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Schizophrenia Brain U 202 August 9, 2012 Aimee DeRungs and Michelle Weise.

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Presentation on theme: "Schizophrenia Brain U 202 August 9, 2012 Aimee DeRungs and Michelle Weise."— Presentation transcript:

1 Schizophrenia Brain U 202 August 9, 2012 Aimee DeRungs and Michelle Weise

2 A Day in the Life with Schizophrenia… WYwckFrksg

3 Diagnosis No lab tests No imagery Diagnosis is conducted through a history of symptoms and reports of behavior from individual, family and friends – Considered a clinical diagnosis

4 Schizophrenic Disorders Symptoms of Schizophrenia 1.Disorganized thinking. 2.Disturbed Perceptions 3.Inappropriate Emotions and Actions

5 Positive v. Negative Symptoms Positive Symptoms Presence of inappropriate symptoms Negative Symptoms Absence of appropriate ones.

6 Disorganized Thinking (positive) The thinking of a person with Schizophrenia is fragmented and bizarre and distorted with false beliefs. Disorganized thinking comes from a breakdown in selective attention.- they cannot filter out information.

7 Delusions (false beliefs) (positive) Delusions of Persecution Delusions of Grandeur

8 Disturbed Perceptions (positive) hallucinations- sensory experiences without sensory stimulation.

9 Inappropriate Emotions and Actions (negative) Laugh at inappropriate times. Flat Effect Senseless, compulsive acts. Catatonia- motionless Waxy Flexibility

10 Onset Males Typically late adolescence or early adulthood Females 4 to 5 years later than males Rates are similar for males and females Symptoms and severity will vary The younger the diagnosis the more severe the disorder

11 Types of Schizophrenia

12 Disorganized Schizophrenia disorganized speech or behavior, or flat or inappropriate emotion. Clang associations "Imagine the worst Systematic, sympathetic Quite pathetic, apologetic, paramedic Your heart is prosthetic"

13 Paranoid Schizophrenia Preoccupation with delusions or hallucinations. Somebody is out to get me!!!!

14 Catatonic Schizophrenia Flat effect Waxy Flexibility Parrot like repeating of another’s speech and movements

15 Undifferentiated Schizophrenia Many and varied Symptoms.

16 Causes of Dysfunction Neurochemical Factors – Dopamine Hypothesis: There is excess dopamine in the brain – It is currently being questioned if glutamate plays a role – Marijuana use may trigger schizophrenia in those who have genetic vulnerability The thought is THC may increase neurotransmitter activity in dopamine circuits

17 Causes of Dysfunction CT scans and MRI scans suggest a relationship between enlarged ventricles and the occurrence of schizophrenia Unknown if this is a consequence or a cause

18 Causes of Dysfunction Genetic Vulnerability: – Twin studies have a 46% concordance rate as compared to 14% for fraternal twins. – A child born to two schizophrenic parents has a 46% probability as compared to 1% of the general population


20 Causes of Dysfunction Neurodevelopmental hypothesis Disruption of normal maturational process before at birth Subtle neurological damage Increased vulnerability to schizophrenia Minor physical anomalies Prenatal viral infection Prenatal Malnutrition Obstetrical complications Other brain insults

21 Interview with Dr. Tambyraja Neurodevelopmental-As the brain grows, “it grows in the wrong direction” according to Dr. Tambyraja. Environment Urban environment Viral infection High emotional expressivity family Marijuana use

22 Affect on Person According to Dr. Tambyraja, a person with schizophrenia is “not more likely to commit violent acts than other people. It is just as scary to look at as it is to have it. This is a illness of the brain. If the brain is sick it is hard to function. This is not a choice.”

23 Treatment To treat the positive symptoms antipsychotics used: Thorazine not as common any more Risperdal Seroquel Zyprexa Some medications are injected every 2-4 weeks. They will need meds the rest of their life.

24 Side Effects of Drugs Weight gain Diabetes High cholesterol Muscular stiffness/rigidity

25 Treatment To treat negative symptoms Psycho social method – Group and family therapy to help the person cope and integrate into their environment – This is an essential aspect when the person is diagnosed as a child or when the person doesn’t want to take medication. Challenging to medicate these symptoms but may be more vital to treat.

26 Treatment As the general population understands and has knowledge about schizophrenia, more compassion and empathy will not only help the individual suffering but help society as a whole.

27 Ethical Questions What happens when a parent refuses treatment for a child? What happens when a person refuses treatment for themselves and ends up in the hospital or jail? How accountable is a person for their actions while in a psychotic state?

28 Current Controversies Prevention… – With fatty omega 3 acids used as a supplement slow down the progression to a psychotic illness?? Only 1 study done with 70 people done so far…

29 Impact on Learning Hard to learn when the brain has disorganized thoughts and the person isn’t fully functioning in even the basic forms such as daily hygiene. The brain “can’t figure out the world”. Impact on learning is dependent on onset.

30 Running Shoes Analogy – You can have the best pair of running shoes. They can sit in your closet and do nothing. Or you can go running and make them work for you. Which are you going to choose? You can have the meds but are you going to take them? You can have the knowledge but are you going to use it to help others?



33 Bibliography Kamajain, A. (2012, July 28). Neuroscience. Retrieved from disorder Kaplan, H. (2012, 08 08). The ap psychology commune. Retrieved from Tambyraja, R. (2012, 08 08). Interview by A. DeRungs and M. Weise [Personal Interview]. Schizophrenia interview. Weiten, W. (2013 (preview copy)). Psychology themes and variations, 9e. (9 ed.). Belmount: Wadsworth.

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