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Mid-America International Agri-Trade Council & Food Export USA - Northeast Bringing the Foods of Mid-America and Northeast to the World.

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Presentation on theme: "Mid-America International Agri-Trade Council & Food Export USA - Northeast Bringing the Foods of Mid-America and Northeast to the World."— Presentation transcript:

1 Mid-America International Agri-Trade Council & Food Export USA - Northeast Bringing the Foods of Mid-America and Northeast to the World

2 Mission Statement The Mid-America International Agri-Trade Council (MIATCO) is a non-profit organization of 12 Midwestern state and agricultural promotion agencies that use federal, state, and industry resources to promote the export of Midwestern food and agricultural products.

3 Who is MIATCO? Private, non-profit international trade organization Private, non-profit international trade organization Members are State of Departments of Agriculture Members are State of Departments of Agriculture Work with producers and processors in the Midwest Work with producers and processors in the Midwest Small and medium-sized producers/processors and cooperatives Small and medium-sized producers/processors and cooperatives Focus on products that are value-added, consumer-oriented Focus on products that are value-added, consumer-oriented

4 Private Trade Association Utilizes human and financial resources of the 12 Midwest State Departments of Agriculture Utilizes human and financial resources of the 12 Midwest State Departments of Agriculture Provide a wide access of USDA services to companies through member state offices Provide a wide access of USDA services to companies through member state offices Members serve as a “one-stop shop” to companies within their state Members serve as a “one-stop shop” to companies within their state Governed by a Board of Directors consisting of Secretary, Director or Commissioner of Agriculture from member states Governed by a Board of Directors consisting of Secretary, Director or Commissioner of Agriculture from member states

5 MIATCO Members   Illinois Department of Agriculture   Indiana Department of Agriculture   Iowa Department of Economic Development   Kansas Department of Commerce   Michigan Department of Agriculture   Minnesota Department of Agriculture   Missouri Department of Agriculture   Nebraska Department of Agriculture   North Dakota Department of Agriculture   Ohio Department of Agriculture   South Dakota Department of Agriculture   Wisconsin Department of Agriculture

6 Participant in FAS Promotional activities under FAS programs are carried out by MIATCO and other agricultural trade associations, state-regional trade groups, and cooperative groups Promotional activities under FAS programs are carried out by MIATCO and other agricultural trade associations, state-regional trade groups, and cooperative groups Administers Branded Program funds Administers Branded Program funds Plans, manages, and contributes staff resources and funds to execute projects and activities Plans, manages, and contributes staff resources and funds to execute projects and activities

7 State Regional Trade Groups

8 Food Export USA – Northeast 150 S. Independence Mall W Public Ledger Building 1036 Philadelphia, PA 19106 T: 215/829-9111 F: 215/829-9777 Mid-America International Agri-Trade Council 309 W. Washington St. Suite 600 Chicago, IL 60606 T: 312/334-9200 F: 312/334-9230 Western U.S. Agricultural Trade Association 4601 NE 77 th Ave. Suite 200 Vancouver, WA USA 98662 T: 360/693-3373 F: 360/693-3464 State Regional Trade Groups Southern U.S. Trade Association 2 Canal St. New, Orleans, LA T: 504/568-5986 F: 504/568-6010

9 Products Focus on products that are value-added, consumer- oriented Branded food products

10 Strategic Alliance With Food Export USA Alliance began April 1, 2000 Common strategy in complementary markets Coordinated activities with similar tactics We have seen many benefits…

11 Food Export USA Members   Delaware Department of Agriculture   Maine Department of Agriculture   Massachusetts Department of Agricultural Resources   New Hampshire Department of Agriculture   New Jersey Department of Agriculture   New York Department of Agriculture and Markets   Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture   Rhode Island Department Corp.   Vermont Agency of Agriculture, Food and Markets

12 Annual Application Process (UES) Competitive with other Cooperators and State Regional Trade Groups (SRTGs) Products not handled by other Cooperators - mostly value-added, consumer-oriented products Subject to Foreign Ag. Service (FAS) regulations on reimbursement FAS Program Funding

13 Programs & Services Focus on providing export services to small, value-added Midwestern companies Exporter Education Market Entry Market Promotion

14 In- Market Representatives Canada (M) Canada (M) Mexico (M) Mexico (M) Mercosur (M) Mercosur (M) Japan (M) Japan (M) Korea (M) Korea (M) India (M) India (M) Hong Kong (M) Hong Kong (M) China (M) China (M) Taiwan (M) Taiwan (M) Southeast Asia (M) Southeast Asia (M) Canada (F) Canada (F) Caribbean (F) Caribbean (F) Central America (F) Central America (F) Germany (F) Germany (F) United Kingdom (F) United Kingdom (F) France (F) France (F) Czech Republic & Hungary (F) Czech Republic & Hungary (F) Middle East (F) Middle East (F) Seafood (F) Seafood (F) (M) MIATCO (F) Food Export USA

15 Export Education  Newsletter: Global Food Marketer  Educational Seminars  Web Site, (  Food Export Helpline TM  Export Essentials Online

16 Newsletter Covers MIATCO and Food Export USA activities. Calendar of Events Market Updates Marketing Tips Column by Dennis Lynch, Food Export Helpline Counselor

17 Educational Seminars In collaboration with our member states Expert presenters and export-related service providers. Tailored to the local audience Among the topics covered Overseas opportunities and challenges Step by step breakdown of export transactions MIATCO and Food Export USA programs and services

18 Food Export Helpline Customized assistance based on exporters specific needs Top markets, strategy, pricing, transportation & logistics Assistance for suppliers on how to get ready for Buyers’ Missions and Trade shows. No fee, but registration is required. Brochures available.

