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Foreign Policy. After World War II America went from isolationism to internationali sm.

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Presentation on theme: "Foreign Policy. After World War II America went from isolationism to internationali sm."— Presentation transcript:

1 Foreign Policy

2 After World War II America went from isolationism to internationali sm

3 What is Foreign Policy? Involves all of a country's relationships- diplomatic, military, commercial, and other- with other countries

4 The State Department The main function is: 1)To advise the President 2) Formulate and conduct U.S. Foreign policy

5 The Foreign Service This group represents the United States abroad in other countries. These include Embassies, diplomats and ambassadors

6 The Military Is under civilian control because the Founders were afraid that a military might try to overtake the government if it was not

7 Chief Military Aides Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Army Chief of Staff Chief of Naval Operations Commandant of the Marine Corps Air Force Chief of Staff

8 The 3 Military Departments

9 Key terms Isolationism: refusal to become involved in the world's affairs Domestic affairs: events that take place in one's own country Right of Legation: Right to send and receive diplomatic representatives

10 Key terms Continued Diplomatic immunity: freedom of ambassadors from the laws of the country they are in Foreign affairs: a nation's relationship with other countries Ambassador: the president's representative to another nation

11 CIA: Central Intelligence Agency Coordinates all information-gathering activities in the Federal government Analyze and evaluate the data received Report the data to the President

12 INS: Immigration and Naturalization Service Deals with people who come to the United States to live and/or work Grants political asylum Naturalizes new citizens

13 NASA: National Aeronautics & Space Administration Plans and carries out the nation's space programs toward both military and peaceful ends

14 Selective Service System Administers the military draft for men between 18 and 26 Exists only on a standby basis today

15 Congressional limit of the CIA It may not conduct activities within the United States

16 Section 2: Quick answers 9: Ignore, don't worry about it 10: draft 11: espionage 12: political asylum

17 Events & Dates placed up here Results written out here Picture of some type over there

18 Monroe Doctrine: 1823 The United States stays out of European affairs and warns others to stay out of the Americas

19 Roosevelt Corollary to the Monroe Doctrine: Early 1900s United States Polices Latin America

20 Open Door in China: 1899 Promoted equal trade access to China and preservation of China's Independence

21 U.S. Enters WWI: 1917 Intention is “to make world safe for Democracy”

22 Japan Bombs Pearl Harbor: 1941 United States becomes fully involved in World War II

23 Collective Security: after WWII Led by the United States, nations form United Nations with the intention of acting together to protect peace

24 Truman Doctrine: 1947 United States supports nations that remain free of Soviet control

25 Berlin Blockade: 1948-1949 After Soviets try to blockade West Berlin, the United States mounts a massive airlift to provide supplies to West Berlin.

26 Korean War: 1950-1953 U.N. Forces, largely American, defend South Korea against Communist North Korea

27 Cuban Missile Crisis: 1962 After Soviets built up military weapons in Cuba, the United States orders naval blockade of Cuba

28 Vietnam War: 1965-1973 United States becomes increasingly involved in a civil war in Vietnam

29 Persian Gulf War: 1991 United States and allies deploy troops to force Iraq to withdraw from Kuwait

30 Collective Security An agreement among the nations of the world to act together against any nation that threatens world peace

31 Deterrence The policy of making America and its allies so militarily strong that their very strength will discourage any attack

32 Cold War A period of 40 years during which the relations between two super powers (US and Russia) were tense and hostile, but no military action took place

33 Containment Anti-Communist policy followed by the United States from the mid- 1940s through the 1980s

34 Detente A policy in which tensions among nations is relaxed

35 NATO: North Atlantic Treaty Organization Members: U.S., Canada, and 17 European Nations Mutual defense pact- an armed attack against one is considered and attack against all

36 Rio Pact Members: U.S., Canada, 32 Latin American nations Mutual defense pact and agreement to seek peaceful settlements of all disputes between member nations

37 ANZUS Members: Australia, New Zealand, and U.S. Regional security alliance, ensure collective security in Pacific region

38 Japanese Pact Members: Japan & U.S. In return for American protection, Japan agrees to allow the U.S. To maintain land, sea and air forces in Japan

39 Philippines Pact Members: U.S. & Philippines Continuing American Military presence in the Philippines to guarantee Philippines independence (now being revised)

40 Korean Pact Members: South Korea & U.S. U.S. Agrees to aid South Korea in the event of an invasion

41 General Assembly of Justice Debates issues, makes recommendations to Security Council and other bodies, elects officials, proposes amendments to charter, shares power to admit, expel, and suspend members

42 Security Council Responsible for keeping the peace Can adopt measures ranging from recommendations to economic and military sanctions

43 Economic & Social Council Carries out the UNs many economic, cultural, educational, health, and related programs

44 International Court of Justice Decides cases voluntarily brought to it Usually involves war crimes, crimes against humanity, or crimes that reach across national borders

45 Secretariat Civil service, administrative chores Secretary-general has power to bring matters before the Security Council

46 Key Terms 18: Foreign aid 19: regional security alliance 20: UN Security Council

47 Congratulations! You have survived!

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