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Published byRoland McKenzie Modified over 9 years ago
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center1 Navy Enlisted Advancement System (NEAS) Last update: April 2007
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center2 Presentation Topics u Purpose of advancement exams u Exams development and administration u Final Multiple Score Factors u Profile sheet - What does it mean? u What you should do to prepare for advancement u Recent and future changes
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center3 Questions u What five factors make up the Final Multiple Score (FMS) for E-4 to E-6 candidates? u Is the FMS different for E-7 candidates? u What percentage of E-7 candidates are selected to be board eligible? u What factor has the largest percentage of the FMS for E-4 to E-6 candidates? u What number of occupational & PMK questions are on each exam?
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center4 Purpose of Advancement Examinations The advancement-in-rate examination is a tool used, as part of the Final Multiple Score, to help rank order qualified candidates on the basis of rating and professional military knowledge at the next higher rate.
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center5 Qualifying to Take the Exam u CO recommendation u Meet minimum time in rate (TIR) requirement u Proper Path of Advancement u Requirements must be met for STRIKERS/GENDETS u - Meet minimum requirements for rating (i.e. citizenship, security clearance, and training) u - Counseled by their Career Development Team (CDT) after the CREO/REGA message is released (about 60 days prior to exam) u - Must receive approval by the ECM, if required by the CREO/REGA message, prior to the date of examination.
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center6 u Written by CPOs (E-7 to E-9) – NETPDTC hosts an Advancement Exam Development Conference for each rating on a 2- year cycle. At least 6 Fleet SMEs from the respective rating are invited to attend. –Recent fleet experience –From ratings (BM, SH, etc.) or –From rating communities (EMN, AWA, etc.) u Advancement exams are designed to test rating and professional military experience and knowledge Exam Development Facts
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center7 Exam Development Facts u Exams consist of 200 questions Occupational + Professional Military Knowledge (PMK) E7 100100 E6 115 85 E5 135 65 E4 150 50
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center8 u Advancement exams test on occupational (rate) and professional military knowledge (PMK) information –Exams test the most important topics for the rate –Every question must be supported by a reference –SkillObject/Level 1 Tasks, Naval Standards, or Competencies pertaining to the rating are used to validate questions More Exam Development Facts
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center9 Advancement Exam Development Conference 1. Review Scope of the Rating 2. Verify Master Reference List 3. Update, edit, and improve exam banks and graphics 4. Build 14 examinations (2 years) 5. Post new Advancement Exam Strategy Guide (AESG) u EVERY ONE TO TWO YEARS
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center10 Exam Scoring u Approaches to exam scoring: –Criterion-referenced (schoolhouses) –Norm-referenced (Navy advancement exams)
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center11 Standard Score Example u Raw score: 0 to 200 u Raw scores are converted to standard scores u Standard score: 20 to 80 u Average of all raw scores is assigned standard score 50 0 100 200 Standard Score Raw Score
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center12 Myth u MYTH: Scoring the maximum 80 points on the exams means you “aced” the exam. u FACT: It simply means you performed better than all or almost all of the other candidates taking the same exam. u FACT: 80 “represents” the highest standard score attained for a group of candidates taking the same examination (the best raw score may have been a 175).
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center13 Final Multiple Score (FMS) The Final Multiple Score (FMS) method looks at the “whole person” u E-4/5/6 –Performance –Experience ( service in paygrade, awards, and PNA points) –Exam Score (standard score) u E-7 –Performance –Exam Score (standard score)
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center14 Current FMS Chart
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center15 FMS for E-4/5 Candidates (Maximum possible points) u Examination standard score:8034% u Performance:8436% u Service in paygrade3013% u Awards:10 4% u PNA Points:3013% Total Possible 234 100%
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center16 FMS for E-6 Candidates (Maximum possible points) u Examination standard score: 80 30.0 % u Performance: 110 41.5 % u Service in paygrade: 34 13.0 % u Awards:12 4.5 % u PNA Points:30 11.0 % Total Possible 266 100.0 %
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center17 FMS for E-7 Candidates (Maximum possible points) u Examination standard score:80 60% u Performance:52 40% Total Possible 132 100%
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center18 Contribution to Variance Note: FMS formula change at Cycle 155; FMS formula change at Cycle 168. FMS Factors (E-6 USN/R)
