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Environmental Controls I/IG Lecture 12 Cooling Loads Cooling Degree Hours Energy Performance Ratings Annual Fuel Consumption Lecture 12 Cooling Loads Cooling.

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Presentation on theme: "Environmental Controls I/IG Lecture 12 Cooling Loads Cooling Degree Hours Energy Performance Ratings Annual Fuel Consumption Lecture 12 Cooling Loads Cooling."— Presentation transcript:

1 Environmental Controls I/IG Lecture 12 Cooling Loads Cooling Degree Hours Energy Performance Ratings Annual Fuel Consumption Lecture 12 Cooling Loads Cooling Degree Hours Energy Performance Ratings Annual Fuel Consumption

2 Cooling Loads Computed for worst case scenario: Late summer afternoon at outdoor design dry bulb temperature Include: Insolation from sun Heat gain from people, lights, and equipment Infiltration in residential buildings Ventilation in nonresidential buildings SR-3

3 Summer Design Conditions Design Dry Bulb Temperature Mean Daily Range S: p. 1496, T.B1

4 Determine Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Construction type Outdoor design temperature Mean daily range L:0-16ºF M:16-25ºF H:25+ºF S: p. 1613, T.F.5

5 Determine Envelope U-values Calculate ΣR and then find U for walls and roofs. Note: this method ignores floors, doors, and window U-values

6 Determine DCLF Glazing Type Design Temperature Shading Orientation S: p. 1615, T.5.6

7 Determine Area Quantities Perform area takeoffs for all building envelope surfaces on each facade: gross wall area window area door area net wall area 4’ Elevation 4’ 12’ 100’ 8’ 1200 sf 64 sf 368 sf 768 sf - -

8 Infiltration S: p. 1617, T.F.7

9 Ventilation Analysis Non-residential buildings use ventilation to provide fresh air and to offset infiltration effects. ASHRAE Standard 62-2001 ( S: p. 1598, T.E.25 ) Estimates the number of people/1000 sf of usage type Prescribes minimum ventilation/person for usage type

10 ASHRAE 62-2001 Defines space occupancy and ventilation loads S: p. 1598, T.E.25

11 Ventilation—Sensible CLF S: 1617, T.F.7

12 People — Sensible Gain Determine number of people Activity level S: p. 1617, T.F.8

13 Lights Determine wattage of lighting/square foot ASHRAE 90.1 prescriptive levels Count fixture loads and add together Note: add 15% for ballasts where applicable (e.g., fluorescent lights)

14 Equipment Determine operating wattage of equipment/square foot ASHRAE 90.1 prescriptive levels Count actual loads and add together Note: include a diversity factor (20-30%) if specific usage patterns are unknown.

15 Equipment Use manufacturer’s data or other references to obtain heat gain data. Standby mode Copiers Monitors Printers CPU “energy star” S: p. 1618, T.F.9

16 Latent Load Not calculated separately: Apply a factor as a percentage of the total sensible cooling load Dry climates: 20% Moist/Humid climates: 30%

17 Cooling Load Example Problem Building: Office Building Location: Salt Lake City Building: 200’ x 100’ (2 stories, 12’-6” each) U wall = 0.054 Btuh/sf-ºF U roof = 0.025 Btuh/sf-ºF

18 Cooling Load Example Problem Determine Building Envelope Areas (SF) Building: 200’ x 100’ (2 stories, 12’-6” each) NESW Gross Wall5,0002,5005,0002,500 Windows1,0005002,000500 Doors20205020 Net Wall3,9801,9802,9501,980 Roof/Floor Slab20,000

19 Determine Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Roof Construction type: Light color, vented, ceiling Design temperature: 95ºF Mean daily range: 32ºF L:0-16ºF M:16-25ºF H:25+ºF DETD=31.0ºF S: p. 1613, T.F.5

20 Cooling Loads Insert roof values SR-3 0.025 20,00031.0 15,500 15,500

21 Determine Design Equivalent Temperature Difference (DETD) Wall Construction type (see given) Design temperature: 95ºF Mean daily range: 32ºF L:0-16ºF M:16-25ºF H:25+ºF DETD=11.3ºF S: p. 1613, T.F.5

22 Cooling Loads Insert roof values Insert wall values SR-3 0.025 20,00031.0 15,500 15,500 N0.054 3,98011.32.429 E 0.054 1,98011.31.208 S0.0542,95011.31,800 W0.0541,98011.31,208 6,645

23 Glazing Type Design Temperature Shading Orientation Determine Window DCLF S: p. 1615, T.F.6

24 Cooling Loads Insert roof values Insert wall values Insert glass values SR-3 0.025 20,00031.0 15,500 15,500 N0.054 3,98011.32.429 E 0.054 1,98011.31.208 S0.0542,95011.31,800 W0.0541,98011.31,208 6,645 N1,0001414,000 E 5003517,500 S2,0002040,000 W5003517,500 89,000

