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History and Success Wisla February 12, 2014. 2 Content Knowledge sharing and tech-transfer on sustainable energy systems Technical experiences Policies,

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Presentation on theme: "History and Success Wisla February 12, 2014. 2 Content Knowledge sharing and tech-transfer on sustainable energy systems Technical experiences Policies,"— Presentation transcript:

1 History and Success Wisla February 12, 2014

2 2 Content Knowledge sharing and tech-transfer on sustainable energy systems Technical experiences Policies, strategies and instruments Financial know-how, markets and resources Study visits Workshops Match- making Best practices E-learning Internet platform

3 3 Focus Areas Energy transition – from fossil fuels to renewables Sustainable waste management Bioenergy & Biogas

4 4 Milestones Four major conferences in focus areas  Polish – Swedish Bioenergy Conference, Warsaw 2007  Energy for Eco-Efficiency, Lund 2009  Energy from Waste, Warsaw 2011  Recent Developments in Biogas Production, Ystad 2013 Case studies on “best practice”  Sustainable energy systems in Swedish municipalities  Forestry industry potentials in renewable energy  Biogas from waste

5 5 Milestones (Cont.) Case area Zabrze - Research  Initial Sustainable Development Pathways  Sustainable Waste Management Planning  Biogas System Potentials Case area Zabrze - Outcome  Pilot landfill gas plant  Biogas system design in progress  Increased source separation and recycling of waste Biogas for a better climate 1 waste bag = 2.5 km

6 6 Milestones (Cont.) 18 study tours 17 seminars & match-making events TV production on local sustainability Officers Cross of Merit from the Polish President Governmental support for continuation

7 7 Biogas From Organic Waste A win-win-win concept: 1. Turning a waste problem to: 2. Renewable energy (replacing fossil fuels) 3. Biofertilizer (reusing nutrients) NB! Next conference in Warsaw October-November Sustainanble Urban Development

8 8 Contacts Mikael Backman (IIIEE)   Magdalena Rogulska (PIMOT)  

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