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Project number: 2011-1-DE3-COM06-19211 6. Type of home : Semi-detached Land area for a single segment : 1350 m² - (67,5 m x 20 m) The area of one segment.

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Presentation on theme: "Project number: 2011-1-DE3-COM06-19211 6. Type of home : Semi-detached Land area for a single segment : 1350 m² - (67,5 m x 20 m) The area of one segment."— Presentation transcript:

1 project number: 2011-1-DE3-COM06-19211 6

2 Type of home : Semi-detached Land area for a single segment : 1350 m² - (67,5 m x 20 m) The area of one segment : 173,20 m² + 33,00 m² (attic) + 57,02 m² (garage) Rate of energy demand for heating : 14 kWh ( m²)

3 Location : ul. Parkowa 3, 05-083 Wólka (14 km from the border of Warsaw towards Leszno) (Warsaw)


5 GROUND FLOR :  Salon - 35,59 m²  Room - 22,73 m²  Kitchen - 14,04 m²  Bathroom - 6,51 m²  WC - 2,97 m²  Boiler - 5,75 m²  Hall - 3,43 m²  Vestibule - 5,83 m²  Stairs - 6,29 m²

6 FIRST FLOOR :  Double - 11,23 m²  Double - 11,45 m²  Double - 16,59 m²  Bathroom - 7,28 m²  Dressing Room - 5,78 m²  Utility Room - 3,20 m²  Entrace Hall - 11,45 m² FRONT OF THE BUILDING :

7 WALLS : External structural walls are made of polystyrene poured using formwork Walls suporex Styrofoam Insulation Termoorganika: "The wall - Platinum Plus" for thermal conductivity 0,031 (W/mK)

8 FLOOR : Concrete Styrofoam insulated from the ground Termoorganika: "Gold Floor" with heat conduction coefficient of 0,036 (W/mK) FUNDATION : In order to eliminate thermal bridge from foundation wall is used Plinth Insulating ISOMUR Styrofoam Insulation Termoorganika: "Silver Foundation" on heat conduction coefficient of 0,035 (W/mK)

9 ROOF : The roof structure on the basis of I-beams Steico Styrofoam Insulation Termoorganika: "Roof - Platinum Plus Superpoddasze "of thermal conductivity Heat 0,031 (W/mK) Highly vapor permeable membrane Dorken Delta Vent N Tile

10 WINDOW FRAMES : Window REHAU Clima-Design PCV depth profiles : 120 mm / seal center heat transfer coefficient : U f to 0,71 W/m²K, U w =0,8 W/m²K sound insulation (VDI 2719) / R w : class 4/R w ≥ 42 dB resistance to burglary (ENV 1627): the class WK 2 air permeability(PN-EN 12207): BG C (DIN 18055) waterproof (PN-EN 12208): BG C (DIN 18055) Certified for building passive door INTERNORM SELECTION (U D = 0,73 W/m²K) - are made from a special combination of materials : wood/foam thermal insulation/aluminum. DOOR WOODWORK :

11 SOLARHEAT PUMP, WATER BUFFER, RECUPERATOR Compakt 360 DC is a combination of air handling unit with heat recovery and integrated heat pump air / water and together with multi-heat tank 580 PWS is a complete system for ventilation, heating and dhw (hot water heater) for low energy and passive buildings that can be further expanded to support the solar system. Compact unit for fully automatic controlled by a microprocessor controller with a built-in control panel on the device and control room temperature with aeration hotkey..

12 INSTALLATION SCHEMA COMPAKT 360 DC Panel peace with the sensor temperature correction of 3°C and a function rapid ventilation The control panel mounted on the device, with clear menus and function fast charging tray and ventilation The efficiency of heat recovery


14 OUTSIDE +32 0 C INSIDE +22 0 C air entering the building 14-20 0 C ground temperature 4 – 8 0 C air entering the building 0-4 0 C OUTSIDE -22 0 C SUMMER WINTER

15 heat loss – traditional househeat gains – traditional househeat gains – passive househeat loss – passive house kWh/m 2 solar heat gains internal heat gains heating heat loss through windows heat loss through roof heat loss through walls heat loss through floor heat loss through ventilation

16 Reduction of energy for heating 150 kWh/m 2 a Equivalent to 15m 3 of gas or 15l of light oil 15 kWh/m 2 a Equivalent to 1,5m 3 of gas or 1,5l of light oil


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