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Inappropriate behavior in the workplace. What is inappropriate behavior? Inappropriate behavior consists of: Verbal abuse Sexual harassment Being off.

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Presentation on theme: "Inappropriate behavior in the workplace. What is inappropriate behavior? Inappropriate behavior consists of: Verbal abuse Sexual harassment Being off."— Presentation transcript:

1 Inappropriate behavior in the workplace

2 What is inappropriate behavior? Inappropriate behavior consists of: Verbal abuse Sexual harassment Being off task Being unprofessional Bullying coworkers Violence between workers Possession of alcohol or other substances

3 Consequences to being inappropriate in the workplace: Lost respect Being permanently terminated from your position Suspension Lawsuits Lower productivity Turnovers

4 Real World Example: Wal-Mart’s harassment policy- 8/-Walmart-s-non-violence-Policy

5 Benefits to having a handbook: Gives employees a sense of safety Reduces inappropriate behavior Contains guidelines for employees (such as) Discipline policies What to do if you’re being harassed & gives an example of expectations

6 Video:

7 Statistic: when talking to 30,000 employees in 16 firms, the study showed that 20%, or 6,ooo employees, said that they have witnessed inappropriate behavior at their workplace that violated the companies ethical conduct. Only half reported this behavior to their mangers.

8 Ways to resolve bad behavior Create an employee handbook Address the individual employee to bring the bad behavior to their attention Document the occurrences of the behavior Work on a plan to correct the behavior

9 Facts: 45% of American workers say they’ve experienced workplace abuse. 40% of workplace bullies are women, women bullies pick on other women more than 70% of the time. Female bullies want to undermine, berate, and intimidate the weaker women in their midst.

10 Work Cited: blowing-the-whistle-on-bad-behavaior-takes-more- than-guts blowing-the-whistle-on-bad-behavaior-takes-more- than-guts 8/-Walmart-s-non-violence-Policy 8/-Walmart-s-non-violence-Policy callahan/work-bullies_b_833977.html callahan/work-bullies_b_833977.html workplace-12304.html workplace-12304.html

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