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center19 Changes for August/September 2007 u Increase Performance Mark Average (PMA) u Reduce Service in Paygrade and Pass Not Advanced Factors by One Half –Maintain experience (SIPG) at a reduced number of factor points –Maintain sustained superior performance (PNA) at a reduced number of factor points CURRENT FMSE-4/5 MAXE-6 MAX ELEMENTPTS% % u Performance Mark Average (Performance/CO’s Recommendation) u Standard Score (Knowledge) u Service in Paygrade (Career Rating Experience) u Pass Not Advanced Points (Sustained Superior Performance) u Awards (Experience/Performance) u Total Points 84 80 30 10 234 36% 34% 13% 4% 100% 110 80 34 30 12 266 41.5% 30% 13% 11% 4.5% 100% INCREASE PMA and HALF SIPG & PNA E-4/5 MAXE-6 MAX PTS%DELTAPTS%DELTA 90 80 15 10 210 43% 38% 7% 5% 100% 7% 4% -6% 1% 116 80 17 15 12 240 48.5% 33.5% 7% 6% 5% 100% 7% 3.5% -6% -5% 0.5% u Note: E-7 FMS does not change from current FMS
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center20 Changes (Cont’d) u Change in PMA Formula: –from current: (12 pt difference between EP & MP or MP & P) v E-4/5 = (PMA x 60) - 156 v E-6 = (PMA x 60) – 130 –to new: (16 pt difference between EP & MP or MP & P) v E-4/5 = (PMA x 80) - 230 v E-6 = (PMA x 80) – 204
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center21 Study Results Rank ordering from Mar 06 rating exams Note differences in rank ordering for Sailors with high PMA Most Sailors with high PMA increased in ranking compared to the current ranking
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center22 340 CANDIDATES 37 SELECTEES (9 Candidates W/ 4.0 PMA not shown) Rankings for SH1
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center23 New FMS Chart u Note: E-7 FMS does not change from current FMS
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center24 Performance Mark Average (PMA) u Promotion recommendation point values Early Promote =4.00 Must Promote=3.80 Promotable =3.60 Progressing=3.40 Significant Problems=2.00 u Time-in-rate requirements E-3 to E-4 6 mos in E-3 E-4 to E-512 mos in E-4 E-5 to E-636 mos in E-5 E-4 to E-536 mos in E-6 Representation of a Typical E-6 Candidate PMA Frequency Distribution PMA based on: 3 yrs of averaged evals for E-6 1 yr of averaged evals for E-4/5
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center25 How is PMA calculated? Example for PO2 participating in PO1 exam: Evaluation endingBlock 45 mark 02 March 15EP = 4.00 01 March 15MP = 3.80 00 March 15MP = 3.80 Add 4.00 + 3.80 + 3.80 = 11.6, divide by 3 = 3.866 Round up to 3.87 Final PMA is 3.87
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center26 Performance Mark Average Contribution to Final Multiple Score Performance FMS Points Mark Average E4/5 E6 E7 4.00 84.0 110.0 52.0 3.80 72.0 98.0 49.4 3.60 60.0 86.0 46.8 3.40 48.0 74.0 44.2 *These values are based on individual’s average over the cumulative reporting periods.
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center27 Sustained Superior Performance Awarded to those who pass the exam but are not advanced due to quota limitations Points awarded each exam cycle based on combination of Performance Mark Average (PMA) and Exam Standard Score (SS) Up to 3.0 PNA points awarded per exam cycle up to 5 cycles (1.5 points max each for PMA and SS) u PMA (max 1.5 points per cycle) awarded based on ranking relative to peers: Top 25% = 1.5 PNA Points Next 25%= 1.0 PNA Points Next 25%= 0.5 PNA Points Bottom 25%= 0 PNA Points SS (max 1.5 points per cycle) awarded based on exam score: 57.01- 80.00= 1.5 PNA points 50.01- 57.00 = 1.0 PNA points 42.01- 50.00 = 0.5 PNA points < 42.01= 0 PNA points Maximum total weight 7% (E-4/E-5); 6% (E-6) Passed Not Advanced (PNA) Points Rarely maxed to 15 Pts Representation of a Typical E-6 Candidate PNA Frequency Distribution
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center28 Experience / Performance Not proposed for reduction / elimination Points awarded as per chart below Maximum point awarded 10 (E4/E5) 12 (E6) Maximum total weight 5% (E4/E5/E6) AWARD PTS/AWDS Medal of Honor 10 Navy Cross5 Distinguished Service Medal or Cross 4 Silver Star Medal4 Legion of Merit4 Distinguished Flying Cross4 Navy and Marine Corps Medal3 Bronze Star Medal3 Purple Heart3 Defense Meritorious Service Medal3 Meritorious Service Medal3 Joint Service Commendation Medal3 Navy and Marine Corps Commendation Medal3 Executive Letter of Commendation2 Joint Service Achievement Medal2 Navy and Marine Corps Achievement Medal2 Combat Action Ribbon2 Gold Life Saving Medal 2 Good Conduct Medal (Navy or Marine Corps) 2 Naval Reserve Meritorious Service Medal2 Individual Augmentee (IA) Tour2 Air Medal (Strike/Flight) 1 Letter of Commendation (Flag/Senior Executive Service)1 Awards (AWD) Points Representation of a Typical E-6 Candidate AWD Frequency Distribution Rarely maxed to 10 Pts for E-4/5
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center29 NOTE: At E-6, candidates can get a 1 year EP waiver. Rating Experience Up to 7.5 years awarded (E4/E5/E6) Maximum total weight 7% (E4/E5/E6) Service in Paygrade (SIPG) Rarely maxed to 7.5 yrs at E-4/5 Representation of a Typical E-6 Candidate SIPG Frequency Distribution SIPG (YYMM)
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center30 Maximum Factor Counts and Highest FMS NOTE: Inval and Change of Rate Candidates are not included in Total Candidate count.
