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Instructions There are comparisons available on all slides for the aircraft. To look at comparisons click on the name of the aircraft under comparison.

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Presentation on theme: "Instructions There are comparisons available on all slides for the aircraft. To look at comparisons click on the name of the aircraft under comparison."— Presentation transcript:


2 Instructions There are comparisons available on all slides for the aircraft. To look at comparisons click on the name of the aircraft under comparison in each photo To exit the comparison view click on the red button at the bottom right of the comparison photo

3 Airliners with two wing mounted engines

4 Airbus A300Airbus A320 Airbus A330 Boeing 737 Dart style wing tips (Only the A300 & A320 have this feature) Flat belly (The only Airbus like this) Wing Root ( The A320, A330 & A340 will all have this feature) Dart style wing tip (Like the A300) Winglets (The A330 & A340 are the only two Airbuses with this feature) Wing Root (Like the A320 & A340) No Tail End (The only Boeing Like this) Short stubby Fuselage Comparison A320 Comparison A300 Comparison Boeing 757, 767757767 Comparison Boeing 757, 767757767

5 Boeing 757Boeing 767 Boeing 777 Noticeable teeth on the wings Longer Pointed Tail End (The only Boeing Like this) Short stubby Tail End Wedged Tail End (The 777 and 717 are the only Boeing Like this) Noticeable Cones out the back end of the engines (The only Boeing like this) Two piece engine Comparison Boeing 737, 767737767 Comparison Boeing 737, 757737 757 Comparison Boeing 767, A300767A300

6 Airliners with two wing mounted engines and one engine mounted on top of fuselage

7 Lockheed L1011 Third Engine fused into fuselage Comparison Boeing 727727 Exhaust out the tail end

8 Airliners with four wing mounted engines

9 Airbus A340Boeing 707 Boeing 747DC-8 Winglets (Like the A330) Long slender engines (The only Boeing like this) Antenna (The only Boeing with this feature) Slender engines Intake under the nose (The only aircraft like this) Double Deck (The only aircraft like this) Comparison Boeing 707, DC-8707DC-8 Comparison A340A340, DC-8DC-8 Comparison A340A340, Boeing 707707

10 Airliners with two fuselage mounted engines

11 Boeing 717F100 MD-80 Added piece from fuselage to tail wing Slight Tail End Wedged tail end (like the Boeing 777) Smaller fuselage Comparison ERJ 145 Comparison MD-80 Comparison F100 Pointed Tail End Wings set far back on the Fuselage

12 Airliners with two fuselage side mounted engines and one mounted on top of the fuselage

13 Boeing 727 Engine Fused into the fuselage Exhaust out the tail end Comparison Lockheed L1011

14 Airliners with two fuselage mounted engines and one engine in the tail fin

15 DC-10MD-11 Straight tip wings More square blunt tail end Fin on back of third engine Comparison MD-11 Winglets Fin on back of third engine that goes past the exhaust Comparison DC-10 Wedged tail end Straight tip wings More square blunt tail end Fin on back of third engine Comparison MD-11 DC-10

16 Business Jets with two fuselage mounted engines

17 Cessna CitationGulfstream Hawker HS125Learjet Long Blunt Nose Low mounted tail fins that have an upward angle Comparison LearjetLearjet, GulfstreamGulfstream Round Windows Winglets (The only business Jet with winglets) Comparison CitationCitation, LearjetLearjet Noticeable spine going down the fuselage Huge tail wing that goes below the fuselage Comparison Falcon 50 Rectangular windows Fuel Pods on the end of the wings (The only business jet like this) Comparison CitationCitation, GulfstreamGulfstream

18 Business Jets with two fuselage side mounted engines and one engine mounted on top of fuselage

19 Falcon 50 Round Windows Swept back wings Exhaust out the tail end Third Engine (The only business jet with third engine) Comparison Hawker HS125

20 Fighter Jets

21 F-16 Air Intake under fuselage Comparison T-38

22 Helicopter with 5 main rotor blades and skids

23 MD-500 Egg Shaped Body High T-Tail

24 Helicopter with four main rotor blades and landing gears

25 S-76UH-60 S-76 Dolphin NoseRetractable landing gears Low mounted tail fin Reverse landing gears Bent rotor blade tips Comparison SquirrelSquirrel, Bell 206Bell 206

26 Helicopter with three main rotor blades and skids

27 Squirrel Exhaust out the back of the engine The window by the nose is a good give away Handles near the front of the skids Comparison S-76S-76, Bell 206, UH-1Bell 206UH-1

28 Helicopter with two main rotor blades and skids

29 Bell 206 UH-1 Encased Exhaust Blunt Nose Comparison SquirrelSquirrel, Bell 206Bell 206 Exhaust on Top of engine Fin in middle of Tail Boom Comparison SquirrelSquirrel, UH-1UH-1

