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A Regional Approach to Prevention and Control of Dust and Sandstorms in Northeast Asia: Air Quality Implications A Regional Approach to Prevention and.

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Presentation on theme: "A Regional Approach to Prevention and Control of Dust and Sandstorms in Northeast Asia: Air Quality Implications A Regional Approach to Prevention and."— Presentation transcript:

1 A Regional Approach to Prevention and Control of Dust and Sandstorms in Northeast Asia: Air Quality Implications A Regional Approach to Prevention and Control of Dust and Sandstorms in Northeast Asia: Air Quality Implications Daniele Ponzi Asian Development Bank Better Air Quality (BAQ) 2004 6-8 December, 2004 Agra, India

2 2 DSS: The Problem Dust and sandstorms (DSS) is a serious regional environmental problem in Northeast Asia.Dust and sandstorms (DSS) is a serious regional environmental problem in Northeast Asia. DSS mainly involves strong winds that blow a large quantity of dust and fine sands away from the ground, carry them over a long distance and cause severe impactsDSS mainly involves strong winds that blow a large quantity of dust and fine sands away from the ground, carry them over a long distance and cause severe impacts The major sources of DSS in the region are the desert and semi-desert areas of PRC and Mongolia.The major sources of DSS in the region are the desert and semi-desert areas of PRC and Mongolia. DSS is a natural phenomenon that has been intensified by human interventions.DSS is a natural phenomenon that has been intensified by human interventions.

3 3 DSS: The Problem (2) During the last decades DSS frequency has increased, geographic coverage expanded and damage intensity accelerated.During the last decades DSS frequency has increased, geographic coverage expanded and damage intensity accelerated. Dust and sandstorms in North East Asia affect air quality, including urban air quality, over large areas.

4 4 Origin of the Project Request from the four participating countries for an integrated interventionRequest from the four participating countries for an integrated intervention ADB-GEF TA project “Prevention and Control of Dust and Sandstorms in Northeastasia” approved in December 2002.ADB-GEF TA project “Prevention and Control of Dust and Sandstorms in Northeastasia” approved in December 2002. Parallel initiative jointly promoted by UNEP, UNESCAP and UNCCD with financing from GEFParallel initiative jointly promoted by UNEP, UNESCAP and UNCCD with financing from GEF Request for ADB technical assistance from PRC and Mongolia in addressing problem of sand and dust stormsRequest for ADB technical assistance from PRC and Mongolia in addressing problem of sand and dust storms

5 5 Key Objective: to promote regional cooperation for the prevention and control of DSS Key Objective: to promote regional cooperation for the prevention and control of DSS Two main outputs:Two main outputs: An Initial institutional framework for regional cooperation on DSSAn Initial institutional framework for regional cooperation on DSS A Regional Master PlanA Regional Master Plan Objectives and Outputs

6 6 The Regional Master Plan: two key components A Phased Program to Establish a Regional DSS Monitoring and Early Warning Network in Northeast AsiaA Phased Program to Establish a Regional DSS Monitoring and Early Warning Network in Northeast Asia An Investment Strategy to Strengthen Mitigation Measures to Address DSSAn Investment Strategy to Strengthen Mitigation Measures to Address DSS

7 7 Institutional Arrangements Technical Committees Technical Committees ä Regional cooperation mechanism ä Regional monitoring and early warning network ä Investment strategy for mitigation measures Steering Committee Steering Committee Participating Parties Participating Parties ä PRC, Japan, ROK, Mongolia ä ADB, UNEP, UNESCAP, UNCCD

8 8 Steering Committee Technical Committees Consultants/National Experts TA Recipient Countries Executing Agency Project Secretariat Operational Structure

9 9 Implementation Plan

10 10 Regional Monitoring and Early Warning Network A 3 layer hierarchy network of monitoring stations across the four (4) countries for DSS monitoring and data sharing through national focal points. A 3 layer hierarchy network of monitoring stations across the four (4) countries for DSS monitoring and data sharing through national focal points. A basket of monitoring indicators including visibility, PM 10 -TSP, and LIDAR based indicators for monitoring and data verification to improve the accuracy of DSS simulation and forecasting.A basket of monitoring indicators including visibility, PM 10 -TSP, and LIDAR based indicators for monitoring and data verification to improve the accuracy of DSS simulation and forecasting. A phased program for network development and the capacity-building over short-medium term.A phased program for network development and the capacity-building over short-medium term. Major Recommendations:

11 11 Investment Strategy Four (4) in PRCFour (4) in PRC Four (4) in MongoliaFour (4) in Mongolia One (1) Joint Project across the Border of PRC and the MongoliaOne (1) Joint Project across the Border of PRC and the Mongolia Address DSS through Piloting Demonstration ProjectsAddress DSS through Piloting Demonstration Projects Recommended Approach: Demonstration Projects Recommended:

12 12 Special Challenges Identified The need to have systematic quantitative analysis on relationship between land degradation and the occurrence and severity of DSS.The need to have systematic quantitative analysis on relationship between land degradation and the occurrence and severity of DSS. The need to have comparative analysis and evaluation of the cost-effectiveness among the various mitigation measures.The need to have comparative analysis and evaluation of the cost-effectiveness among the various mitigation measures. Prior to scaling up the experiences gained through demonstration projects:

13 13 Significance of Program Program addresses area source of pollution in a comprehensive manner – urban air pollution substantively affected by DSS.Program addresses area source of pollution in a comprehensive manner – urban air pollution substantively affected by DSS. Emphasis is on early warning through monitoring system and the preparation of an investment strategy with pilot projects.Emphasis is on early warning through monitoring system and the preparation of an investment strategy with pilot projects. One of the very few regional (air quality management) programs in North East Asia that go beyond monitoring.One of the very few regional (air quality management) programs in North East Asia that go beyond monitoring.

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