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Indications Immobilization of non-displaced fracture Immobilization of “occult” or suspected fracture –Non-displaced Salter I fracture –Toddler’s fracture.

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Presentation on theme: "Indications Immobilization of non-displaced fracture Immobilization of “occult” or suspected fracture –Non-displaced Salter I fracture –Toddler’s fracture."— Presentation transcript:

1 Indications Immobilization of non-displaced fracture Immobilization of “occult” or suspected fracture –Non-displaced Salter I fracture –Toddler’s fracture Immobilization of a displaced or unstable fracture prior to transfer to the ED –Fracture with obvious deformity –Suspected supracondylar fracture of elbow (the big swollen elbow)


3 Distal Forearm Fractures

4 Thumb fx 1 st Metacarpal fx Scaphoid fx Lunate fx

5 Fx of Proximal Phalanx of Ring & Little Finger Fx involving 4 th & 5 th MCP Joint 4 th & 5 th Metacarpal fx

6 Proximal Forearm fx Elbow fx Distal humerus fx

7 Ankle fx Ankle sprain Foot fx –Posterior short leg splint

8 Tibial fx Fibular fx Distal femur fx

9 Prefabricated splinting rolls and materials vs the “old fashioned” method –OCL™, OrthoGlass™ –Prefab materials still need application of cast padding to prevent pressure necrosis

10 Continued on Part II

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