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Unit 28- The Athletes Lifestyle

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1 Unit 28- The Athletes Lifestyle
P1/ M1/ D1- Lifestyle factors

2 Success brings with it a responsibility to be professional in all aspects of life. How athletes spend their leisure time, communicate with the media and others and plan a career after sport, all influence the reputation and eventual success of those athletes. Successful athletes are in the limelight and all aspects of their lives are subject to media scrutiny. Intro…

3 The time left after all work and survival activities have been done… what bearing can they have on performance?

4 Appropriate Behaviours
Relaxation/ Socialising: Relaxing provides an internal environment optimum for re-building of broken structures from training Socialising is also conducive to relaxation producing hormones that aid recovery to body systems and cells Rest: Period of ‘anabolism’, in which structures of the body are rebuilt after training (catabolism) Laying down of proteins in muscles, replacing damaged tissues and replenishing glycogen stores 7-8 hours sleep a day is recommended Eating: Rebuild the body by providing the cells with quality nutrients Foods with high levels of preservatives/toxins place stress on body systems Appropriate Behaviours

5 Inappropriate Behaviours
Alcohol: In excessive quantities alcohol damages the structures it passes through: throat, stomach, intestines, blood & liver Tiredness and Dehydration is caused by toxins within the bloodstream and loss of vitamins/minerals- seriously affecting performance. Smoking: Cigarette smoke contains 4000 different chemicals (400 toxic and 60 cancerous) Reducing lung function – The tar in a cigarette accumulates in the airways, restricting the flow of the air to the lungs. Producing carbon monoxide – This is present in the smoke and is attracted to the haemoglobin in the red blood cells. It stops Oxygen from getting into the blood and therefore to the working muscles. SERIOUSLY impairing performance!! Unruly Behaviour: Level of conduct is expected from athletes As role models in the community, all professional sports people must be aware of the effects of their behaviour Bans and fines are imposed if needed Inappropriate Behaviours

6 Continued… Gambling: Drugs:
Gambling is a problem for professional sports people, as often they have access to money, and considerable amounts of free time It offers a similar adrenaline fix to sport, so is very popular with retired and practicing sports people. Since the Gambling Act in 2005, players have not been allowed to bet on events that they are participating in… Why do you think this is? Drugs: - You should be aware of some of the different drugs that a footballer may be involved in taking Performance enhancing drugs: Performance enhancing drugs are used by athletes to improve their performance. Good examples would be anabolic steroids, diuretics and THG Recreational Drugs: Good examples of recreational drugs are tobacco, nicotine, cannabis, ecstasy, heroin and cocaine. Some of these are legal, others are not Continued…

7 Other People

8 Pressures on Athletes Other People: Social Life:
Although a social life is beneficial to relieve stress and help with rest and recuperation, you may feel pressure to spend more time with people than you feel you have available. This could come from girlfriends/boyfriends or being friends with many different groups of people. Other People: Peers: They need to understand what they have to go through in order to be successful- 2 types… The Saboteur – sabotages an athletes actions to behave and puts pressure onto an athlete to do something they don’t want to do. The Supporter – supports the athlete, as in encourages them to do well at training/ in matches. Teachers: Place deadlines for coursework and exams, making studying from home intense. Family: Added responsibility of looking after siblings, doing chores, Spouse, children etc… which also brings high expectations of you. Living away from home can mean they expect you to visit them at every opportunity and impact on leisure time. Coaches: Pressure to perform. They may also want you to participate in activities that may be detrimental to your athletic performance Pressures on Athletes

9 Continued… Competition and Training:
There are many pressures that come with being an athlete. As mentioned before these pressures can come from coaches, managers, parents and peers. Stress caused by the need to train and perform is a huge reason for drop of from sport amongst young athletes. A good example of pressure being put on an athlete, is a coach or parent forcing them to compete when they are carrying an injury. Other pressures may come from the need to be fit, avoid injuries, stay motivated etc Continued… Also due to Football being a team game there is also pressures from the need for team work, tactics, as well as being subbed.


11 Financial Spending: Saving: Insurance:
This is all about life’s uncertainties, and is where an athlete pays a fee or premium to a company to protect themselves and their equipment. As a player, you may need to consider Personal Accident insurance – Provides cover if you are injured Life assurance – Pays a lump sum to a beneficiary, if the athlete dies Medical cover – Covers physiotherapy and other medical services in the event of an injury. Equipment insurance – Protect expensive equipment against theft or damage. Think of Chris Hoy or Ben Ainslie, who’s bikes/boats are worth an awful lot of money. They would have to insure their equipment. Saving: In the early stages of a career, an athlete often has to spend a lot of their income trying to establish themselves. However, if at all possible, an established athlete should look to manage their earnings in a way that allows them to plan for their future without the substantial income that elite sports performance can provide. Savings accounts vary a great deal… With some allowing tax-free investment, but limited access to your money. Others offer immediate access to the money, but with much lower returns in the form of interest. Spending: Spending money for leisure will be what is left over after all the essentials have been paid for… (food, drink, shelter and clothing) and money has been put aside for savings and taxes etc. Financial

12 Need to explain the descriptions made for P1, using real-life examples and experiences
Describe 5 different lifestyle factors that can affect athletes… Remember only choose 5 from within/across the 3 different constructs: Leisure Time Pressures Financial Appropriate activities: Rest Relaxation/Socialising Eating Inappropriate activities: Alcohol Smoking Drugs Gambling Unruly behaviour Living away from home Social life Training Competition Need to analyse how the lifestyle factors used in P1 and M1 affect performance. Explaining how such factors are related and the extent to which they affect performance. Saving Spending Investing Insurance Sponsorship Tax

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