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QOD 11/16 QOD: Based on our last unit, what was going on in America during the 1930s? What impact do you think this event had on America’s foreign policy.

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Presentation on theme: "QOD 11/16 QOD: Based on our last unit, what was going on in America during the 1930s? What impact do you think this event had on America’s foreign policy."— Presentation transcript:

1 QOD 11/16 QOD: Based on our last unit, what was going on in America during the 1930s? What impact do you think this event had on America’s foreign policy during this time?

2 QOD 11/15 QOD: How would you respond if you knew that your friend was going to get into a fight after school, and you knew your friend would probably lose the fight?

3 QOD 11/11 QOD: Why did certain nations take over other nations after WWI?



6 Invasion of Sudetenland 1938 In 1936, Hitler begins to show aggression by invading Rhineland & Saar Basin (land btwn France & Germany) In 1938, Hitler then invades the Sudetenland (part of Czechoslovakia) The Sudetenland was land that Germany lost after WWI to create Czech. (mostly German people live here)


8 Annexation of Austria 1938 In the same year that Hitler acquires Sudetenland, he also annexes Austria WHY: Hitler is from Austria & Austrians & Germans have similar culture, language, etc. In 1938, Hitler also launches his campaign of Kristallnacht (the night of broken glass) in all lands under German control


10 Munich Pact In Sept., 1938, due to Hitler’s invasions, the British Prime Minister meets with Hitler to create and sign the Munich Pact This agreement stated that Hitler would be able to maintain the areas he already invaded, but that he would promise not to invade or acquire any more land This agreement was seen as an act of appeasement, or giving in



13 Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Aug., 1939 In 1939, Hitler decides to break the Munich Pact & invade Poland. Hitler is very strategic about this invasion. He wants to get the Soviets on his side. REASON: If Hitler invades Poland, the Soviets might think Hitler is going to eventually invade the Soviet Union. Hitler does not want Soviet Union, or allies, to fight yet.

14 Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact Thus, Stalin and Hitler agree to invade Poland together, and to divide Poland. With this promise they also agree to not attack each other, make war with each other during this invasion or over the next 10 years. One month later, the invasion of Poland takes place on Sept. 1, 1939, in a blitzkrieg, lightning warfare


16 Invasion of Poland=WWII With the invasion of Poland, WWII began! However, Hitler eventually breaks this agreement too in June, 1941, when he invades the USSR!


18 Invasion of France 1940: Hitler invades Denmark, Norway, Netherlands, Belgium, & Luxembourg In June, 1940, he also sets his eyes on France-WHY? Hitler captured Paris & divided France into two regions in 35 days: Northern Nazi Occupied France & Southern Vichy France (puppet gov’t controlled by Nazis)



21 Battle of Britain From Northern controlled France, Hitler was able to use his Luftwaffe, German air force, to continually bomb Britain day & night Purpose: Weaken the British for a full invasion British Invasion, Operation Sea Lion, never takes place

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