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The ILO and Core Labour Standards
ICTU Global Solidarity Training Course, Dublin, June 2010
International Labour Organization
UN agency for the world of work and promotion of social justice within and between member States ( Operates in unique tripartite framework consisting of governments and social partners (ACTRAV and ACT/EMP) Promotes opportunities for men and women to obtain decent and productive work in conditions of freedom, equity, security and human dignity Current membership of 183 countries
Declaration of Philadelphia
Adopted in 1944 to redefine aims and purpose of the ILO Embodies 4 key principles “Labour is not a commodity” “Freedom of expression and association are essential to sustained socio-economic progress” “Poverty anywhere constitutes danger to prosperity everywhere” “Everyone has the right to pursue material well-being and spiritual development in conditions of freedom, dignity, economic security and equal opportunity” Principles continue to underpin the ILO’s Decent Work Agenda today
Enhanced profile of the ILO
Growth of regional and global economic integration (globalisation) and proliferation of trade agreements, framework agreements, social auditing, etc. have generated greater interest, needs and expectations of core labour standards Led to subsequent enhancement of profile of the ILO Needs and expectations of workers in 21st century are as great as they ever were and ILO has key role to play in their protection
ILO and Tripartism Key characteristic distinguishes ILO from other UN agencies Governments and social partners have equal voice in shaping policies and programmes – but two social partners ILO promotes social dialogue in member States Tripartism reflected in structures as each member State can send 4 delegates to annual International Labour Conference: 2 from government, 1 worker and 1 employer – can speak and vote independently ILC sets broad policy platform of ILO and every 2 years sets biennial work programme and budget financed by member States Key item on agenda of ILC in 2010 and 2011 is creation of new convention and/or recommendation for domestic work
Governance and structures
Between annual ILC sessions, ILO guided by its Governing Body Meets 3 times a year – March, June and November Comprises 28 government, 14 employer and 14 worker representatives – Ireland does not hold permanent seat 3 individual groups hold meetings between themselves during these events
Governance and structures
ILO Geneva is international secretariat and has decentralised field offices around world – although there have been closures with global financial crisis Work is aided by tripartite committees covering major industries and technical committees covering broad range of specialist issues, e.g. workers’ education, youth emplyoment, etc. Workers’ group and GUFs involved in these committee activities
Strategic millennium objectives
4 strategic objectives guide ILO programme and budget: To promote and realize standards and fundamental principles and rights at work To create greater opportunities for women and men to secure decent employment and income To enhance coverage and effectiveness of social protection for all To strengthen tripartism and social dialogue Decent work is heart of ILO’s current goals and work for economic and social progress Underpins everything ILO does and stands for and promoted through national country programmes
ILO’s Core Labour Standards
Forced Labour, Nos.29 and 105 Freedom of Association, Right to Organize and Collective Bargaining, Nos.87 and 98 Equal Remuneration and Discrimination in Employment, Nos. 100 and 111 Minimum Age of Employment and Worst Forms of Child Labour, Nos. 138 and 182 Reinforced by Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work
Promoting the Declaration
In June 1998, ILC adopted Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work Reaffirms commitment of all member States to respect principles concerning 4 categories of fundamental rights at work contained in core conventions: Freedom of association and recognition of right to collective bargaining Elimination of all forms of forced or compulsory labour Abolition of child labour Elimination of discrimination in employment and occupation
Characteristics of Declaration
Declaration addressed concerns about globalisation and social consequences of trade liberalisation Landmark was WTO Ministerial Conference in Singapore 1996 where renewed commitment made to internationally recognised core labour standards and ILO acknowledged as competent body to deal with and set standards Declaration underscores that all member States obliged to respect fundamental principles whether or not have ratified relevant ILO conventions ILO obliged to assist member States in their attempt to fulfill requirements of Declaration As part of follow-up, ILO produces annual review of countries which have not ratified one or more of conventions relating to 4 categories of fundamental rights In addition, ILO produces annual global report on one of 4 categories of fundamental rights 2010 will be Child Labour: Accelerating progress towards 2016
Supervisory Mechanisms
Application of ILO conventions monitored by central supervisory machinery that assesses progress and identifies areas for improvement Provides technical support and assistance to assist member States in fulfilling responsibilities Submit reports every 5 years, except for core conventions where is every 2 Tripartite approach so social partners, including trade unions, invited to participate in process Reports studied by Committee of Experts which publishes its own annual report for Tripartite Committee meeting during annual conference Complaints procedure in place in cases of violations of conventions
Flagship programmes International Programme on the Elimination of Child Labour (IPEC) Promoting the Declaration Gender promotion and equality Crisis response and reconstruction Skills, knowledge and employability Boosting employment through SME development Safety & health at work and environment Socio-economic security Strengthening tripartism and social dialogue Labour law and labour administration Decent work Indigenous rights (only international convention for indigenous peoples) Global Agenda for Employment Multinational Enterprise Programme HIV/AIDS and the world of work Regional programmes focus on issues of regional concern
Fair Globalisation Inadequate focus on human face of globalisation creates gap in understanding forces of change and how people react to them This knowledge vital in developing appropriate policy responses In this context, ILO launched World Commission on the Social Dimension of Globalisation in 2002 Body of invited experts looked at how benefits could reach more people and explored ways of combining socio-economic and environmental objectives to make globalisation work for all Its recommendations were published in the report “A Fair Globalization: Creating Opportunities for All” in 2004
Declaration on Fair Globalisation
In June 2008, ILO adopted its Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalisation 3rd major statement of principles and policies adopted by ILO, building on Philadelphia Declaration of 1944 and Declaration on Fundamental Principles and Rights at Work of 1998 Reaffirmation of ILO values and outcome of tripartite consultations initiated after Report of World Commission Aims to achieve progress and social justice in context of globalisation through tripartite commitment to advance these goals through the Decent Work Agenda Declaration institutionalises Decent Work concept and places it at core of ILO’s policies and programmes
Global Jobs Pact Faced with prospect of prolonged global increase in unemployment, poverty and inequality and continued challenges for enterprises, in June 2009 ILC unanimously adopted “Global Jobs Pact” Global policy instrument to address social and employment impact of international financial and economic crisis Promotes productive recovery centred on investments, employment and social protection Guided by Decent Work Agenda and commitments in 2008 Declaration on Social Justice for a Fair Globalisation Emphasises that respecting fundamental principles and rights at work, strengthening social protection, promoting gender equality and encouraging participation and social dialogue are critical to recovery and development Pact is about promoting jobs and protecting people
Green Jobs Initiative Joint initiative of United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), ILO, International Employers’ Organisation (IOE) and International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC) to assess, analyse and promote creation of decent jobs in context of vital environmental policies Collects data and good practices on green jobs creation and has produced comprehensive study on impact of emerging green economy on world of work Next phase will involve assistance in policy formulation and implementation through macro-economic and sectoral assessment of potential green jobs creation
Flagship publications
Annual World Employment Report: provides up-to-date information and analysis on major trends in world of work 4 volume ILO Encyclopaedia of Occupational Health and Safety: currently in 4th edition Yearbook of Labour Statistics: key source of statistical information on employment issues Key Indicators of Labour Market (KILM): provides analyses from Yearbook and other international references, available online as well International Labour Review: features current policy analysis on employment and labour issues Two quarterlies: Labour Education and World of Work
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