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Using A Dictionary Before using a dictionary, try to analyze the word forgetfulness = forget + ful + ness pencil sharpener = pencil sharp + en + er air.

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Presentation on theme: "Using A Dictionary Before using a dictionary, try to analyze the word forgetfulness = forget + ful + ness pencil sharpener = pencil sharp + en + er air."— Presentation transcript:

1 Using A Dictionary Before using a dictionary, try to analyze the word forgetfulness = forget + ful + ness pencil sharpener = pencil sharp + en + er air purifier = air pure+ ify + er refreshment = re+ fresh + ment

2 Using A Dictionary Before using a dictionary, try to guess the meaning from the words around it ไม่มีผู้ใดอยู่เหนือกฎหมายไม่ว่าบุคคลนั้นจะอยู่ในฐานะ ตำแหน่งหรือเงื่อนไขใดย่อมอยู่ภายใต้บังคับแห่ง กฎหมายของแผ่นดินและอยู่ในอำนาจพิจารณา พิพากษาของศาลยุติธรรมเหมือนกันหมด ประมวลกฎหมายอาญา มาตรา 64

3 Using A Dictionary Before using a dictionary, try to guess the meaning from the words around it We stop at an inn, a small hotel, on the way home. Children under 18 are not allowed to buy alcoholic drinks, such as whisky, wine, champagne and beer. A bird is a small animal but it is gigantic when it is beside an ant.

4 Using A Dictionary Before using a dictionary, try to analyze the sentence Tim bought a book. Tim, my neighbor, bought a comic book. Tim, my next door neighbor, hurriedly bought a colorful comic book from the bus station. Tim, my next door neighbor, hurriedly bought a colorful comic book from the bus station as soon as the bus arrived Lop Buri.

5 Exercise 1

6 Exercise 2 a

7 Exercise 2 b

8 Exercise 2 c

9 Exercise 2 d

10 Using A Dictionary Information in a dictionary: * the definition or meaning * the pronunciation or how to read the word * the part of speech Homesick = being unhappy when you are away from home for a long time island / `aîlənd/ dirty adj = adjective, lose v. =verb

11 Using A Dictionary Information in a dictionary: * grammatical features * collocations * example phrases or sentences advice [U] (=uncountable) You do homework. You make a choice I don’t know what to choose.

12 Using A Dictionary Information in a dictionary: * synonym = word with the same meaning * antonym = word of opposite meaning happy = glad good  bad

13 Seat /si:t/ n [C] an item of furniture that has been designed for someone to sit on <Chairs, stools, sofas and benches are different types of seat <All the chairs are taken- I’m afraid you’ll have to use this table as a seat.A car usually has a driver’s seat, a front/passenger seat and back/rear seats. <Why don’t you sit down on that seat over there while we’re waiting? <The hall’s quite full- I can’t see any empty seat. < My ticket says 22D but there’s already someone in (=sitting on) that seat< Is this seat free/taken (=is anyone using it)? ENTRY pronunciation part of speech grammatical features examples definition collocation



16 British Pronunciation American Pronunciation




20 British Pronunciation American Pronunciation




24 British Pronunciation American Pronunciation

25 British Pronunciation American Pronunciation
















41 His Majesty King Bhumipol Adulyadej

42 Prime Minister Samak Sundaravej





47 The most important exported products are rice, agricultural products, rubber and tin

48 King Ramkhamhaeng The Great of Sukhothai Kingdom envented the Thai alphabet.

49 King Naresuan the Great of Ayuttaya Kingdom Announced the independence of Thailand

50 King Bhumipol and Queen Sirikit, the present king and queen have Devoted their lives for the Thai people for over sixty years with thousands Of the royal projects.

51 Exercises 1.What is the nickname of Thailand? The land of smiles 2.Who is the present head of Thailand? King Bhumipol 3.What is the capital of Thailand? Bangkok 4.What are Thai national sports? Boxing and Takraw

52 5.What are exports of Thailand? Rice and tin. 6.Who is the present famous person of Thailand? King Bhumipol 7.What was the first university? Chulalongkorn University 8.How many colors are there on the national flag? Three.

53 9.What is the official language of Thailand? Thai. 10.How many seasons are there in Thailand? Three.

54 1. Thailand governance is a constitutional monarchy. 2. The official name is The Kingdom of Thailand. 3. The King is the head of the state. 4. The Prime Minister is the Head of Government. 5. The nickname of Thailand is the land of smiles. 6. Thailand has 76 provinces (including Bangkok). 7. The capital of Thailand is Bangkok.

55 8. The present king is King Bhumipol. 9. The present prime minister is Samak Sundaravej. 10. The present governor of Lop Buri is Suwat Tantipat. 11. Thailand is located in Southeast Asia. 12. Myanmar borders Thailand to the west and the north. 13. Laos borders Thailand to the east and the north. 14. The west coast is the Andaman Sea. 15. The east coast is The Gulf of Thailand

56 1.What is the nickname of Thailand ? The Land of Smiles. 2. Who is the present head of Thailand ? King Bhumipol. 3. What is the capital of Thailand ? Bangkok 4. What are Thai national sports? Thai boxing and Takraw. 5. What does Thailand export? Rice, agricultural products, rubber and tin.

57 6. Who are some famous people of Thailand ? Samak Sundaravej, Thingchai Jaidee etc. 7. What was the first university of Thailand ? Chulalongkorn University. 8. How many colors are there on the national flag ? Three. 9. What is the official language of Thailand? Thai. 10. How many seasons are there in Thailand? Three.

58 11. What is the area of Thailand ? 198,456 square miles of 514,000 square kilometers. 12. How many geographical regions are there ? Four. 13. What is the climate of Thailand like ? A tropical climate. 14. How many seasons are three in the year? Three. 15. What is the season between June to October? Rainy season.

59 North South West East Northeast Southwest Northwest Southeast

60 North South East Northeast Central

61 North Chiangmai Chiangrai Nan Payao South Phuket Trang East Cholburi Northeast Khonkaen Nong Khai Central Bangkok Lop Buri Suphanburi Nakornnayok Petburi

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