qualitative rather than quantitative information.

20 Bibbulmun Track Survey Results Awareness of the Track Track usage – users and visits Patterns of usage Who is walking the Track User satisfaction Economic impact

21 Awareness of Bibbulmun Track 83% of people in Perth and the South West have heard of the Bibbulmun Track

22 Track Usage - Number of visitor days Estimated 280,000 visitor days per year

23 Track Usage – Duration of walks 280,000 user days per year Average of 2.04 days per visit, equates to: 137,250 visits to the Track each year

24 Distance being walked

25 Number of walkers in each group

26 Walker Profile: Age

27 Walker Profile: Origin of walkers

28 Satisfaction with the Track 82% rated the Track 6 or 7 out of 7 in terms of how pleased they were with their walk.

29 Walker Spending Patterns

30 Economic impact of the Track Accommodation, equipment, meals, food supplies, fuel, other transport, maps and guidebooks = $21million per annum

31 Economic impact - Business Survey Total of 44 businesses responded Five influenced by Track for location 1/3 earned 10% + of revenue from walkers Three depended on Track Conclusion - the Bibbulmun Track is a valuable component of the economy

32 Bibbulmun Track Research – Implications for management Predicted variations in usage between different areas is accurate. Measured actual usage can be used in planning maintenance works programs. Helps planning of management presence. Enables planning of specialised maintenance requirements such as toilet replacement and capacity modifications. Plan water tank replenishment etc. Information helps plan strategies for illegal use.

33 Bibbulmun Track Research – Implications for management 73% of Track in remoter sections with low usage. Remote, wilderness experiences are maintained for walkers Original intent and vision for Bibbulmun Track is thus maintained. Future challenge to maintain balance between environmental and experiential sustainability and increased usage. Figures indicate there is still plenty of capacity to do this.

34 Bibbulmun Track Research – Implications for management Survey Question : How could the Bibbulmun Track best be improved? Most common answer: 33% said -do nothing, leave it as it is, or don’t over-develop. Prevention of incremental development in the face of pressures from increasing usage requires active management. In order for it to appear that “Nothing has been done.” requires active management.

35 Bibbulmun Track Research – Implications for management Figures indicate that despite high awareness levels only 1.32% of population actually use the track in any year. Implications for this are: –Reassess and refine methods for measuring usage –Research motivators for translating Track awareness into Track usage –Investigate barriers to Track usage –Use results from above to develop new marketing strategies

36 Bibbulmun Track Research – Implications for management Longer distance walkers spend more. Distance walkers should be encouraged Distance walkers spread impact across whole track Distance walkers tend to make fewer trips to the track per year. Boosts to regional economies could be gained by targeting distance walking market segment Target converting day walkers to distance walkers

37 Wrap Up of Research Project Methodology and tools developed can be adapted and used for most long tracks. In the long term the most valuable outcome from the project. Results indicate that the Bibbulmun Track is receiving high usage and is well maintained and accepted by the general public. Furthermore the Track is developing an interstate and international profile that needs to be further developed and marketed. The methodology can be refined and adapted to meet future management needs and resources.

38 THANK YOU To dozens of Bibbulmun Track volunteers who worked tirelessly in a dozen different locations along the Track to conduct the intercept surveys. This project would not have been possible without them.

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