30 Light Aircraft with one prop engine

31 Beech A36 BonanzaCessna C172 Cessna C210Mooney Low mounted wings Low mounted tail fin Noticeable vents Comparison Piper Cherokee High mounted wings with Struts (The only Cessna with wing struts) Non retractable rear landing gears Comparison Cessna C210 High Mounted wings Retractable landing gears Comparison Cessna C172 Wings and tail fin all are swept forward Mooney Long Flat nose Comparison Piper CherokeePiper Cherokee, A36 Bonanza A36 Bonanza

32 Piper CherokeePiper Cub Piper Tri-Pacer Low mounted Wings Tail fin mounted at the tail end Comparison A36 Bonanza Mooney All wings are rounded on the ends Reversed Landing gears (The only Piper like this Comparison Piper Tri-Pacer All Wings are rounded True tricycle Landing gears Comparison Piper Cub

33 Light Aircraft with two prop engines

34 Beech King Air Cessna C310 Square windows Air Intakes on the side of the engines Fuel Pods on the end of the wings Comparison Beech King Air Air Intake under the engines Round windows Comparison Cessna C310

35 Military Cargo Helicopter with two prop engines

36 CH-46 Sea KnightCh-47 Chinook Enclosed engines Hips Long Window under nose External Engines Smooth Body Comparison Chinook Comparison Sea Knight

37 Military Cargo jets with four prop engines

38 C-130 Hercules The only Military Aircraft that will have prop engines

39 Military Cargo Jets with four wing mounted engines

40 C-5 GalaxyC-17 Globemaster C-141 Starlifter Top Mounted Tail fin Straight wings Comparison Globemaster Starlifter Winglets High Mounted tail fin Comparison GalaxyGalaxy, StarlifterStarlifter Slight Hump Suppression Cones in the engines Comparison GalaxyGalaxy, Globemaster Globemaster

41 Military Radar Aircraft

42 E-3 Sentry (AWACS) Radar on the fuselage

43 Military Refuelers with four engines

44 KC-135 Stratotanker Antenna on top of tail wing Refueling Boom Comparison KC-10 ExtenderKC-10 Extender, Boeing 707Boeing 707

45 Military Refuelers with two wing mounted engines and one tail fin mounted engine

46 KC-10 Extender Refueling Boom Tail wing mounted engine Comparison KC-135 StratotankerKC-135 Stratotanker, DC-10, MD-11DC-10MD-11

47 Military Transport Helicopters

48 CH-3 Jolly Green GiantCH-53 Sea Stallion Long Pods Landing Gear Boots Rear landing gear Rounded body to tail boom Comparison Jolly Green Giant Comparison Sea Stallion

49 Regional Jets with two fuselage mounted engines

50 CRJERJ 145 Angled Sharp Nose Winglets Comparison Boeing 717Boeing 717, ERJ 145, GulfstreamERJ 145 Gulfstream Wing root and a hump under the rear of fuselage Smooth engines Angled Nose Comparison Boeing 717Boeing 717, CRJCRJ

51 Regional Jets with two wing mounted engines

52 ERJ 170 Winglets Angled Nose Comparison Boeing 737Boeing 737, CRJ, F100CRJF100 Long Pointed Tail End

53 Trainer Jets

54 T-38 Long Pointed NoseSide Mounted Air Intakes Comparison F-16

55 Turbo Prop Airliners with four prop engines

56 Dash 7 Four Prop Engines Cockpit is more Squared Comparison Dash-8Dash-8, Twin Otter, Convair TwinTwin OtterConvair Twin

57 Turbo Prop Airliners with two engines

58 Convair TwinDash 8 Dehavilland Twin Otter Big Tail wing Blunt Nose Low mounted wings Comparison Dash 7Dash 7, Dash 8, Twin otterDash 8Twin otter Sharp pointed and angled nose High Mounted wings and engines Comparison Dash 7Dash 7, Convair Twin, Twin OtterConvair Twin Twin Otter Mid Mounted Tail Fin Wing Struts Comparison Dash 7Dash 7, Dash 8, Convair TwinDash 8Convair Twin

59 Ultra Light Helicopters

60 R-22 RobinsonSchweizer 300 Boomerang Tail wing Tapered Tail Boom Two rotor blades Comparison Schweizer 300 Fuel tank Three rotor blades Skinny Tail Boom Skids go beyond the body Comparison R-22 Robinson

