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National Commission for Evaluation, Transparency and Integrity of Public Administrations National Anti-corruption Authority (CiVIT) Rome, December 2012.

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Presentation on theme: "National Commission for Evaluation, Transparency and Integrity of Public Administrations National Anti-corruption Authority (CiVIT) Rome, December 2012."— Presentation transcript:

1 National Commission for Evaluation, Transparency and Integrity of Public Administrations National Anti-corruption Authority (CiVIT) Rome, December 2012 OGP meeting

2 The National Commission for Evaluation, Transparency and Integrity of Public Administrations CiVIT was set up by Law 15/2009 and further regulated by Legislative Decree 150/2009. Since its implementation in office (22 December 2009), it has been operating in three areas falling under its remit: - transparency and Integrity (even to prevent corruption), with a specific Section dedicated to Transparency and Integrity; - improvement and enhancement of Performance management; - quality of services The Anti-Corruption Law 190/2012, entered into force on 28 November 2012, qualifies CIVIT as the Italian Anti-Corruption Authority

3 CiVIT Activities 2010-2012 3 Activities Performance Transparency and Integrity Service Quality Standards Guidelines Set up of Independent performance Evaluation Unit (OIV) Guidelines Performance planning, monitoring, reporting and accounting Performance measurement at both organizational and individual level Performance sanctions and rewards Set up of director in charge of transparency Data realese planning and implementation Transparency initiatives as a means to promote integrity and prevent corruption Set up of director in charge of quality Public services mapping Standard dimensions and indicators of quality Monitoring Systems and Plans Feedback Three – year Programmes Feedback Reports Feedback Advisoring Conferences Meetings FAQ Conferences Meetings FAQ Conferences Meetings FAQ

4 The CiVIT Actions for Transparency For Central Government -Guidelines for the preparation and updating of the three– year Programmes for Transparency and Integrity (including the section on web sites called “Transparency, evaluation and merit”) -Network of independent evaluation bodies (OIVs) and “director in charge of transparency” in every administrative unit -Monitoring the compliance of Transparency obligations - Support for the effective implementation of the provisions set forth by the decree 150/2009 For Local Authorities Guidelines agreed with local authorities associations (ANCI,UPI) 4

5 Numbers of transparency: Central Administrations 5 Central Admin.Num. OIV Dir. in charge of transparency Transparency and Integrity Plans 2012 Ministries12100%92%100% Public Social Security Institutes 2100% National Research Institutes 2184%68%48% National Parks2391%65%57% Other administrative Bodies and Agencies 2275%67%50% TOTAL8087%72%57%

6 Actions to enhance transparency Civit is now focusing on: -Simplification of transparency obligations -Improvement of compliance level regarding services, use of resourses, procedures and public procurement -Improvement of quality of data published on the section “transparency, evaluation and merit” -Ensuring the usability and accessibility of data as a tool to prevent corruption -Stakeholders engagement in order to publish data directly requested by citizens 6

7 CiVIT and the New Anti-Corruption Bill Enhancement of CiVIT role in promoting transparency to prevent corruption Reinforcement of advisory functions (Annual Report to the Parliament) Introduction of new monitoring powers (prescriptions to administrations) Enlargement of consulting functions (on request of public administrations) Development of international and domestic linkages (public and no profit organisations) Increase of annual budget 7

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