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Smooth Dogfish By Brenden.

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Presentation on theme: "Smooth Dogfish By Brenden."— Presentation transcript:

1 Smooth Dogfish By Brenden

2 Table of Contents Smooth Dogfish’s traits Smooth Dogfish are different
Diet of The Smooth Dogfish Habitat of the Dogfish The life cycle Wrapping it up Vocabulary Resources

3 Smooth dogfish's traits
Not aggressive. Usually can be found near the bottom 200 yards out. Prefers warm water, over 50 degrees. Awake at night. They migrate in packs.

4 Smooth Dogfish versus Sharks
Large schooling sharks. Has a hooked tail. Can change its shade to match surroundings. Blunt teeth. Has a anal fin. Spine on dorsal fin. Sharp teeth.

5 Cause/Effect Small cement like teeth grind their food because their diet involves lobsters which have hard shells. Crustaceans are another thing that they eat.

6 The habitat of the Dogfish

7 Life of a smooth dogfish
First the pups are born live and swim with their mom. 10 or 12 months later they leave their mom and set off for a mate. The female dogfish finds a male and starts the cycle over again. Females live up to 16 years. Males usually only up to 10.

8 Summary: Smooth Dogfish
They are different. They have blunt teeth. They live 200 yards off shore in the Gulf of Mexico, England, and the Bay of Fundy. They eat crustaceans . They stay with their mother for 10 to 12 months.

9 Glossary Word Different Hooked Diet Cycle Habitat Meaning Not the same
Curved What you eat To repeat over and over The place and natural conditions in which a plant or an animals lives.

10 Bibliography - map EYEWITNESS BOOKS SHARK , Miranda Macquitty Sharkpedia, Nancy Ellwood Sharks , Skates, and Rays , Glenn R. Parsons

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