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Vocabulary The picnic was ______ due to rain. a)fragrancefragrance b)cooperationcooperation c)canceledcanceled d)theorytheory.

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2 Vocabulary

3 The picnic was ______ due to rain. a)fragrancefragrance b)cooperationcooperation c)canceledcanceled d)theorytheory

4 canceled – verb – did away with, stopped, or called off


6 Grandma’s 100th birthday called for a big ________. a)theorytheory b)varietyvariety c)transformedtransformed d)celebrationcelebration

7 celebration – noun – the act of honoring with festivities

8 With _______ the friends quickly decorated the room for the surprise party. a)cooperationcooperation b)canceledcanceled c)theorytheory d)varietyvariety

9 cooperation – noun -working with another or others for a common purpose

10 Roses have a strong _______. a)moistenedmoistened b)fragrancefragrance c)cooperationcooperation d)canceledcanceled

11 fragrance – noun – a sweet or pleasing smell

12 Ellen ______ the flaps of the envelopes with a damp sponge. a)celebrationcelebration b)moistenedmoistened c)fragrancefragrance d)cooperationcooperation

13 moistened – verb – dampened or made slightly wet

14 Do you have a _____ that explains why leaves turn color in the fall? a)canceledcanceled b)theorytheory c)varietyvariety d)transformedtransformed

15 theory – noun – an idea that explains a group of facts or an event; something that has not been proven true

16 The builder _____ the backyard by adding a patio. a)transformedtransformed b)celebrationcelebration c)moistenedmoistened d)fragrancefragrance

17 transformed – verb – changed in shape, for, or appearance

18 I enjoy eating a wide ______ of fruits and vegetables. a)varietyvariety b)transformedtransformed c)celebrationcelebration d)moistenedmoistened

19 variety – noun – a number or collection of different things or various kinds or parts

20 Susan Ging Lent Production

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