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Title Welcome to Our Webinar! Presentation Title: Application Process for the School Replacement and Renovation Program – What this means for your school.

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Presentation on theme: "Title Welcome to Our Webinar! Presentation Title: Application Process for the School Replacement and Renovation Program – What this means for your school."— Presentation transcript:

1 Title Welcome to Our Webinar! Presentation Title: Application Process for the School Replacement and Renovation Program – What this means for your school Presenter: Barbara Borgeson Call-In Information: Teleconference: 877-917-5412 Participant passcode: 3759933 Web-Ex Registration: Go to and register. This session is being recorded and will made available on the BIE website. 1. Mute your phones. 2. If you have to take a call, please hang up and dial in after your call. This avoids our session recording your hold music. 3. For questions, please use the chat feature in the right hand corner. We will address your questions after the presentation.


3 Title School Replacement and Renovation Program Process follows the criteria and the formula elements outlined in the Negotiated Rulemaking Committee’s final report.  Link to Negotiated Rulemaking Committee Report:  Title : NCLB Final Report March 2012 Final The Negotiated Rulemaking Committee recommended this process be conducted every five years and align with the Budget preparation timeline. 3

4 Title School Replacement and Renovation Program Guiding Principles include: – Formulas must foster compliance with health and safety standards – Formulas must account for educational needs – Formulas must be uniformly applied – Formulas must not be susceptible to manipulation – Formulas must be practicable – Any decision-making process used in addition to the formulas must be clear, consistent, transparent, and compliant with these principles 4

5 Title School Replacement and Renovation Program Phase I : Determination of Schools Eligible to Apply – Schools/Residential Facilities with an overall FCI (Facility Condition Index) of “poor”, using FMIS data – Or schools that are both 50 years or older and educating 75% or more of students in portables Phase II - Application completed by schools addresses: – Declining or Constrained Enrollment associated with poor facilities – Accreditation Risk – Cultural space need – Inappropriate educational space If eligible schools do not complete an application, they will not be considered for replacement. 5

6 Title School Replacement and Renovation Program Once a school or residential facility meets the initial eligibility requirements, additional education –related criteria are evaluated such as: – overcrowding – inappropriate educational space – declining enrollment – cultural space needs The Formula Criteria Chart (pg 38 of the Report) outlines the formula for ranking schools/residential facilities for renovation and replacement. National Review Committee members will award points in accordance with the following formula criteria: 6

7 Title School Replacement and Renovation Program PointsDescriptionMethod for Calculating 65 Condition of Facilities and Educational Space Deficiencies Overall school location score from FMIS (out of 1000) x.065. Data fixed on date application is due. 5Crowding Actual students per square foot divided by standard for that school in Educational Space Criteria Handbook (times 100). 5 Declining or Constrained Enrollment Associated with Poor Facilities Award points based on narrative provided on this criterion. 5 Inappropriate Educational Space Award points based on percent of students in inappropriate educational space in portables, dormitory space, leased space. 5Accreditation Risk Award points based on a narrative that cites number and severity of citations in the accreditation. 10School Age Award points based on the average age of school’s educational and dormitory buildings. 5 Cultural Space Needs Points based on tribal requirement and space needs. 7

8 Title School Replacement and Renovation Program Data sources include: – Facilities Management Information System (FMIS) – Native American Student Information System (NASIS) – Condition Assessment contractor Space Analysis Reports 8

9 Title School Replacement and Renovation Program Goal for the National Review Committee will be to recommend projects for facility component replacement or total school replacement to the AS-IA for this first cycle. Membership on the National Review Committee will include representatives from each Region One representative from OFMC One representative from BIE Each Region (except Navajo Region) will select one representative Navajo Region will select three members Review Committee members must be knowledgeable about school facilities and shall not include anyone from schools that are submitting applications. 9

10 Title School Replacement and Renovation Program Summary of Steps in the Application Process 10

11 Title School Replacement and Renovation Program 11

12 Title School Replacement and Renovation Program 12

13 Title School Replacement and Renovation Program June 2014 Memo issued announcing the eligibility phase of the application process Schools were instructed to enter their backlogs for the ranking process by October 31, 2014 Ranking process ongoing at this time 13

14 Title Webinar Information Presentation Title: Application Process for the School Replacement and Renovation Program – What this means for your school Presenter: Barbara Borgeson This webinar will be made available on within a few days. Keep an eye out for upcoming webinars. If you have additional webinar suggestions, contact Kim Vigue at

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