19 Export Essentials Online 10 Module Online Training System 1. 1. Exploring Export Options 2. Market Research 3. The Export Marketing Mix 4. Strategic Planning 5. International Marketing Activities 6. Pricing, Quoting & Terms of Sale 7. Logistics & Physical Distribution 8. Documentation & Procedures 9. Payment Methods & Strategies 10. Exporting-A Business of Details Low cost and flexible Free demo at

20 Market Entry  Market Builder  Food Show PLUS! SM  Buyers Missions  Trade Missions  Trade Lead Connection

21 MARKET BUILDER SERVICE Service designed to help companies understand product potential Assists companies to make and solidify market contacts Assists companies to determine strategic plan SERVICES INCLUDE: MARKET SCAN & REP FINDER

22 1. 1. Store Check and Distribution Analysis Helps participants to determine whether products similar to theirs are being sold in the foreign market 2. 2. Competitive Product Shopping Participants receive product samples of similar and competing products sold in the market 3. 3. Importation Analysis Participants receive a report that identifies regulations and restrictions affecting the importation of the product into the country 4. 4. Distributor Referrals Samples and literature are given to pre-qualified importers Companies receive a distributor referral report and targeted importer list Provides feedback on company products from active importers, including product size, packaging, labeling, taste, formulation, shelf life, price and market suitability Market Scan

23 Rep Finder   Distributor Referrals Samples and literature are given to pre-qualified importers Companies receive a distributor referral report and targeted importer list Provides feedback on company products from active importers, including product size, packaging, labeling, taste, formulation, shelf life, price and market suitability 2. Market Visits Company representative will travel to local market to follow-up on research provided in steps one and two Company will receive assistance with hotel arrangements and logistics, an introductory market briefings and a meeting schedule with potential buyers

24 M ARKET BUILDER S ERVICE Caribbean China Czech Republic England France Germany Hungary India Japan Korea Canada Mercosur Mexico Middle East Taiwan Available in the following markets: Southeast Asia Central America Hong Kong Taiwan

25 FOOD SHOW PLUS! tm Services Assisting exhibitors with registration Pre-show product research regarding pricing, import regulations, competitor analysis Targeted invitation of qualified buyers to exhibitor booths and setting appointments Translation of exhibitor materials for show visitors Providing technical interpreters at the show booth On-site show assistance by local in-market representative

26 FOOD SHOW PLUS! tm Services In-market briefing and local industry tours Qualifying exhibitors’ leads from the show and conducting checks on the top few. Writing and sending a generic follow-up letter in the local language to all contacts. Services provided to tradeshow exhibitors Adds value to the trade show experience Provides more potential for sales Takes intimidation factor out of tradeshow

27 B UYERS M ISSION Brings buyers from target countries to U.S. One-On-One Meetings with buyers and suppliers Usually in conjunction with a trade show

28 Trade Missions A three-day activity to bring exporters to a targeted market A three-day activity to bring exporters to a targeted market Participants receive import analysis and competitive product check Participants receive import analysis and competitive product check Seminars on product and label requirements Seminars on product and label requirements A table-top reception for suppliers to feature products to many buyers A table-top reception for suppliers to feature products to many buyers One-On-One MEETINGS with buyers. One-On-One MEETINGS with buyers. Companies featured in a mission brochure that is printed in the local language Companies featured in a mission brochure that is printed in the local language Essential tools provided such as ground transportation and interpreters throughout the mission Essential tools provided such as ground transportation and interpreters throughout the mission

29 Trade Lead Connection Leads are received from in-market representatives, FAS Overseas Offices and leads from our website. Lead is sent to states and registered companies within 24 hours Companies must register to receive the full lead. If companies are not registered for the service but meet the product request, they will receive a partial lead and encouraged to sign up! Registered companies will complete an evaluation at the end of the year

30 Market Promotion Branded Program Branded Program In-Store Promotions In-Store Promotions

31 Retail and Foodservice Promotions Usually at request of market Usually at request of market Broad category of products Broad category of products Ideally with some assurance of long-term product placement Ideally with some assurance of long-term product placement Not a primary part of our strategy Not a primary part of our strategy

32 Performance Measures Actual increase in export sales Actual increase in export sales Projected increase in export sales Projected increase in export sales Number of new distributorships established Number of new distributorships established Number of companies with a first-time export sale in a market Number of companies with a first-time export sale in a market Number of new contacts between exporters and foreign buyers Number of new contacts between exporters and foreign buyers Number of companies who increase export sales 20% or more Number of companies who increase export sales 20% or more

33 MIATCO’s Branded Program

34 Branded Program Overview Cost share assistance for brand products in foreign markets Cost share assistance for brand products in foreign markets 50% cost reimbursement of eligible expenses 50% cost reimbursement of eligible expenses U.S. Food & agricultural products only U.S. Food & agricultural products only Application from a U.S. Company Application from a U.S. Company Small companies only (<500 employees) or cooperatives Small companies only (<500 employees) or cooperatives Products not covered by another industry group Products not covered by another industry group

35 What Are Eligible Expenses? Advertisements and publications International trade shows (incl. Limited travel costs) Promotions & demonstrations Public relations and seminars Freight costs for samples Package and label changes Certain domestic trade shows

36 Requirements of the Program All products minimum 50% U.S. Agricultural origin All products promoted as “Made in USA” Activities approved in advance Company incurs all expenses up front Funds released on a reimbursement basis, subject to documentation Importer/distributor expenses also eligible

37 Other Details: Maximum request is $250,000 Minimum request is $2,500 $200 application fee non-refundable 6% administrative fee non-refundable based on approved allocation Expenses incurred before approval are NOT eligible (except for pre-payment of booth/travel expenses) Five year country limit (additional 5yrs for specific shows)

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