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REGIONAL ISSUES. Overview: An opportunity to breakout into geographic regions to: An opportunity to breakout into geographic regions to: Meet sit down.

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Presentation on theme: "REGIONAL ISSUES. Overview: An opportunity to breakout into geographic regions to: An opportunity to breakout into geographic regions to: Meet sit down."— Presentation transcript:


2 Overview: An opportunity to breakout into geographic regions to: An opportunity to breakout into geographic regions to: Meet sit down with your jurisdiction’s neighbours Identify /discuss similar issues/problems and potential solutions An opportunity to then share regional issues/solutions with the entire group (select a presenter) An opportunity to then share regional issues/solutions with the entire group (select a presenter) A brief recap of the issues/discussions from last year and ask for examples of implemented solutions Timelines: 90 minutes for regional discussion 90 minutes for regional discussion 15 minutes for coffee 15 minutes for coffee 30 minutes (5-10 minutes per region) to present to the entire group 30 minutes (5-10 minutes per region) to present to the entire group


4 Western Region - Recap SSN v FEI number Mexican Carriers - Bonding and CDL Mexican v US Operating Authority DOT# - Not always linking to IFTA Dyed Fuel Renewals/Grace Period - Jurisdictions not honoring Decals - Tracking by Decal Number's Trip Permits – Issuing electronically Borders - Not only Mexico/Canada

5 Midwest Region – Recap Audit Selection - High KPL/MPG Audit Requirements Alternative Motor Fuels – Biodiesel and ethanol Counterfeit Decals Citations for non compliance Decals – Placement and visibility (i.e., colored border) Farm Tags Government vehicles Special Mobilized Equipment Commercial zones

6 Southeast Region - Recap Hurricane Off highway fuel use Early decal display – 2005/2006 December Non-pay Non-file licensees – Bond, Impound Split Tax rates – Rate change mid-quarter Lease issues Alternative fuels - Bio diesel and LPG/CNG Vehicle Specific Decals/License Standardized forms and manuals Enforcement

7 Northeast Region - Recap Roadside Enforcement - Misuse of dyed fuel – Katrina and IRS waiver Biodiesel – Taxation/reporting, ways to catch backyard manufacturers' and ways to determine % alternative fuel in tank Information exchange - Between Law Enforcement and IFTA (using CH and SAFER) Decals and Licences - Not charging opens doors for base jurisdiction shopping

8 Northeast Region - Recap Decals – Companies producing inferior decals, carriers ordering more decals then they need (decal fraud), incorporate IFTA & IRP identification (barcode) on TP license plate to eliminate decals, decal placement education Dyed diesel – IFTA & exempt usage, out of jurisdiction carriers using and how to enforce payment of fines Audit count – reduce for 3% or (1) include certain activities in audits (inspections) or (2) count each period as an audit Buses operating interjurisdictionally under multiple legal entities

9 Western Region - 2007 Revoked data in Clearinghouse. The Clearinghouse needs to be updated through the demographic file more frequently by jurisdictions so that it is current with revoked data. We need to be sure our uploads to the Clearinghouse reflect status changes to revoked and re- instated. Also, Law Enforcement and Processing agents need to have easier and more accessible access to Clearinghouse data. Currently, because of the challenges getting passwords, log id’s and access, the Clearinghouse is not being used as a tool to administer IFTA.

10 Western Region - 2007 Several jurisdictions have been or are in the process of incorporating the issuance of Bonds as a tool to enforce collections. With the issuance of bonds, there is quite a learning process. Keeping track of the bonds has been a challenge. AZ is putting together a training manual and is willing to share. How do we control the issuance of IFTA decals to carriers that only travel intrastate? A concern was raised with the registrations of vehicles and the correlation of IFTA decals issued to those vehicles. If one jurisdiction notices that another jurisdiction has vehicles with full plate registrations but displaying IFTA decals, is there any recourse to fine the display of IFTA decals on a vehicle that is not apportioned?

11 Western Region - 2007 Each jurisdiction needs to be willing to work with each other to enforce compliance outside of the normal audit. This applies to questionable information on a return as well as other types of citations. If a citation is issued by one jurisdiction and notice is provided to the jurisdiction where the carrier is based, the base jurisdiction needs to cooperate by contacting the carrier cited. Perhaps the Clearinghouse could be used to identify concerns for particular offenses. Nevada is changing their off road exemptions and will be changing the Exemption information on the IFTA website. Our group discussed the requirements to update the Exemption database and recommended that each jurisdiction be required to update the Exemption database to identify exempt fuel that can be declared on the return as well as the process to apply for a refund for fuel that is eligible for a refund on a “non-IFTA” form for the jurisdiction.

12 Western Region - 2007 Concerns were discussed about the carrier who registers with a FEIN and gets revoked, applies for new FEIN and gets new credentials and is allowed to continue business. Ideas of using successor liability were shared. This is a possible collection tool.

13 Midwest Region - 2007

14 Northeast Region - 2007 Contraband tobacco – Seriously impacting tax revenue in Canadian Provinces. Carriers are not aware that their vehicle, as well as the contraband tobacco can be impounded. New Brunswick has instituted a program to educate the carriers. Citing reports pilot program was put on the back burner. Will this useful tool be reinstated? Communications between law enforcement and the jurisdiction’s department administering IFTA (agencies within a jurisdiction) should be good.

15 Northeast Region - 2007 Would like all jurisdictions to join the Clearinghouse for demographic information purposes. A law endorsements database on the IFTA Clearinghouse for citing of carriers. The Info should be more current than it is now. Industry would like to see uniformity of fuels – charge same rate for blends of a fuel type. Ex. All fuel that runs as diesel taxed at the same rate. Then refund the alternate fuel tax. This would be less confusing for the taxpayer.

16 Southeast Region - 2007 How to handle no-files who then report not operation Excess Decals No base jurisdictional miles Leases to mother brother sister etc. High MPG

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