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Published byNicholas Wade Modified over 10 years ago
Physical, Sensory, and Perceptual Development In Infancy
Chapter 4: Physical, Sensory, and Perceptual Development In Infancy
In This Chapter Physical Changes Health and Wellness Infant Mortality
Sensory Skills Perceptual Skills
Physical Changes The Brain and Nervous System
Rapid development during the first 2 years Midbrain and medulla most fully developed at birth The cortex is the least developed. The medulla regulates vital functions such as heartbeat and respiration, attention, sleeping, waking, elimination, and movement of the head and neck. The cortex is responsible for perception, body movement, thinking, and language.
Figure 4.1 Parts of the Brain
The medulla regulates vital functions such as heartbeat and respiration, attention, sleeping, waking, elimination, and movement of the head and neck. The cortex is responsible for perception, body movement, thinking, and language. Figure 4.1 Parts of the Brain
The Brain and Nervous System Physical Changes: Synaptic Development
Synaptogenesis Creation of synapses or connections between neurons Synaptic pruning Elimination of unused neural pathways and connections Early in development, each muscle cell seems to develop synaptic connections with several motor neurons in the spinal cord. But after the pruning process has occurred, each muscle fiber is connected to only one neuron. Some neurophysiologists have suggested that the initial surge of synapse formation follows a built-in pattern (Greenough et al., 1987). The organism seems to be programmed to create certain kinds of neural connections and does so in abundance, creating redundant pathways. According to this argument, the pruning that takes place beginning at around eighteen months is a response to experience, resulting in selective retention of the most efficient pathways.
The Brain and Nervous System Plasticity
Neural plasticity: Brain’s ability to change in response to experience Use it or lose it Changes in psychological functioning Rat infants reared in a highly stimulating environment have a denser network of neurons, dendrites, and synaptic connections. Young infants need sufficient stimulation and order in their environments to maximize the early period of rapid growth and plasticity. Use it or lose it An intellectually challenging environment creates a more complex network of synapses. Changes in psychological functioning Developmental changes in brain across lifespan Infant brains have greater plasticity but more vulnerability to major deficits.
The Brain and the Nervous System Myelinization
Myelin: Insulating layer of proteins and fatty substances Description Timing Myelin: Insulating layer of proteins and fatty substances Description Forms myelin sheath covering individual axons Provides insulation and speeds up neuronal processes Follows cephalocaudal and proximodistal patterns Timing Most rapid during first two years Continues at slower pace throughout childhood and adolescence Cephalocaudal: head to toe Proximodistal: near to far
Reflexes and Behavioral States Adaptive Reflexes
Adaptive reflexes: Reflexes that help survival Warn of possible neuronal development problems when weak or absent Some persist throughout life. Help survival Sucking Withdrawal from pain Opening and closing of pupil Warn of possible neuronal development problems when weak or absent Some reflexes, such as sucking, will be replaced by voluntary behaviors, while others are available throughout the lifespan.
Reflexes and Behavioral States Primitive Reflexes
Primitive reflexes: Reflexes controlled by less sophisticated parts of brain Should appear at birth and disappear by 6 to 8 months. May indicate neurological problems if persistent. Controlled by less sophisticated parts of brain Moro (or “startle”) reflex Babinski reflex (curled toes) Should disappear by six to eight months. May indicate neurological problems if persistent. Less sophisticated parts of the brain include the medulla and midbrain.
Reflexes and Behavioral States States of Consciousness
Sleep, Baby, sleep Patterns of sleep and wakefulness stabilize with age. Neonates sleep 80 percent of the time. By 8 weeks, babies begin to sleep through the night. By 6 months, babies average 14 hours of sleep per day. Sleep patterns are individualized and some babies may not develop nighttime patterns until one year of age. Patterns of sleep and wakefulness stabilize with age. Neonates sleep 80 percent of the time. By eight weeks, babies begin to sleep through the night. By six months, babies average fourteen hours of sleep per day. Clear nighttime patterns and daytime naps are established.
