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How Do I Measure Up? Donna Walker Director of Gifted/Talented, and AP Programs, Norman Public Schools (405)366-5837

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Presentation on theme: "How Do I Measure Up? Donna Walker Director of Gifted/Talented, and AP Programs, Norman Public Schools (405)366-5837"— Presentation transcript:

1 How Do I Measure Up? Donna Walker Director of Gifted/Talented, and AP Programs, Norman Public Schools (405)366-5837

2 Can I Leap Tall Buildings? Am I Faster Than A Speeding Bullet? More Powerful Than A Locomotive?

3 Where Do I Start?

4 You Have Power To Affect Change

5 You Create Circles of Influence

6 We Can Measure Ourselves Against Professional Standards

7 We Can Work Together to Work Smarter Rather Than Harder

8 Let’s Get Started

9 NAGC – CEC Teacher Knowledge & Skill Standards for Gifted and Talented Education Dr. Diane Montgomery, Ph.D., coauthor from Oklahoma State University

10 Standard 1: Foundations We need to be familiar with the research and philosophies supporting G/T education We should be knowledgeable of the laws and policies regarding G/T education We need to be aware of the differences that culture and environment have on individuals Societal, cultural, and economic impact on G/T Diversity/inclusion impact schooling

11 Standard 2: Development and Characteristics of Learners Cognitive and affective characteristics of individuals with gifts and talents Characteristics and impact of culture and environment on gifted and talented development Roles of families and community in supporting the development of gifts and talents Advanced milestones of gifted and talented from childhood to adolescence Differences of G/T compared to general population

12 Standard 3: Individual Learning Differences Influences of diversity factors Academic and affective characteristics and learning needs Idiosyncratic learning patterns Influences of different beliefs, traditions, and values Integrate perspectives of diverse groups into instructional planning

13 Standard 4: Instructional Strategies Identify school and community resources that help support differentiation Develop instructional strategies that support differentiation Provide choice in expression of knowledge Pace delivery of content with needs of individuals Utilize technology for differentiation

14 Standard 5: Learning Environments and Social Interactions Ways in which stereotypes discriminate Social and emotional influences impact our students’ relationships and learning Development of self-awareness and leadership in our students Safe learning environments Create an appreciation for diversity Develop ability to address social issues

15 Standard 6: Language and Communication Utilize technology and other resources to break down communication barriers English language learners will benefit from texts or tests in their native language Use of nonverbal ability tests may help in the identification of gifted and talented English language learners or in students who have limited vocabulary skills

16 Standard 7: Instructional Planning Curriculum and instruction is at the center of gifted education Differentiation of content is one way to serve gifted and talented students learning needs Differentiation of process is how students interact with the content Differentiation of products is also important Integrate academic and career guidance into curricula for gifted and talented students to make it relevant

17 Standard 8: Assessment The use of a variety of assessments is beneficial for identification of gifted and talented students Qualitative as well as quantitative assessments may be used for identification of gifted and talented students in category two Use of self-reflective assessments in the classroom may help gifted and talented students develop an appreciation for effort and perseverance

18 Standard 9: Professional and Ethical Practice Identification and removal of personal bias Utilization of professional organizations and journals, books, and resources Improve skills by participation in gifted and talented professional development Reflect on personal practice and skills, revise Respect the variety of student abilities and preferences

19 Standard 10: Collaboration Teachers of gifted and talented students need to work with teachers, students, and parents to help create a plan of study. Helping advocate for gifted and talented students and their learning needs is a responsibility of the gifted/talented teacher Teaching students to be in charge of their own learning and to advocate for themselves is a responsibility of gifted and talented teachers.

20 Measure Your Own Professional Growth You can develop knowledge and skills in teaching gifted and talented students Standards are for self-assessment and professional growth We can provide what our students need and deserve…our best efforts.

21 For questions/comments Donna Walker Director of Gifted/Talented and AP Programs Norman Public Schools (405) 366-5837

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