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Putting the Roof of the LAC to Use Holly Johnsen, Chris Byron, Craig Weidert.

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Presentation on theme: "Putting the Roof of the LAC to Use Holly Johnsen, Chris Byron, Craig Weidert."— Presentation transcript:

1 Putting the Roof of the LAC to Use Holly Johnsen, Chris Byron, Craig Weidert

2 Goals: So much space!  Proof of concept: how we can use this space Classroom above the Aerobics Room Solar Panels on the Gym

3 Motivation Good weather Lack of outdoor classroom space Satisfaction of roof instinct Under-utilization of roof space

4 Access, Deck, Railing Plastic deck from recycled plastic  Footings over structural strong points  Allows for use of existing drainage system Railing  Will match trim on rest of LAC Ideal classroom location! Ideal classroom location! Access provided through the Riggs room Access provided through the Riggs room

5 Shade and Lighting Canopy retracts underneath eave  Laid out in strips for easy maintenance / replacement  Staggered for shade coverage and ventilation Track lighting under eave Lighting on railing extension  Some lighting may be pointed up at the canopy for diffuse lighting

6 Classroom and Furniture Wall mounted whiteboards under the eave Portable whiteboards may be stored indoors Ergonomic chairs and desks  Durable outdoor material  Sized to be modular and facilitate group work

7 Flowers and Aesthetics Shallow flower boxes on top of the roof overhang  Colorful Southern California native plants  Watered with a drip line from existing plumbing in Riggs/Baker room  Built off of the ground to provide for drainage

8 Solar Panel Motivation and Layout 300+ days of sunshine per year Successful small scale solar panels on Case Dorm Puts energy back onto the grid Rows of panels on “A” frames on gym roof

9 LEED and Master Plan Heat island reduction Increases renewable energy Re-adaptive use of existing space Use of recycled materials Native plants Provides an attractive meeting place to promote campus community Increases quality of student life

10 Questions?

11 Bibliography Q Learn Intelligent Furniture - Plastic Lumber Yard - Harvey Mudd College Master Plan - LEED Guidelines - =19 =19

12 Responsibilities of Each Team Member Chris – Solar Panels, Research Holly – Classroom paraphernalia, Furniture, Flowers, Motivation, Research Craig – Deck, Railing, Shade, Research, Model

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