Reflexes and Behavioral States Five States of Sleep and Wakefulness
Deep sleep Light sleep Alert wakefulness Fussing Drowsy Sleep patterns are individualized and some babies may not develop nighttime patterns until one year of age. Patterns of sleep and wakefulness stabilize with age. Neonates sleep 80 percent of the time. By eight weeks, babies begin to sleep through the night. By six months, babies average fourteen hours of sleep per day. Clear nighttime patterns and daytime naps are established. Most infants move through these states in the same sequence every 2 hours
Reflexes and Behavioral States Crying Baby, Not Crybaby!
Cries differ by need. Cross-cultural studies suggest crying increases until 6 weeks then tapers off. Prompt attention to crying in the first 3 months leads to less crying later. Cries differ by need. Basic cry signals hunger: rhythmic pattern Anger cry: louder and more intense Pain cry: very abrupt onset Colic: a pattern involving intense bouts of crying for no immediately apparent reason, as much as three hours a day. Appears at about two weeks then disappears by three to four months of age.
Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems Physical Changes: Growth
By age one 10 to 12 inches of growth Infants triple body weight Around age two Toddlers reach half their adult height. Proportionately much larger heads than adults
Growth, Motor Skills, and Developing Body Systems Growth and Motor Skills: Overview
Inborn timetable of motor skills interacts with other aspects of physical development (Thelen). Muscles, bones, weight—all work together. Opportunities to practice motor skills are important.
Stop and Think! Researchers suggest there is a difference in the rate but similarity in the sequence of motor skill development. Using this information as a base, what advice would you give to parents of toddlers?
Developing Body Systems and Motor Skills Bones
Ossification: Process of hardening of bones Begins during prenatal development Continues through puberty Motor development depends to a large extent on ossification. Changes in number and density of bones are responsible for improved coordination. At birth, wrist is cartilage; by one to three years of age, it is separate bones: by adolescence, nine separate bones. This improves manipulative skills. Standing is impossible without ossification.
Developing Body Systems and Motor Skills Muscles
Full complement of muscle fibers present at birth Decline in muscle tissue to fat ratio occurs by age 1. Change in muscle composition leads to increase in strength. Stamina: ability to maintain activity Gross motor skills exhibit predictable changes over time. Fine motor skills, such as palmar grasp and pincer grasp, take longer to develop. Motor skills follows cephalocaudal and proximodistal development. Gallaway and Thelen (2004): infants can reach for objects more efficiently with their legs—just the opposite of cephalocaudal development.
Developing Body Systems and Motor Skills Lungs and Heart
Rapid growth during the first 2 years leads to stamina. Ability to sustain motor activity without rest by end of infancy Stamina: ability to maintain activity Gross motor skills exhibit predictable changes over time. Fine motor skills, such as palmar grasp and pincer grasp, take longer to develop. Motor skills follow cephalocaudal and proximodistal development. Gallaway and Thelen (2004): infants can reach for objects more efficiently with their legs—just the opposite of cephalocaudal development.
Cross-Cultural Research
Developing Body Systems and Motor Skills Cross-Cultural Research Experience influences motor development! African motor development The pattern of traditional cultural practices promotes motor development. Precocity does not persist into early childhood. Stamina: ability to maintain activity Gross motor skills exhibit predictable changes over time. Fine motor skills, such as palmar grasp and pincer grasp, take longer to develop. Motor skills follow cephalocaudal and proximodistal development. Gallaway and Thelen(2004): infants can reach for objects more efficiently with their legs—just the opposite of cephalocaudal development.
? ? Questions To Ponder Do you or your spouse plan on breastfeeding? What factors would make you want to breastfeed? What factors would cause you not to breastfeed? What are the 3 most important factors that influence physical growth? Why are they important?