61 Dart style wing tips (Only the A300 & A320 have this feature) Flat belly (The only Airbus like this) Airbus A300

62 Dart style wing tip (Like the A300) Wing Root ( The A320, A330 & A340 will all have this feature) Airbus A320

63 No Tail End (The only Boeing Like this) Short stubby Fuselage Boeing 737

64 Winglets (The A330 & A340 are the only two Airbuses with this feature) Wing Root (Like the A320 & A340) Airbus A330

65 Longer Pointed Tail End (The only Boeing Like this) Noticeable teeth on the wings Boeing 757

66 Short stubby Tail End Two piece engine Teeth under wings aren’t as noticeable Boeing 767

67 Wedged Tail End (The 777 and 717 are the only Boeing Like this) Noticeable Cones out the back end of the engines (The only Boeing like this) Boeing 777

68 Boeing 727 Engine Fused into the fuselage Exhaust out the tail end

69 Winglets (Like the A330) Airbus A340

70 Antenna (The only Boeing with this feature) Long slender engines (The only Boeing like this) Boeing 707

71 Slender engines Intake under the nose (The only aircraft like this) DC-8

72 ERJ 145 Wing Root Noticeable Second Bubble toward the tail end Long Angled Nose

73 F100 Added piece from fuselage to tail wing Slight Tail End that has no point to it

74 MD-80 Wings set far back on the Fuselage Pointed Tail End

75 Lockheed L1011 Third Engine fused into fuselage Exhaust out the tail end

76 Straight tip wingsMore square blunt tail end Fin on back of third engine DC-10 Fin on back of third engine Straight tip wings More square blunt tail end DC-10

77 Winglets Fin on back of third engine that goes past the exhaust Wedged Tail End MD-11

78 Cessna Citation Long Blunt Nose Low mounted tail fins that have an upward angle

79 Gulfstream Round Windows Winglets (The only business Jet with winglets)

80 Hawker HS125 Noticeable spine going down the fuselage Huge tail wing that goes below the fuselage

81 Rectangular windows Learjet Fuel Pods on the end of the wings (The only business jet like this)

82 Round Windows Third Engine (The only business jet with third engine) Exhaust out the tail end Swept back wings Falcon 50

83 Air Intake under fuselage F-16

84 Low mounted tail fin Retractable landing gears Dolphin Nose S-76

85 The window by the nose is a good give away Handles near the front of the skids Exhaust out the back of the engine Squirrel

86 Exhaust on Top of engine Fin in middle of Tail Boom Bell 206

87 Blunt Nose Encased Exhaust UH-1

88 Low mounted tail fin Low mounted wings Noticeable vents Beech A36 Bonanza

89 High mounted wings with Struts (The only Cessna with wing struts) Non retractable rear landing gears Cessna C172

90 Retractable landing gears High Mounted wings Cessna C210

91 Long Flat nose Wings and tail fin all are swept forward Mooney

92 Tail fin mounted at the tail end Low mounted Wings Piper Cherokee

93 All wings are rounded on the ends Reversed Landing gears (The only Piper like this) Piper Cub

94 All Wings are rounded True tricycle Landing gears Piper Tri-Pacer

95 Round windows Air Intake under the engines Beech King Air

96 Square windows Fuel Pods on the end of the wings Air Intakes on the side of the engines Cessna C310

97 Enclosed engines Hips Long Window under nose CH-46 Sea Knight

98 External Engines Smooth Body CH-47 Chinook

99 Top Mounted Tail fin Straight wings C-5 Galaxy

100 High Mounted tail fin Winglets C-17 Globemaster

101 Slight Hump Suppression Cones in the engines C-141 Starlifter

102 Antenna on top of tail wing Refueling Boom KC-135 Stratotanker

103 Tail wing mounted engine Refueling Boom KC-10 Extender

104 Landing Gear Boots Rear landing gear CH-3 Jolly Green Giant

105 Long Pods Rounded body to tail boom CH-53 Sea Stallion

106 Winglets Angled Sharp Nose CRJ

107 Smooth engines Wing root and a hump under the rear of fuselage Angled Nose ERJ 145

108 Winglets Angled Nose Long Pointed Tail End ERJ 170

109 Long Pointed Nose Side Mounted Air Intakes T-38

110 Four Prop Engines Cockpit is more Squared Dash-7

111 Low mounted wings Big Tail wing Blunt Nose Convair Twin

112 High Mounted wings and engines Sharp pointed and angled nose Dash-8

113 Wing Struts Mid Mounted Tail Fin Dehavilland Twin Otter

114 Boomerang Tail wing Tapered Tail Boom Two rotor blades R-22 Robinson

115 Three rotor blades Fuel tank Skinny Tail Boom Skids go beyond the body Schweizer 300

116 Smaller fuselage Wedged tail end (like the Boeing 777) Boeing 717

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