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center31 Now, let’s talk about the Profile Information Sheet…
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center32 Final Multiple Score Breakdown PNA Point Breakdown Exam Score by Section Breakdown
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center33 Initial Profile Sheet
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center34 Post Board Profile Sheet
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center35 Questions and Answers u QUESTION: What if a reference is revised so that it changes the correct answer to an exam question? u ANSWER: –If the change makes the question’s original correct answer no longer valid or no longer the ONLY correct answer, the question will be deleted. –If the change results in a different answer than the original correct answer, then answer key is simply changed to reflect the new correct answer.
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center36 …another Q & A u QUESTION: I missed making rate by less than 1 point. What should I do? u ANSWER: Contact PSD/ESO to make sure all possible FMS points were submitted
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center37 “Where do the advancement quotas originate?”
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center38 “What do you mean, there was a discrepancy on my test?” u Discrepancies: –An error on a worksheet –An error on an answer sheet Or –information that does not match the Enlisted Master File u Examples: –Missing or incorrect PMA –Overwriting bar-coded information with incorrect answer sheet bubbling –Improper path of advancement –Not meeting special rating requirements –Incorrect SSN –Name on Answer Sheet not matching EMF –Insufficient Time-in-Rate –Recording exam rate incorrectly (MM vice MMN entered on answer sheet) u Errors can lead to: –Delayed results or advancements –Improper processing –LOSING OUT ON ADVANCEMENT
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center39 “How can YOU help YOUR Sailors to be prepared for Advancement?” u Make sure they meet all eligibility requirements u Make sure they understand sustained superior performance is the key u Provide useful guidance in their evaluations and mid-term counseling u Ensure they know about the tools to help them succeed (Bibliography, References, AESG, schools, OJT, etc.) u Use the Advancement Exam Strategy Guide (AESG) to help focus their study plan. u START EARLY--don’t wait until the last minute!
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center40 Bibliography for Advancement Study (Bibs) u Bibs are available ONLY in electronic form – available at u Bibs list the source references for each rating exam u Always study the most recent version of any reference! u The Advancement Exam Strategy Guide (AESG) for each rating links the references used in advancement exams to the Topic and Subtopics tested
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center41 Advancement Exam Strategy Guide
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center43 Exam Schedule January 3rd Thursday E7 February (Reserve) E4/5/6/7 March 1st Thursday E6 2nd Thursday E5 3rd Thursday E4 August (Reserve) E4/5/6 September 1st Thursday E6 2nd Thursday E5 3rd Thursday E4
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center44 Recent Changes to Enlisted Advancement u Effective Mar 2007 - Two advancement points (the same as for receipt of Navy Achievement Medal) will be awarded to Sailors who successfully complete a tour greater than 179 consecutive days in a designated combat zone (CENTCOM, Iraq, Afghanistan, and HOA) u Effective 2007 – IAs serving designated combat areas will have a 4-month windows in which to take an exam (2 months prior and 1 month after) u Effective Feb 2007 – IAs serving in designated combat areas TIR eligible for E-7 will be validated for the CPO board without having to take the advancement exam. This is a one-time policy.
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center45 Summary u Purpose of advancement exams u Exams development and administration u Final Multiple Score Factors u Profile sheet - What does it mean? u What you should do to prepare for advancement u Recent and future changes
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center46 u For general NEAS information or to download information: –Home page: –Specific questions: v Command Master ChiefExam Development: –EMCM(SS) Robert McCombsKirk Schultz –DSN 922-1305 or 922-1572DSN: 922-1001, ext 2141 –COMM: (850) 452-1305 or 922-1572COMM: (850) 452-1001, ext 2141 Exam Administration: –Jim Hawthorne –DSN 922-1001, ext 1531 –COMM: (850) 452-1001, ext 1531 v Exam discrepancies: –DSN: 922-1252 –COMM: (850) 452-1252
3 February 2003Navy Advancement Center47
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