Health and Wellness Nutrition: Breastfeeding and Bottle feeding
Nutritionally superior: More rapid weight gain and size Early health benefits Only nutrition needed for first 4 to 6 months of life May not be possible for all mothers May be needed supplement for preterm babies Special-needs formulas available Can be high quality Allows more father participation Common illnesses: diarrhea, gastroenteritis, bronchitis, ear infections, and colic, as well as infant death Mothers should not breastfeed if using drugs, if they are substance abusers, or if they have AIDS.
Health and Wellness Nutrition: Solid Food
Solid Foods Early introduction can interfere with nutrition. Do not help babies to sleep through the night Should start between 4–6 months Baby is ready for solid foods when he or she can: Hold head in steady, upright position Sit with support Show interest in what you are eating
Health and Wellness Malnutrition
Macronutrient malnutrition Marasmus Kwashiorkor Micro-nutrient malnutrition Macronutrient malnutrition Diet containing too few calories Leading worldwide cause of death in children under five Marasmus Severe calorie deficit Extremely small Can cause permanent brain damage Kwashiorkor Diet too low in protein Micronutrient malnutrition Deficiency of certain vitamins and/or minerals Marasmus and Kwashiorkor are found in many developing countries. Industrial societies suffer more from micronutrient malnutrition—a deficiency of certain vitamins or minerals. Iron deficiency leads to anemia, which may impede both social and language development.
Health and Wellness Health Care and Immunization
Health Care and Immunizations Routine health professional visits are important. Overall health and motor skills are assessed during visits Vaccinations are given to prevent diseases. Vaccinations: three for hepatitis, four for diphtheria/tetanus/pertussis, three for influenza, one for measles U.S. vaccination rates are high, but declining. Continued education efforts and government support are needed. Daycare babies have twice as many respiratory illnesses as stay-at-home babies.
Health and Wellness Health Care and Illness
Illnesses in first 2 years Respiratory illnesses common Higher in children participating in childcare programs Chronic ear infections Daycare babies have twice as many respiratory illnesses as stay-at-home babies.
Health and Wellness Infant Mortality
Death within the first year of life 7 babies per 1000 in the U.S. Related to prenatal care Varies widely among U.S. ethnic groups Let’s look at Figure 4.3 to examine group differences in infant mortality. Racial differences occur in infant mortality (Figure 4.2): lowest among Asian-American infants; African-American infants have the highest. 7 babies per 1000 in the U.S. Has declined steadily for several decades Higher in U. S. than in other industrialized countries Poverty is still a leading cause of infant mortality regardless of race.
Figure 4.2 Group Differences in Infant Mortality
Next Let’s Look at Early Prenatal Care and Ethnicity
See if you can identify disparities across ethnic groups with regard to access to prenatal care. Do you see any correspondence to these disparities and infant mortality?
Figure 4.3 Early Prenatal Care and Ethnicity
Health and Wellness Sudden Infant Death Syndrome (SIDS)
Incidence: Leading cause of death in U.S. in infants 1–12 months Relationships: Apnea Sleeping on stomach Maternal smoking More common in babies with apnea (brief cessations in breathing) Racial differences occur in infant mortality (Figure 4.2): lowest among Asian-American infants; African-American infants have the highest. Poverty is still a leading cause of infant mortality regardless of race.
Sensory Skills Vision Rapid development of visual acuity
20/200 at birth; 20/20 at 2 years Color vision Red, blue, green at 1 month Tracking Tracking slow-moving object before 2 months and skilled at 6–10 weeks Infants younger than two months show some tracking ability for brief periods; by 6–10 weeks, babies become skillful at tracking. 20/200 at birth 20/20 by 2 years Color vision Red, green, and blue present by one month Color sense almost identical to an adult’s Tracking Process of following moving object Initially inefficient but improves rapidly Tracks for short period of time when younger than two months (slow-moving target) By ten weeks, skillful
Sensory Skills Hearing
Adult voices heard well and some directional loud-sound location Smelling and tasting Newborns react differently to each basic taste as early as birth. Touch and motion Best developed of all senses Hearing Adult voices heard well High-pitched noises must be loud to be heard. Some directional sound location Smelling and tasting are intricately related. Four basic tastes: sweet, sour, bitter, and salty Sensitive to touches on the mouth, hands, soles of feet, and abdomen
Taste Responses in Newborns What responses do you see?
