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Board Review ID Rapid Fire.

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1 Board Review ID Rapid Fire

2 Fever, photophobia, runny nose, dry cough.
Conjunctivitis Koplik spots Fever, photophobia, runny nose, dry cough. Rubeola Measles - Rubeola

3 Rubeola Measles! Macular papular rash – head down Koplik spots
Conjunctivitis Fever, cough, coryza Most contagious 5 days before and 5 days after rash Think if patient is not immunized

4 Rubella Forchheimer spots
Low Grade Fever, Malaise, LAD, Fine Maculopapular Rash, Arthritis

5 Rubella German Measles Low grade fever, rash, occipital LAD
Mild viral illness unless you are PREGNANT

6 Varicella Fever, runny nose then develops this itchy rash. Started on trunk and then spread all over. Varicella

7 Complications of Varicella

8 Varicella Rash starts at trunk and spreads out
Superficial vesicles, pustules and crusts in varying stages Vesicles with red halos Contagious few days before the rash, until it crusts (7-10 days) Complications Secondary skin infections Disseminated Viremia, pneumonia, encephalitis

9 Newborns and Varicella
A baby is considered exposed if: Mom gets chickenpox 5 days before to 2 days after delivery Treatment VZIG

10 Fever, sore throat, runny nose.
Adenovirus Adenovirus

11 Adenovirus Conjunctivitis, pharyngitis, adenopathy
Also cause GI illness More common in summer Preauricular LAD

12 Coxsackievirus – Hand Foot Mouth
My child has bumps and they hurt!! Coxsackievirus

13 Fifth Disease – Parvo B19 Parvo B19 – Fifth Disease, Erythema Infectiosum

14 Fifth Disease Erythema infectiosum – Parvovirus B19
Starts with fever, sore throat, runny nose, HA, malaise Then get “slapped cheek” rash Rash can spread to extremities Diagnosis – clinical (can get IgM titers)

15 I had fever and then got this rash…

16 Roseola – HHV ?? HHV 6 3-5 days of high fever
Rash after fever resolves Can be associated with febrile seizures Diagnosis - Clinical

17 Mononucleosis Fever, fatigue, pharyngitis, LAD, splenomegaly EBV

18 EBV Acute, self-limited Oral contact – “kissing disease”
Fever, fatigue, pharyngitis, LAD, splenomegaly Anterior cervical LAD – most common Labs Atypical lymphs, +heterophile antibodies Complications Aseptic meningitis, Guillain Barre, pericarditis

19 CMV Acquired Congenital Presents like mono
Treat immunosuppresed - Gancyclovir Congenital HEARING LOSS - sensorineural Mental retardation Hepatomegaly Chorioretinitis Cerebral calcifications (periventricular) Thrombocytopenia (blueberry muffin) Diagnosis: urine culture in first 3-4 weeks of life - definitive

20 Herpetic Gingivostomatitis

21 Herpes Simplex Virus HSV-1 – most common HSV-2 – usually genital
Affects skin and mucus membranes HSV-2 – usually genital Presentation Grouped vesicular lesions, mucuosal inflammation Diagnosis Clinical Tzank smear – multinucleated giant cells Culture PCR DFA

22 Herpetic Whitlow Herpetic witlow

23 Ocular Herpes Call Optho!!
Keratoconjunctivitis – can cause permenant visual impairment. Ocular herpes

24 High fever, pain, and history of excema
Excema herpeticum Excema Herpeticum – lesions can develop into pustules and can become hemorrhagic. Treat – IV Acyclovir

25 More Herpes Herpes labialis

26 Zoster zoster

27 Mumps THINK: If the question says immigration, adoption or no vaccines!!! Mumps

28 Mumps Paramyxovirus Usually have bilateral parotid gland swelling
Fever, HA, malaise Can also have swelling of testicles Complications: Meningitis/encephalitis Orchitis – doesn’t usually result in infertility Pancreatitis

29 Congenital Rubella Cataracts Heart Disease – PDA
Sensorineural deafness HSM Thrombcyotopenia – purpura Blueberry Muffin Rash – dermal erythropoiesis SGA Myocarditis Cong Rubella

30 Neonatal Herpes I am doing well until DOL 4 – develop these lesions…

31 Congenital HSV Think – seizure in newborn
Esp if temporal lobe Usually mom has no history of lesions Sepsis, meningitis, seizures Negative gram stain - elevated WBC, elevated protein Diagnosis – HSV PCR

32 Cong Syphillis If untreated:
Infants – SGA, HSM, hyperbilirubinemia, thrombocytopenia, LAD If untreated: Snuffles, demineralization of bones, horse cry, saddle nose, Hutchinson teeth, Keratitis, Deafness, Sabre shin, frontal bossing, clutton joints, mental retardation Cong Syphillis

33 13 year old with thrush and candidal rash
AIDS – thrush and candidal diaper CHECK FOR HIV *also think about DM, but this is ID Board Review.

34 Bactrim for prophylaxis “Ground Glass”
PCP in AIDS patient Hypoxia Bactrim for prophylaxis “Ground Glass” PCP in AIDS

35 Molluscum – HIV patient

36 Kaposi Sarcoma Kaposi sarcoma

37 HIV Think when you have chronic nonspecific symptoms Testing
Wt loss, fever, night sweats, FTT, thrush! Testing Start with ELISA Confirm with Western Blot

38 Baby exposed to HIV Dramatically reduce transmission by AZT treatment during pregnancy Testing – DNA PCR Birth 2 months 4 months 6 months

39 Rabies Fox, bats, raccoons, skunks, ferrets Raccoon is common in US
If baby in room with bat – have to treat Treatment Don’t need to treat if can watch animal HRIG – if highly suspect If haven’t had previous immunization Vaccine – 5 doses

40 RSV Most common cause of bronchiolitis in infants
Infant with wheeze, retractions, tachypnea, fever, and URI symptoms CXR – diffuse infiltrates and hyperinflation Diagnosis Treatment Supportive Albuterol trial What is the best way to prevent? Hand washing

41 Rotavirus Fever, watery diarrhea, and vomiting
Commonly causes dehydration Diagnosis Antigen test of stool Treatment supportive

42 THE END!!

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