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NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Northeast State Community College DPS Redesign DSPR 0870 Basic and Developmental Reading Supported.

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Presentation on theme: "NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Northeast State Community College DPS Redesign DSPR 0870 Basic and Developmental Reading Supported."— Presentation transcript:

1 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Northeast State Community College DPS Redesign DSPR 0870 Basic and Developmental Reading Supported by the FIPSE Grant March 29, 2010

2 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! The Goals of Redesign Improve student learning outcomesImprove student learning outcomes Create an environment for active, student centered learning with assistance of technology and immediate feedbackCreate an environment for active, student centered learning with assistance of technology and immediate feedback Provide individual assistanceProvide individual assistance Create a flexible learning modeCreate a flexible learning mode Reduce program costReduce program cost

3 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! The Course for Redesign DSPR 0870 Basic and Developmental Reading, combining DSPR 0700 and 0800DSPR 0870 Basic and Developmental Reading, combining DSPR 0700 and 0800 Annual enrollment: over 450-500Annual enrollment: over 450-500 Historically experiencing high failure rate, small classes and high costHistorically experiencing high failure rate, small classes and high cost “One size fits all;” lack of individualization, hindrance to students’ timely progression“One size fits all;” lack of individualization, hindrance to students’ timely progression

4 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! The Redesign Structure Reading EmporiumReading Emporium Web-based learning materialsWeb-based learning materials Weekly Reading Group meetingsWeekly Reading Group meetings Course NotebookCourse Notebook Mandatory weekly hours in the Reading Center with individual assistanceMandatory weekly hours in the Reading Center with individual assistance Web course enhancement through D2L and Tegrity lecture recordingsWeb course enhancement through D2L and Tegrity lecture recordings

5 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Learning Materials MyReadingLab—Web-based, interactive, and modularized learning materialMyReadingLab—Web-based, interactive, and modularized learning material Diagnostic pre-test and post-testDiagnostic pre-test and post-test Individualized study plan based on results of the diagnostic pre-testIndividualized study plan based on results of the diagnostic pre-test Multiple sets of practice and module testsMultiple sets of practice and module tests Immediate feedback providedImmediate feedback provided Automatic tracking and gradingAutomatic tracking and grading

6 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Staffing and Facility The Reading Center with 30 personal computers, printers and multimedia presentation equipmentThe Reading Center with 30 personal computers, printers and multimedia presentation equipment Staffed with instructor/Reading Center assistantsStaffed with instructor/Reading Center assistants Automated check-in/check out systemAutomated check-in/check out system The college’s Learning Center as backupThe college’s Learning Center as backup

7 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Student Success Rate Comparison CourseSuccess Rate Failure Rate Traditional58%42% RedsgY163%37% Redsg Y260%40%

8 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Learning Outcomes Class Pre-T Ave Post-T Ave Gain Traditional72.2981.098.80 Pilot II72.0684.7712.59 Pilot III65.2386.0520.82 Pilot IV71.8978.026.13

9 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Other Impacts on Learning Students learn faster/better due to the increased on-task time and hands-on learning opportunitiesStudents learn faster/better due to the increased on-task time and hands-on learning opportunities 35% students early exit the course35% students early exit the course Students take ownership of their learning a sense of self-gratification when they complete their individualized study plansStudents take ownership of their learning a sense of self-gratification when they complete their individualized study plans

10 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Impact on Cost Savings Two fulltime faculty taught all reading studentsTwo fulltime faculty taught all reading students Reading Center assistants were used to provide assistanceReading Center assistants were used to provide assistance Per-student-cost was lowered from $197 in the traditional course to $102, for a savings of 48% (vs. the planned 49%)Per-student-cost was lowered from $197 in the traditional course to $102, for a savings of 48% (vs. the planned 49%)

11 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Redesign--Faculty Support Initial skepticism and resistanceInitial skepticism and resistance Attitude change and total faculty buy-in and truly faculty drivenAttitude change and total faculty buy-in and truly faculty driven “Skeptical was my initial response to redesign using a computerized module program to replace the traditional class… However, after two years, I believe such a program to be more advantageous and the outcomes more measureable for each individual student than the traditional method …” “Skeptical was my initial response to redesign using a computerized module program to replace the traditional class… However, after two years, I believe such a program to be more advantageous and the outcomes more measureable for each individual student than the traditional method …”

12 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Redesign--Lessons Learned Time consuming to redesignTime consuming to redesign Course managementCourse management Faculty role—a paradigm changeFaculty role—a paradigm change Communication between instructors and Reading Center assistantsCommunication between instructors and Reading Center assistants Adequate training of faculty, Reading Center assistants, and studentsAdequate training of faculty, Reading Center assistants, and students

13 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Redesign--Lessons Learned Required Reading Center hoursRequired Reading Center hours Use of Reading Center assistantsUse of Reading Center assistants Reading group meetingsReading group meetings Required learning notebookRequired learning notebook Teaching of test taking, study skills, and online learning strategiesTeaching of test taking, study skills, and online learning strategies

14 NORTHEAST STATE Student Success…We’re Here to Get You There! Questions and Comments

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