Ask: What responses do you see? Sour, sweet, bitter?
Taste Responses in Newborns
Ask: How many did you correctly identify?
Stop and Think! In what ways do babies’ sensory skills contribute to the development of the parent–infant relationship?
Perceptual Skills Studying Perceptual Development
Preference technique Study how long baby attends to a particular stimulus. Habituation/dishabituation Study loss of interest in particular stimulus after repeated exposures. Operant conditioning Vary the stimulus and study the learned responses. How does a baby interpret or combine sensory experience? The process is called perception. Preference technique: baby is shown 2 pictures and researchers keep track of how long the baby looks at each one. Habituation: show a baby something over and over until the baby stops looking at it. Dishabituation: renewed interest in something that is slightly different than the original stimulus
Looking Skills Depth Perception
Depth perception can be judged by: Binocular cues Monocular cues Kinetic cues Do you know the differences among these cues? Binocular cues Involve both eyes The closer an object, the more the views from the two eyes differ. Information from eye muscles tells about distance. Monocular cues Input from one eye Interposition Linear perspective Kinetic cues Motion from objects or the eyes
Depth Perception A Walk on the Wild Side—Almost
Visual Cliff: Gibson and Walk (1960) Initial findings: 6-month-old babies would not cross the visual cliff. Recent findings: 3-month-olds have some depth perception. Recent findings: Babies use kinetic information as early as three months. Binocular cues are used at four months. Linear perspective cues are used last, at five to seven months.
Perceptual Skills What Babies Look At: Scanning
Initially scan for sharp, light/dark contrasts and then scan edges 2 months: scan entire object and look for patterns 2-3 months: shift from where to what object 3-4 months: attention to patterns, not just specific stimuli Visual attention: guided by search for meaningful pattern Babies demonstrate a preference for light/dark contrasts. Albert Caron and Rose Caron used habituation (Figure 4.5); small over big.
What Babies Look At What Babies Look At: Faces
Face NOT uniquely interesting to infants Attractive faces and mother’s face preferred Before 2 months: Scan edges (hairline, chin) 2–3 months: Scan internal facial features, especially eyes Research by Gail Walton (1992), using the preference technique, compared sucking rates of babies only a day or two old when looking at either a picture of their mothers or someone else. The babies clearly preferred to look at their moms. Walton’s subjects spent at least an hour with their mothers immediately after birth—even when the birth was by cesarean section.
Listening What Babies Hear: Discriminating Speech Sounds
1 month: discriminate between “pa” and “ba” 3 months: respond to male, female, and children’s voices similarly 6 months: discriminate between 2-syllable words 6 months: distinguish sound contrasts in any language; fades by 1 year Prefer the mother’s voice above all others Very young infants make fine discriminations among individual sounds and pay attention to patterns.
Perceptual Systems Combining Information from Several Senses
Intermodal perception: Formation of single perception of stimulus that is based on information from 2 or more senses Possible by 1 month Common by 6 months Important in infant learning Gibson and Gibson argue that cross-modal transfer is an inborn set of skills. Learn in one sense modality, transfer information to another modality Intersensory integration is essential to infant learning.
Perceptual Systems Explaining Perceptual Development
Nativists Empiricists Most perceptual abilities inborn Many of these abilities present at birth Most perceptual abilities learned Experience needed to develop perceptual systems Gibson and Gibson argue that cross-modal transfer is an inborn set of skills. Intersensory integration is essential to infant learning. A compromise position: Perceptual skill development is the result of interaction between inborn and experiential factors.
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