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The Norsemen.

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1 The Norsemen

2 Who were the Vikings? The Vikings were raiders from Scandinavia (Norway, Denmark and Sweden). Only when they were raiding were they "vikings": They were basically farmers who raised livestock and fishermen, some of whom went "a-viking" in the summer. The Vikings were also known as the Norse or Northmen.

3 When did the Vikings live?
The Viking Age began about 750 AD The end of the Viking Age is usually given as 1066 when the Norwegian King Harald Haraade lost a battle to the English King Harold.

4 Where did the Vikings go?

5 Where did they go? WEST: The Vikings sailed west and discovered Iceland, Greenland, and Vinland, which today is know as New Foundland, Canada.  EAST: They sailed east to Estonia, and from there sailed and down rivers to get further into the land. By sailing on rivers, the Vikings got as far as the Black Sea! SOUTH: Most frequently they traveled to the British Isles, Ireland or France. Isolated towns and churches were easy targets for the Vikings.   COLONIES: In Northern England the Norsemen settled and established a large colony. A great number of Vikings settled on Iceland in the 9th century, and some went further west, to Greenland. Some Vikings also settled in Eastern Europe. 

6 What did they do? Raiding and Pillaging Trading Exploring
They traveled by sea or up rivers in their fast and beautiful longships to attack and seize treasures from monasteries, towns, and churches. Trading The Norse were traders and skilled craftspeople in wood, jewelry, stone, and ivory. In Asia, they traded goods, often slaves, with Arabic merchants and brought back home exotic goods like glass and spices.  Exploring They created trade networks and settlements throughout Europe and across the North Atlantic Ocean to Iceland, Greenland, and the North American Mainland. Ship Building

7 Why did they raid? Increased wealth and trading within Europe
Fine treasures available in monasteries and churches Political instability in Scandinavia Improved technology of the longships Political unrest and frequent war in Europe Over-population and limited farmland in Scandinavia.

8 How did they travel? There were two distinct classes of Viking ships: the longship and the knarr. The longship was used for warfare and exploration. designed for speed and agility equipped with oars and a sail Long, narrow hull allowed it to travel in shallow water The knarr was a slower merchant ship with a larger cargo capacity.

9 How do we know about Vikings?
Norse rune- and picture stones and grave monuments Chronicles written by European monks Norse literature (The Sagas) written years after the end of the Viking Age Archeology and excavations



12 Norse Mythology: Creation Story

13 The Norse believed that originally the world was made up of a region of ice and mist called Niflheim
and another of fire and tremendous heat called Muspellsheim.

14 In the course of time the warmer air from one melted the ice of the other. Out of this sprang the giant Ymir and a whole race of other giants.

15 From the frost sprang a cow called Audumla
From the frost sprang a cow called Audumla. By licking the ice, the cow formed a man called Buri whose descendant would be the chief of gods and men. Buri’s grandsons were Odin, Vili, and Ve.

16 These three gods slew the giants and from Ymir’s body, they formed the earth named Midgard, and the mountains, sea, etc. The stars in the sky were formed from the sparks erupting from Muspellsheim.

17 Around the earth was a land reserved for the giants called Jotunheim.

18 Among the giants was one named Nor who had a daughter named Nott, the goddess of the night.
Nor also had a grandson named Dag, god of the day.

19 Between earth and heaven stretched a bridge to connect the two which was called Bifrost.

20 At the end of the bridge sat a guard named Heimdall who guarded against the entrance of dwarfs – wise, cunning and evil little creatures. In contrast to these evil creatures were the elves who were beautiful and good to gods and men.

21 In the middle of the world stood a gigantic tree called Yggdrasil at the base of which the gods assembled. The tree had three roots… One of which went toward Niflheim, the Underworld.

22 The root which extended to earth was guarded by Norns, three sisters who controlled the fate of the Past, Present, and Future.

23 Valhalla Great feasting hall for slain warriors Valkyries
450 doors; 800 men across Valkyries Heavily armored maiden-warriors Choose whom to take to Valhalla

24 Norse Gods Divided into two races Æsir Vanir

25 Days of the week English Saxon Title of God Roman French Monday Mona
The Moon Moon Lundi Tuesday Tiu God of War Mars Mardi Wednesday Woden The Cunning God Mercury Mercredi Thursday Thor Thunder God Jove Jeudi Friday Freyja Goddess of Love Venus Vendredi Saturday --- God of Time Saturn Samedi Sunday Sunne The Sun Sun Dimanche

26 Norse Gods Odin, Freya, Thor, Loki, Tyr, Baldr Image of your deity
God/goddess of what? Characteristics Symbols One saga Write the title ONLY Briefly summarize the story when you present

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