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CATTLE BREEDS Maggie Fetzer. Angus- Beef Solid black Lean Slightly muscular Bulls have muscle crest around neck Heifers/ cows very lean Polled (naturally.

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Presentation on theme: "CATTLE BREEDS Maggie Fetzer. Angus- Beef Solid black Lean Slightly muscular Bulls have muscle crest around neck Heifers/ cows very lean Polled (naturally."— Presentation transcript:

1 CATTLE BREEDS Maggie Fetzer

2 Angus- Beef Solid black Lean Slightly muscular Bulls have muscle crest around neck Heifers/ cows very lean Polled (naturally hornless)

3 Black Brangus- Beef Brahman/ Angus cross Similar to angus Slight neck hump More defined sheath Bigger brisket Bigger neck hump than Angus Big brisket (comes from Brahman influence)

4 Beefmaster- Beef Face and ears similar to Brahmans Slight neck hump Bulls are very stocky and muscled Heifer/cows leaner Color range from light to dark red Slight neck hump

5 Santa Gertrudis- Beef Dark red color Big brisket A lot of neck folds Slight neck hump Polled or horned Long face

6 Belted Galloway- Beef Black and white or brown and white Distinguishing belt of white around their midsection “Hampshire of cattle”

7 Braford- Beef Brahman/Hereford cross Red with white underbelly, face, and legs Looks like Hereford with slight neck hump Bigger brisket Horned or polled Stockier than Herefords Notice the brisket

8 Hereford- Beef Red with white face, underbelly, and hocks Horned Small brisket Moderately muscled

9 Brahman- Beef Big ears, sheath, and brisket Long face Horned or polled Very distinctive neck hump Several colors

10 Braunvieh- Beef Mousy brown Small ears Brown or black tail switch Lighter underbelly and legs White around the nose

11 Charolais- Beef White, cream, or light blonde in color Medium frame Pink nose and hooves Heavily muscled Broad head

12 Gelbvieh- Beef Can be dark red, golden, or black Long body Heavily muscled Looks similar to Charolias Medium to large frame Big muscles

13 Limousin- Beef Can be blonde, black, or red Very small brisket Lean body Lighter color on the underbelly, inside legs and around the nose Broad head

14 Maine Anjou- Beef Can be solid black, solid red, black and white, or red and white White markings are on the underbelly, legs, and face Large framed Not very muscular Less stocky than hereford

15 Polled Hereford- Beef Same as Hereford but no horns Polled means “naturally hornless” Stocky and muscular Smaller brisket than Braford Smaller neck hump than Braford Virtually no neck hump No horns !

16 Red Angus- Beef Similar to Angus Solid red in color Lean, slightly muscular

17 Red Brangus- Beef Similar to black Brangus Slight neck hump Defined sheath Big brisket Bigger neck hump than angus Bigger brisket than angus Big brisket

18 Shorthorn- Beef Red, white, and roan Polled or horned Moderate frame Long hair Roan

19 Simmental- Beef Yellowish-brown, straw colored, red, or black White markings on face, legs, brisket, and underbelly Horned or polled Leaner & longer than polled hereford

20 Texas Longhorn- Beef Variety of colors and patterns Has distinctively long horns

21 Ayrshire- Dairy Red and white Distinct spots Can be speckled Small framed Udder

22 Brown Swiss- Dairy Mousy brown, but can be grey, dark brown, or tan Similar to Braunvieh Small head Udder

23 Guernsey- Dairy Can be yellowish to reddish-brown with white patches Small in the hip Udder

24 Holstein- Dairy White with black patches Very distinctive look Chick-fil-a cow Udder

25 Jersey- Dairy Light brown in color Dark nose, hooves, and tail switch Borden cow, Elsie Udder

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