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White Nose Syndrome A Caver’s Perspective Hazel A. Barton, Ph.D. Ashland Endowed Professor of Integrative Science Associate Professor of Biological Sciences.

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Presentation on theme: "White Nose Syndrome A Caver’s Perspective Hazel A. Barton, Ph.D. Ashland Endowed Professor of Integrative Science Associate Professor of Biological Sciences."— Presentation transcript:

1 White Nose Syndrome A Caver’s Perspective Hazel A. Barton, Ph.D. Ashland Endowed Professor of Integrative Science Associate Professor of Biological Sciences Northern Kentucky University

2 WNS: What we know White Nose Syndrome is manifested by a white, powdery-like substance on the muzzle of infected bats Blehert et al., (2009) Science 323:227

3 WNS: What we know Bats with WNS have much shorter torpor bouts –This leads to a loss of reserves –Death comes from starvation or trying to find food during cold weather


5 WNS: What we know Using phylogenetic analysis, the fungus (Geomyces destructans) is a newly identified member of the Geomyces. Blehert et al., (2009) Science 323:227

6 Mammoth Asian Elephant African Elephant Mastodon Rhinoceros Hippopotamus Dogs and Humans

7 Blehert et al., (2009) Science 323:227

8 Geomyces sp. have been described in a number of cave habitats, including: –Guano, isopod clasts, earthworms casts, cave air, aragonite deposits, speleothems, sediments (caves do not contain soils) –Tourist areas Temperature range currently appears to be 10.2 – 12.0 ˚C Not found as component bat fauna (France) Geomyces spread by birds (Antarctica study) Geomyces: What we know

9 Geomyces sp.: What we know Is structurally different from previously known Geomyces sp. Blehert et al., (2009) Science 323:227

10 WNS: What we don’t know Is this fungus: –A new variant (a genetic change has led to the emergence of a new strain/species) –A xenobiotic species (an invasive species that has been introduced) Is this fungus: –A true pathogen (disease in healthy bats) –An opportunistic pathogen (takes advantage of an immune suppressed bat) –Can be determined by Koch’s Postulates


12 WNS: If it is a true pathogen What is the multiplicity of infection (MOI) –What is the minimum number of spores required for disease? –How many spores are found in cave air? –How many spores can be picked during a caving trip?

13 WNS: If it is an opportunistic pathogen Underlying factors may be important: –Loss of chitinase activity –Loss of insect populations (WNV) –Use of different pesticides (WNV) –Climate change –Bat AIDS –Change in cave microbial ecosystems

14 WNS: If it is a frank pathogen Control measures need to be evaluated

15 80+ agents Decontamination Issues

16 Spore-only assays Using G. pannorum, G, desructans, Aspergillus, Penicillium Three assays: Disk diffusion – susceptibility Issues related to media Role of geochemistry Total colony forming units (from 5 x 10 5 spores) Germination assay Testing


18 Decontamination Issues Cave relevant materials

19 Plate Agent C Decontamination Issues

20 Two Months ControlAgent C Geomyces pannorum

21 Large Scale Treatments What about if we decontaminate caves?


23 Entrance Zone The Depths Heterotrophic Interactions Competitive exclusion Bacterial dominance Geochemically driven Autotrophy Mutualistic Interactions Archaeal dominance Role of Fungi

24 Cave Microbiology: Fungi Natural members of cave microflora Appear highly diverse Break down rock (sugaring): Mechanically Chemically Play a role in nutrient acquisition Impacted by geochemistry Well adapted to oligotrophy

25 Barriers to Colonization Xenobiotic Organism Chemical Geochemical conditions Oligotrophy Biological Antifungal agents bacterial fungal Nutrient sequestration Resource competition

26 Summary Still investigating origins of G. destructans Still need to confirm whether this is a true pathogen Good idea on methods of decontamination Some ideas about in situ treatments In situ treatments need to be specific


28 Positive Effects of Cave Microbiology Novel organisms Novel antibiotics Novel polymers Novel bioremediation strategies CO 2 sequestration Planetary protection strategies Unique geochemical interactions

29 Acknowledgements Staff at Diamond Caverns Staff at Carlsbad Caverns NP Staff at Mammoth Cave NP Staff at Wind Cave NP Funding Barton Lab Brandon Heineke, Alexis Henry, Elizabeth Shelly and Tim Williams On Rope 1 Inner Mountain Outfitters Sterling Ropes, Bluewater, PMI

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