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Pediatric Limb Deficiency

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1 Pediatric Limb Deficiency
Ramona M.Okumura, C.P./L.P. Clinical Prosthetist Senior Lecturer, Division of Prosthetics Orthotics Department of Rehabilitation Medicine School of Medicine University of Washington

2 Introduction small number born with or acquiring a limb deficiency
vast majority have no known etiology child’s changing developmental capabilities continuously alter the team treatment plan must keep the doors open for long-term goals and yet provide for optimal functioning successful outcome depends on treatment of the whole family very pleasant clients which usually do very well in a healthy family unit

3 Objectives Be able to classify Limb Deficiencies
Identify particular management issues Know how often to review the prescription as the child grows Predict a functional outcome

4 Epidemiology Incidence estimated at 4 per 10,000 births
Congenital 60% to Acquired 40% Male : Female Congenital 1.2:1 Acquired 3:2 Left : Right 2:1 in unilateral UE Transverse Deficiency

5 Epidemiology Common presentations
Unilateral transverse deficiency of the forearm middle third

6 Epidemiology Common presentations
Unilateral conversion by ankle disarticulation for longitudinal fibular deficiency

7 Embryology Limbs form 4-7 weeks gestation
Proximal to distal in sequence Upper limb develops slightly ahead of the lower limb Simultaneously with organ development Associated with Radial deficiency

8 Etiology of Congenital Deficiencies
Environmental Genetic

9 Environmental Etiology
precise origin unknown in the majority of cases

10 Environmental Etiology
precise origin unknown Speculate Vascular causes particularly some kind of Thromboembolism

11 Environmental Etiology
precise origin unknown Speculate Vascular/Thromboembolism Mechanical: Amniotic Bands or Streeter’s dysplasia in which multiple limbs are involved

12 Environmental Etiology
precise origin unknown Speculate Vascular/Thromboembolism Mechanical: Amniotic Bands Maternal: diabetes mellitus intrauterine infection

13 Environmental Etiology
precise origin unknown Speculate Vascular/Thromboembolism Mechanical: Amniotic Bands Maternal causes Pharmaceutical: Thalidomide only proven drug Others suspected, no convincing evidence

14 Genetic Etiology Chromosomal: ex. Turner’s syndrome XXX

15 Genetic Etiology Single Gene
Autosomal Dominant: Longitudinal tibial deficiency

16 Genetic Etiology Single Gene Autosomal Dominant
Autosomal Recessive: TAR Thrombocytopenia Absent Radius

17 Etiology of Acquired Deficiencies
Trauma 67% especially trains and lawn mowers

18 Etiology of Acquired Deficiencies
Disease 33% majority caused by malignancy, particularly years of age

19 Etiology of Acquired Deficiencies
Surgical conversion for congenital limb deficiency

20 Classification of Congenital Limb Deficiency
International Organization for Standardization (ISO) restricted to skeletal radiological deficiency

21 ISO Classification of Congenital Limb Deficiency
Transverse deficiency: no skeletal elements present distally Name the level of the portion of the limb involved (Upper Arm) State the portion where the absence occurs (“middle third” or “total”)

22 ISO Classification of Congenital Limb Deficiency
Left Transverse deficiency: Forearm middle third

23 ISO Classification of Congenital Limb Deficiency
Longitudinal deficiency: skeletal elements present axially or distally Name the bones involved State partial or total absence

24 ISO Classification of Congenital Limb Deficiency
Right Longitudinal deficiency: Fibula total Tarsals partial Rays 3,4,5 total

25 Frantz and O’Rahilly Classification Congenital Limb Deficiency
terminal or intercalary transverse or paraxial complete or incomplete additional terms amelia total absence of the limb involved hemimelia partial absence of the limb involved phocomelia absence of the long bones

26 Classification of Acquired Limb Deficiency
Through long bones Upper Extremity Transradial = Below Elbow (BE) Transhumeral = Above Elbow (AE) Lower Extremity Transtibial = Below Knee (BK) Transfemoral = Above Knee (AK) Limb Salvage and Turnplasty (Van Ness)

27 Classification of Acquired Limb Deficiency
Through the joint: Name the joint + “Disarticulation” Upper Extremity: Wrist Disarticulation, etc. Lower Extremity: Ankle Disarticulation, etc.

