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July 21, 2011 Early Child Forum Meeting Early Childhood Development and Services Pathway Introduction.

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Presentation on theme: "July 21, 2011 Early Child Forum Meeting Early Childhood Development and Services Pathway Introduction."— Presentation transcript:

1 July 21, 2011 Early Child Forum Meeting Early Childhood Development and Services Pathway Introduction

2 Why is this being shared with you? Secondary Family and Consumer Sciences departments are offering occupational coursework to begin the skill set needed in quality early child related employees. These programs can provide you with the future workforce you need, these programs need you now to guide them as well as offer training sites for their students. Early Child Forum, ECDS Pathway Intro--7-21-11 G. Randel, KSDE 2

3 Agenda:  ECDS in the career clusters.  Needs of industry  Review the pathway design  Review course content  Look at industry connections Early Child Forum, ECDS Pathway Intro--7-21-11 G. Randel, KSDE 3

4 Kansas Career Cluster Early Child Forum, ECDS Pathway Intro--7-21-11 G. Randel, KSDE 4

5 5

6 Early Childhood Development and Services Outlook Occupations: Determining factors: High demand, High skills, High wage Childcare Assistant (500,000+) Nanny (500,000+) Teacher Assistant (400,000) Childcare Facilities Director (25,000) Parent Educator (120,000) Elementary School Counselor (94,000) Preschool Teacher (500,000+) Family and Consumer Sciences Teachers ( 500,000+) (High Demand… Severely High Demand … www.o’ Early Child Forum, ECDS Pathway Intro--7-21-11 G. Randel, KSDE 6

7 FCS departments that offer this pathway are required to comply with six state directives to ensure the skill set is being developed, practiced and demonstrated in authentic experiences. ECDS Approved Program

8 Early Child Forum, ECDS Pathway Intro G. Randel, KSDE 8 A. Course competency adoption is required— --Schools must adopt the competencies that were developed and approved by business, industry and the Kansas Advisory Council for Career and Technical Education. --Series of three levels of courses: IntroductoryIntro to Human Services orCareer and Life Planning TechnicalOrientation to Early Childhood Development orHuman Growth and Development AND Family Studies Foundations of Early Childhood ApplicationEarly Childhood Applications

9 B. Post-secondary articulation is required. Agreements between secondary and post-secondary schools must be present. The agreement would recognize specific courses or a pathway completion to allow the skill training to seamlessly continue leading to a more qualified workforce. Early Child Forum, ECDS Pathway Intro--7-21-11 G. Randel, KSDE 9

10 C. Industry certification/competencies are embedded. 1. CDA--The Child Development Associates certification is embedded in the technical and application levels of this pathway to ensure the industry standards are included. CDA experiences embedded in the courses. Resource Collections Document—Infant/Toddler CDA Ready Infant/Toddler Documentation Form Resource Collections Document—Preschool CDA Ready Preschool Documentation Form 2. KS/MO Competencies—The KS/MO competencies have been cross-walked in the technical and application level course competencies to indicate the correlation. Early Child Forum, ECDS Pathway Intro--7-21-11 G. Randel, KSDE 10

11 D. An industry-related advisory council is required. Members of the local community who work in this field are to be identified and utilized to provide the guidance of the pathway courses, and provide input on training options and teaching resources. Early Child Forum, ECDS Pathway Intro--7-21-11 G. Randel, KSDE 11

12 E. An application is submitted (CPPSA). An application is submitted to KSDE which ensures all the above items are in place and are re-evaluated each year to document that the advisory committee has offered guidance and their guidance was followed, resources are current and the skill set is being addressed Early Child Forum, ECDS Pathway Intro--7-21-11 G. Randel, KSDE 12

13 F. Authentic experiences with assessments are part of the pathway. Mentoring experiences Interactions with children in general to gain comfort level. Practice learned skills…interacting appropriately, enhancing development through teacher created experiences (i.e. writing a children's book to read to them about an issue of importance such as sharing or having a new baby in the family). Student-create experiences to practice their skill in activity development. Entering CTSO Contest FCCLA—Early Childhood Skills USA—Preschool Teaching Assistant Early Child Forum, ECDS Pathway Intro--7-21-11 G. Randel, KSDE 13

14 Benefits of becoming involved.

15 Children’s needs will be addressed thru training to provide quality care. Early Childhood Industry will be on the road to having a trained workforce. Industry will have the future workforce to provide for their children and the children of their employees. CTE students will make the connection between what they are learning and how those skills will be used. CTE students will see the connection to their future employment options. Early Child Forum, ECDS Pathway Intro--7-21-11 G. Randel, KSDE 15

16 Gayla Randel KSDE Education Program Consultant Family and Consumer Sciences 120 E 10 th Street, Topeka, KS66612 785-296-4912 Thank you

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