25 ASHRAE 62-2001 Defines space occupancy and ventilation loads S: p. 1598, T.E.25

26 Ventilation Load — Sensible 40,000 sf x 5people/1,000sf = 200 people 200 people x 17 cfm/person = 3,400 cfm

27 Ventilation Load — Sensible CLF Design Temperature: 95ºF Commercial Building: Ventilation S: p. 1617, T.F.7

28 Cooling Loads Insert roof values Insert wall values Insert glass values Insert outdoor air values SR-3 0.025 20,00031.0 15,500 15,500 N0.054 3,98011.32.429 E 0.054 1,98011.31.208 S0.0542,95011.31,800 W0.0541,98011.31,208 6,645 N1,0001414,000 E 5003517,500 S2,0002040,000 W5003517,500 89,000 N/AN/AN/A 3,40022.074,80074,800

29 People — Sensible Gain Determine number of people: 280 Activity level: moderately active office work S: p. 1617, T.F.8

30 Cooling Loads Insert roof values Insert wall values Insert glass values Insert outdoor air values Insert people values SR-3 0.025 20,00031.0 15,500 15,500 N0.054 3,98011.32.429 E 0.054 1,98011.31.208 S0.0542,95011.31,800 W0.0541,98011.31,208 6,645 N1,0001414,000 E 5003517,500 S2,0002040,000 W5003517,500 89,000 N/AN/AN/A 3,40022.074,80074,800 20025050,000

31 Lighting Load Lighting load: 1.5 w/sf Equipment load: 0.5 w/sf

32 Cooling Loads Insert roof values Insert wall values Insert glass values Insert outdoor air values Insert people values Insert lighting values Insert equipment values SR-3 0.025 20,00031.0 15,500 15,500 N0.054 3,98011.32.429 E 0.054 1,98011.31.208 S0.0542,95011.31,800 W0.0541,98011.31,208 6,645 N1,0001414,000 E 5003517,500 S2,0002040,000 W5003517,500 89,000 N/AN/AN/A 3,40022.0 74,800 74,800 20025050,000 40,0001.5204,780 40,0000.568,260323,040

33 Cooling Loads Sensible Heat Gain: 508985 Btuh Latent Heat Gain (20%): 101,797 Btuh Total Heat Gain: 610,782Btuh or 50.9 Tons Tons=Q/12,000 SR-3 0.025 20,00031.0 15,500 15,500 N0.054 3,98011.32.429 E 0.054 1,98011.31.208 S0.0542,95011.31,800 W0.0541,98011.31,208 6,645 N1,0001414,000 E 5003517,500 S2,0002040,000 W5003517,500 89,000 N/AN/AN/A 3,40022.074,80074,800 20025050,000 40,0001.5204,780 40,0000.568,260323,040 508,985 101,797 610,782 50.9 2.5 1.1 14.6 16.7 83.3 52.8 12.3 100.0

34 Cooling Degree Hours

35 Relative indicator of warmth S: p. 1496, T.B.1

36 Cooling Degree Hours Balance Point Temperature (BPT): temperature above which cooling is needed CDH(BPT)= ODBT-BPT If temperature (ODBT)=91ºF CDH74=ODBT-74 =91-74 =17 cooling degree-hours

37 Energy Performance Ratings

38 Performance Ratings COP: coefficient of performance EER: energy efficiency at full load SEER: seasonal energy efficiency ratio Note:SEER≈COP x 3.413

39 Annual Fuel Consumption

40 Annual Fuel Usage (E) E= UA x CDH(BPT) SEER where: UA: cooling load/ºF CDH(BPT): degree hours for balance point SEER: seasonal energy efficiency rating

41 Calculating UA Q Total = UA x ΔT UA= Q Total /ΔT From earlier example: Q Total = Btuh ΔT= 95-75=20ºF UA=610782/20= 30,539 Btuh/ºF

42 Annual Fuel Usage Example Compare two systems to determine what is the expected annual electrical usage for an apartment in Salt Lake City if its peak cooling load is 12,000 Btuh? UA=Q/ΔT UA=12,000/20= 600 Btuh/ºF

43 Determine SEER Obtain SEER from manufacturer’s data or Convert COP to SEER SEER: 5-15 For this example: SEER 1 =6.8 SEER 2 =10.2

44 Annual Fuel Usage — Electricity E= UA x CDH74 SEER E 1 =(600)(9,898)/(6.8) =873,353 wh/yr =873 kwh/yr If electricity is $0.0735/kwh, then annual cost = $64

45 Annual Fuel Usage — Electricity E= UA x CDH74 SEER E 2 =(600)(9,898)/(10.2) =582,235 wh/yr =582 kwh/yr If electricity is $0.0735/kwh, then annual cost = $43

46 Simple Payback Analysis

47 Simple Payback Cooling System Cost Comparison First Cost ($) System 1500 System 2600

48 Simple Payback Cooling System Cost Comparison FirstAnnualIncrementalIncrementalSimple Cost Fuel CostFirst CostAnnual SavingsPayback ($)($/yr)($)($/yr)(yrs) System 150064--- ------ System 260043100214.8 Payback exceeds 3 years, select system 1 Other factors?


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