28 Clinical Principles Treatment goals
Healthy body image Maintain choice for prosthetic options Optimal function

29 Clinical Principles General considerations
Team approach Developmental focus Return appointments 3-4 months to eval prosthetic fit & function Annually for team to assess developmental needs

30 Clinical Principles Psychosocial Support
Clients need to meet others with similar presentations Guilt and associated familial problems Give child control and decision making opportunities Genetic counseling should be provided to both the child and parents

31 Clinical Principles Surgical Planning
Timing for congenital conversions

32 Clinical Principles Surgical Planning
Timing Growth plate considerations

33 Clinical Principles Surgical Planning
Timing Growth plate considerations Overgrowth with long bone transections

34 Clinical Principles Surgical Planning
Timing Growth plate considerations Overgrowth Planning for multiple surgical procedures

35 Clinical Principles OT and PT
When infants, we must train parents and caregivers Children need minimal “training” instead need opportunity

36 Clinical Principles Prosthetic designs
Endoskeletal vs. exoskeletal Flexible vs. rigid Growth adjustable designs Socks when applicable can allow for growth For unilateral deficiencies, legs are used, but arms often rejected Recreation

37 Clinical Principles LE Prosthetic Considerations
Wearing guidelines Fit when pull the stand and cruising (9-12 months)

38 Clinical Principles LE Prosthetic Considerations
Foot/Ankle Toddler gait Lacks heel strike Wide base of support

39 Clinical Principles LE Prosthetic Considerations
Child’s gait more normal gait benefit from dynamic foot/ankle

40 Clinical Principles LE Prosthetic Considerations
Knee Toddler has fixed/locked knee Some centers experimenting with a free knee

41 Clinical Principles LE Prosthetic Considerations
Knee Toddler has fixed/locked knee At 3 y.o. temporary reduction of Knee ROM while learning

42 Clinical Principles LE Prosthetic Considerations
Hip uses alignment stability

43 Clinical Principles UE Prosthetic Considerations
Wearing guidelines 3 mos for supine grasp “Fit when sit” Best before 12 mos. Common periods for rejection Unilaterals functional without prosthesis, but more receptive learners than adults

44 Clinical Principles UE Prosthetic Considerations
Grasp Passive as an infant for gross grasp

45 Clinical Principles UE Prosthetic Considerations
Grasp Active when developmentally “ready” and able to “understand” grasping function (18-24 months)

46 Clinical Principles UE Prosthetic Considerations
Grasp Electric switch control can provide active control at an earlier age

47 Clinical Principles UE Prosthetic Considerations
Elbow Fixed for sitting balance as an infant

48 Clinical Principles UE Prosthetic Considerations
Elbow Fixed as an infant Passive friction for toddler Active locking at 3 years old

49 Clinical Principles UE Prosthetic Considerations
High level prosthetic function poor substitute and often rejected

50 Special Case Discussion
Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency (PFFD) Aitken A or B

51 Special Case Discussion
Proximal Femoral Focal Deficiency (PFFD) Aitken A or B Aitken C or D

52 Special Case Discussion
Longitudinal fibular deficiency Normal foot with stable ankle, centralization surgery AFO Shoe Lifts/Lengthening

53 Special Case Discussion
Longitudinal fibular deficiency Abnormal foot Ankle disarticulation conversion for a Prosthesis

54 Special Case Discussion
Septicemia/Purpura Fulminans Skin management Overgrowth

55 Special Case Discussion
Radial Deficiency Associated pathologies genetics

56 Special Case Discussion
Tibial Deficiency Surgical conversion genetics

57 Special Case Discussion
Bilateral upper extremity

58 Special Case Discussion
Bilateral upper extremity Bilateral lower extremity

59 Special Case Discussion
High Level Quadramembral Deficiencies FUNCTION

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