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Student Dress Expectations In an effort to eliminate confusion about the interpretation and enforcement of student dress expectations, this presentation.

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1 Student Dress Expectations In an effort to eliminate confusion about the interpretation and enforcement of student dress expectations, this presentation seeks to create a clearer school-based standard for students, parents and teachers. The illustrations may not address all clothing possibilities or questions, and some may even find the standards reflected in this presentation to be quaint. However, Isaac Fox adheres to District 95’s established mission – where learning is at the center of all that we do. Creating an age-appropriate environment is consistent with the goal of cultivating caring and responsible citizens whose words, actions, and appearance reflect a modesty of style and seriousness of purpose. The world too often tempts our young people to act all grown up; we believe in maintaining an environment where they can still be young.

2 The starting point for establishing student dress expectations is language from District 95’s Code of Conduct. “Inappropriate revealing clothing should not be worn to school.” “Inappropriate revealing clothing should not be worn to school.” “Headgear; such as caps/hats, bandanas, or sunglasses are inappropriate.” “Headgear; such as caps/hats, bandanas, or sunglasses are inappropriate.” “Offensive or obscene clothing will not be worn to school.” “Offensive or obscene clothing will not be worn to school.” “Personal appearance that interferes with the instructional process, or promotes discrimination and/or harassment is not permitted.” “Personal appearance that interferes with the instructional process, or promotes discrimination and/or harassment is not permitted.”

3 But what does “inappropriate revealing” or “obscene” mean exactly? Popular culture and the fashion industry may determine what is in style, but they should not and do not get to determine what is appropriate for a school setting. Popular culture and the fashion industry may determine what is in style, but they should not and do not get to determine what is appropriate for a school setting. Administrators and teachers, guided by Board policy, determine reasonable standards for a school. Administrators and teachers, guided by Board policy, determine reasonable standards for a school. On judgments of appropriateness, Isaac Fox School will error on the side of modesty. On judgments of appropriateness, Isaac Fox School will error on the side of modesty.

4 Areas of concern for a learning environment –Clothing that does not cover undergarments –Clothing that is excessively tight –Shorts that are too short –Tops that reveal too much skin –Clothing with language or images that are inappropriate It is certainly the case that dress expectations are more of an issue for girls than boys. This reality speaks more to the influence of the fashion industry than to the availability of suitable clothing. Consider that dress code violations are much less of an issue in the school during the winter months when girls choose to wear clothing more suitable for cooler weather. So, what exactly are our standards? The following series of slides attempts to clarify the standards for dress at Isaac Fox School.

5 Are these shorts appropriate for school? Certainly Certainly

6 Is this an appropriate T-shirt for school? It is not. This shirt contains a reference to alcohol, which is inappropriate.

7 Are these shorts appropriate for school? They are not. These shorts are too provocative for a school environment that is supposed to be focused on learning. Again, just because they are in fashion does not make them suitable for an elementary school setting.

8 Is this t-shirt appropriate for school? No. The t-shirt is too suggestive and invites disruptive or inappropriate school behavior.

9 Is this style appropriate for school? No. Articles of clothing that either cannot cover undergarments or are being worn in such a manner that reveal undergarments are not appropriate for a school setting.

10 Is this appropriate for school? No. This top is too deeply cut and revealing. While it may be stylish and appropriate for some occasions, it is not suitable for an elementary school environment.

11 Is this appropriate for school? Sure. While the dress code prohibits “excessively tight” clothing, this top does not attract too much attention and does not, therefore, negatively impact a learning environment.

12 Is this appropriate for school? No. The combination of the skinny straps and the deep neckline result in a top that is unnecessarily revealing for an elementary school setting.

13 Is this look appropriate for a school? We hope you agree that it is not. Clothing that reveals undergarments do not contribute to a studious and modest environment.

14 Is this t-shirt picture appropriate for school? While the picture may be funny, depictions or references to weapons or violence are not appropriate for a school environment.

15 Are these shorts appropriate for school? No, they are too short.

16 What is the point of all this? What is the point of all this? School should be a fun and pleasant environment, but it is, first and foremost, a place of learning. Behavior and dress should promote this goal, not distract us from it.

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